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☼ dj2010: off all meds for 3 months and been fine now bad insomnia


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Hi @dj2010


I hope you would see this message as I'm very desperate and I figured I could use your advice since we have similar symptoms. 


I read that you suffered from stomach issues, I suffer from stomach issues a lot since the meds. I took SSRIs for a short period of time, like 2 months, 12 years ago. After 2 months and horrible side effects, I quit cold turkey. Since then I have been having 24/7 stomach pains, bloating and heartburn. I tried many diets, acupuncture, more alternative treatments, and of course all the conventional stuff. Nothing helped. 


I tried last week hbot 2ata (only one treatment) for 90 min, I didn't feel that the stomach got better, it still was super bloated, I felt extremely fatigue for a week after. Slept a lot for a week (not sure if this is good or bad, as I have have been having sleep issues since the meds).

My back pain might got better, but overall I'm not sure if hbot was bad or good for me. My intuition says that the pressure might have been too much, but maybe I shouldn't give up this treatment


I read you did mhbot and that it helped you, how much pressure did you use and for how long? I'm trying to figure out your protocol as it seemed that it helped you... 


Can you share any more suggestions for the stomach thing? I'm pretty sure it relates to the serotonin disruption and something with the nervous system.


Have you tried alpha stim or anything eventually? 

Any help would be so much appreciated🙏


Thank you so much, and I'm really glad you feel better! 









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  • 1 month later...

Hi @dj2010 I am glad that I found your thread. I am having same issues with sleep as you did. 
I am hopeful that my sleep will improve too with time.


Is your sleep flexible now? I mean do you still have to follow regular bedtime? Are you able to nap? 

Clonazepam 0.5 mg (30 tablets, maximum twice a week)

Temazepam 10mg ( 40 to 45 tablets , upto 30 mg at once , sometimes together with Mirtazapine) 
2022 Mirtazapine 15mg for 2 weeks and stopped CT

Started Amitriptyline 20mg for 3 weeks and stopped CT

Again,Mirtazapine again 7.5mg for 3 weeks and stopped again CT.

7th Jan 2023 - last dose of 7.5mg Mirtazapine.

Currently on supplements:

Mag glycinate 600mg

Fish oil


Vit C and Vit D

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I have been off of Lexopro for 3 years now, before that was on multiple others including Effexor.  While I was on these I typically had a low persistent level of anxiety and sleep issues.  Which they where supposed to help with but didn't. 


Recently I have had some job stressors that have made anxiety worse and have been working with therapist to address root of why these issues cause such anxiety.  They are interested in having me see Physcatrist for meds but won't do it.  You may find medicating normal a documentary interesting as well.   I am using a night mask to address darkness in room which has helped and limiting any blue light or using blue blocker glasses several hours before I go to bed.  Additionally using some Kava Kava and Ashwaghande to help with anxiety. 


Nerual Lingustic Programming and controlled breathing are two other methods I use.  I find the controlled brething helps break the cortisol response in morning.  Also have some meditation tapes that I use with breathing exercises or using something like calm app or watching a calm show on Netflix helps.   


I find that daylight savings time changes and trips across time zones exacerbate my problems so something to keep in mind. 


Hope this helps and it does get better.   

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@LongTermAnxietySufferer Thank you for taking time for your response. I never had any anxiety or depression my whole life until I started and taking those drugs. I was put on those drugs only due to some sleep difficulty related to some other health issues(physical).

I never experienced broken sleep(May be sometimes as normal human being does) or early morning awakening before taking or stopping those drugs. 

Now after stopping 7months ago, I have never slept before 4:00 am or 4:30 am , my body refuses to nap regardless of how many hours I slept during the night and sleep is very broken , I tend to wake up many times and find myself hard to fall back asleep but mostly after 2:30am.I truly believe that those drugs has damaged my circadian rhythm. Having said that it doesn’t mean that I didn’t or don’t have other withdrawal symptoms but sleep seems to more persistent and waking up after 2:30am. 


I am just looking for some reassurance from someone who has already suffered from sleep and recovered.


I wish you well and hope you have recovered 💯 being so far stopping the drug.


Clonazepam 0.5 mg (30 tablets, maximum twice a week)

Temazepam 10mg ( 40 to 45 tablets , upto 30 mg at once , sometimes together with Mirtazapine) 
2022 Mirtazapine 15mg for 2 weeks and stopped CT

Started Amitriptyline 20mg for 3 weeks and stopped CT

Again,Mirtazapine again 7.5mg for 3 weeks and stopped again CT.

7th Jan 2023 - last dose of 7.5mg Mirtazapine.

Currently on supplements:

Mag glycinate 600mg

Fish oil


Vit C and Vit D

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