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PSSD Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction


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I know soft glans syndrome is a rarer symptoms of PSSD, for me this is is the most devastating and annoying symptom. Although it has improved a lot from the very beginning of WD, it fluctuates more or less with my WD windows and waves but often enough has it's own independent windows/waves from the main symptoms.

Sometimes it's more than 90% recovered, other times it's almost as bad as the worst at the beginning and it's super frustrating.  Is there anyone who can share their experience with this symptom if they have had it and if it ever recovers to the point of not fluctuating like crazy?

The odd thing with my soft glans syndrome is I have some small amount of mental control over it, but that mental control tires out quickly to the point of not working until I leave it all alone for some hours to days.

The other is my leg position has a massive influence on it, that is the really odd part, at the beginning when I was totally numb there and from waist down, the same positions, like legs apart or crouching would induce numbness to worsen dramatically and spread upwards toward my chest, and also induce temp urinary and No. 2 retention for an hour or few, so somehow my brain sending out motor signals would cause a breakdown in sensory input and autonomic motor function. Very odd indeed, although most of that has completely healed, the soft glans is still effected by voluntary motor control in my legs and pelvic area in general. This effect goes away when I have a good window with the soft glans remitting.

I also had voluntary muscle control induce loss of sensation and pins and needles in my arms and hands too, they still happen occasionally.

Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone tell me if my libido is reduced after the withdrawal of antidepressants. It is there, but it is not stable, now I have 4 months after the withdrawal of antidepressants. And my libido seems to be deteriorating and improving at the same time. That is, one day starting in the morning, I feel a rush of blood there, at the same time a good mood, a charge of strength and I want to do various things. And the next day, I wake up and I don't even want to try to think positively in the morning, not talking about wanting sex, etc. (today is just such a day) I know about the window and the waves. And I hope that's exactly what I have. But I would like to know. Who had a feeling, after 3-4 months, that everything was not going up but down. And are you getting worse? That is, if you turn back and decompose these 4 months, then sometimes emotionally I fall lower than in the first month. And this is not a campaign for abstinence. But for a complete void. I would appreciate it if someone would share their recovery path in these stages. “thanks.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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11 hours ago, Tolk90 said:

Can someone tell me if my libido is reduced after the withdrawal of antidepressants. It is there, but it is not stable, now I have 4 months after the withdrawal of antidepressants. And my libido seems to be deteriorating and improving at the same time. That is, one day starting in the morning, I feel a rush of blood there, at the same time a good mood, a charge of strength and I want to do various things. And the next day, I wake up and I don't even want to try to think positively in the morning, not talking about wanting sex, etc. (today is just such a day) I know about the window and the waves. And I hope that's exactly what I have. But I would like to know. Who had a feeling, after 3-4 months, that everything was not going up but down. And are you getting worse? That is, if you turn back and decompose these 4 months, then sometimes emotionally I fall lower than in the first month. And this is not a campaign for abstinence. But for a complete void. I would appreciate it if someone would share their recovery path in these stages. “thanks.

Yes, that is one of the main symptoms of PSSD. 

I actually had this coming and going of libido and ability to arouse from 2020, more than a year before I figured out it was the meds and therefore tried to quit them.

Although I still have this erratic up and down with my sexual function which also includes libido, the ability to get aroused and my libido overall have improved massively since getting off the meds despite all the physical issues I have down there post quitting.


Prior to the whole WD thing, I was often having period of 0 libido and totally inability to turn desire into actual sexual arousal for months at a time with only mere hours to days of relief, it was like something was blocked in my brain, I knew it was there but it got stuck and often when I did manage to get it all happening, it would randomly fail mid activity.  My moods also followed this when I was on the drugs as you describe.

This very problem is why I looked into this and eventually figured it was the meds (docs and psych denied it was the drugs).

The good thing is now, despite having the rarer physical problems down there and a few others common to PSSD, my libido is pretty good most of the time, just still have difficulty getting the physical aspect happening, mainly solo, but with my partner, I have little issues other than PE and pain when a wave is coming or in the midst of a wave itself.  On my windows, it's the best it's ever been with my partner but still some slight soft glans syndrome at the beginning of arousal. 

When I think back all these years, I am pretty sure I had a loss of libido worsen when I CT a drug even when I was only on it for days or a few months, and that was gradual recovery and was more just loss in interest and ED, mainly becasue of the loss in interest when I think of it. And it always returned after a few months post CT or switch. I never knew that could have been a mild PSSD but it does fit the definition. None of those ever had windows of waves and was mild in comparison to what I have now.


Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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6Eggs@ Доброго времени суток, или можете дать примерный временной план того, как вы себя чувствовали сразу после отмены, через 3-4 месяца, 6 месяцев и 12. Буду очень благодарен. Просто когда я отказалась от таблеток, в декабре 2023 года, у меня снизилось либидо, но довольно часто мне это удавалось. А через 4 месяца у меня такое ощущение, что становится все хуже, и это страшно.


6Eggs@ Good afternoon, or can you give a rough timeline of how you felt right after withdrawal, 3-4 months, 6 months and 12. I would be very grateful. It's just that when I went off the pill, in December 2023, my libido decreased, but I was able to get it off quite often. And after 4 months I feel like it's getting worse and it's scary.

Edited by manymoretodays

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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I'm finding it really difficult to think of reasons to keep going. Anything that reminds me of how life used to feel before this is really painful. I can't believe I'm 37 and my life is already over. I still don't know if this is PSSD or an early sign of menopause. I read on a menopause forum women say that they experience all the same things as me and loads of them never got it back even after hormone treatment. I don't think I can live like that. I don't know if it sounds ridiculous but I just don't really see the point. Life feels so different when it doesn't have a sexual dimension to it. 

2001 - Fluoxetine

2001 - Citalopram

2002 - Paroxetine

2003 - Sertraline 
2006-2009 Cialopram

2009 - Venlafaxine

2010-2012 - Lamotrigine

2012-2014 - Citalopram

2018-2023 - Sertraline 

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1 hour ago, SomethingAnonymous said:

Мне действительно трудно придумать причины продолжать идти. Все, что напоминает мне о том, какой была жизнь до этого, действительно болезненно. Не могу поверить, что мне 37 и моя жизнь уже окончена. Я до сих пор не знаю, PSSD это или ранний признак менопаузы. Я читала на форуме по менопаузе, что женщины говорят, что испытывают то же самое, что и я, и у многих из них это никогда не возвращалось даже после гормонального лечения. Я не думаю, что смогу так жить. Не знаю, звучит ли это смешно, но я просто не вижу в этом смысла. Жизнь кажется совсем другой, когда в ней нет сексуального аспекта. 

I think if you learn to enjoy life in any areas. Then the intimate life will eventually return to full force. Libido and sexuality are the things that complement life. But I also understand that sometimes the absence of this sex life does not allow you to enjoy other things. It's a vicious circle. And only in our power to break it. Life must go on anyway. I often feel very bad too. But I've come a long way. Giving up benzo, antidepressants. 2 years of hell. I'm at 2.00 am now, I'm not sleeping. But it doesn't bother me a bit, I can dream. Just dreaming. God, this is so cool. I used to think it was due. And now I understand that this is a gift. To be able to just dream. Hold on.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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2 hours ago, SomethingAnonymous said:

I'm finding it really difficult to think of reasons to keep going. Anything that reminds me of how life used to feel before this is really painful. I can't believe I'm 37 and my life is already over. I still don't know if this is PSSD or an early sign of menopause. I read on a menopause forum women say that they experience all the same things as me and loads of them never got it back even after hormone treatment. I don't think I can live like that. I don't know if it sounds ridiculous but I just don't really see the point. Life feels so different when it doesn't have a sexual dimension to it. 


I know how you feel, I've been dealing with bad health nearly my entire life and the whole sexual problem stuff which went well beyond the cause from the meds, like pituitary issues in my late teens to early 20s that not only caused total loss of sexual function but was getting close to killing me until the doctors finally pinpointed the pituitary the issue, I totally recovered from that including sexually 100%. But then not that many years later the whole work and life burnout that gave me a breakdown that led me to the unfortunate all to familiar path of bad doctors and psychiatrist and meds.

I only felt that I was well and in good health from age of 23 to nearly 26, so less than 3 years of my adult life so far.  I am 37 now so more than a decade of illness and damage done by work and these meds which just made everything worse.

But I also think, thank god I am off these toxic substances and feel optimistic that one day I'll look back and thing how the hell did I survive all this that is now? I really do hope that happens.

I suppose I am lucky that I have got a lot of my sexual health back despite some very annoying and disheartening symptoms of PSSD, I have a very good and intimate sexual relationship with my partner.


I generally don't have too much issue with libido or arousal despite often feeling like it's not going to work, but 90% of the time it does fine.

My biggest issues is the non PSSD physical and mental feelings of distress and "something is not right" that cross over into the sexual mind set and often into the sensory perception of it.

And the worst physical problems for me is PE which is relatively new, it only really become a common issue in the last 3 months and not much of a thing during the last nearly 3 years of WD and tapering.  The other is pain that arousal brings, burning neuropathic type pain arousal and orgasm triggers this pain, nearly 3 years of this already but it's been particularly bad with the PE.

The soft glans syndrome is one of the longest running symptoms I have had, but I am  realizing that that it is becoming better and better since I got off all the meds, my good days it's almost non existent and from my bad days it bounces back to good easily.

Honestly, if one of the symptoms could go for good I choose PE. It really sucks!

Some aspects of my sexual function are actually better than they have been in my entire life, I am not sure if this was just suppressed by the meds and bad health and I would have had this if not for that, or if it's like a positive symptoms or just that I have such a great and intimate relationship which I never had before. Those aspects are orgasm and ejaculation, they are so good and well above the average person. So not all of this is bad, there are def good aspects to my current situation. I use this to remind me that things should only get better, but sometimes it needs to get worse first which has been a common theme with the WD.


Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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7 hours ago, 6Eggs said:


I know how you feel, I've been dealing with bad health nearly my entire life and the whole sexual problem stuff which went well beyond the cause from the meds, like pituitary issues in my late teens to early 20s that not only caused total loss of sexual function but was getting close to killing me until the doctors finally pinpointed the pituitary the issue, I totally recovered from that including sexually 100%. But then not that many years later the whole work and life burnout that gave me a breakdown that led me to the unfortunate all to familiar path of bad doctors and psychiatrist and meds.

I only felt that I was well and in good health from age of 23 to nearly 26, so less than 3 years of my adult life so far.  I am 37 now so more than a decade of illness and damage done by work and these meds which just made everything worse.

But I also think, thank god I am off these toxic substances and feel optimistic that one day I'll look back and thing how the hell did I survive all this that is now? I really do hope that happens.

I suppose I am lucky that I have got a lot of my sexual health back despite some very annoying and disheartening symptoms of PSSD, I have a very good and intimate sexual relationship with my partner.


I generally don't have too much issue with libido or arousal despite often feeling like it's not going to work, but 90% of the time it does fine.

My biggest issues is the non PSSD physical and mental feelings of distress and "something is not right" that cross over into the sexual mind set and often into the sensory perception of it.

And the worst physical problems for me is PE which is relatively new, it only really become a common issue in the last 3 months and not much of a thing during the last nearly 3 years of WD and tapering.  The other is pain that arousal brings, burning neuropathic type pain arousal and orgasm triggers this pain, nearly 3 years of this already but it's been particularly bad with the PE.

The soft glans syndrome is one of the longest running symptoms I have had, but I am  realizing that that it is becoming better and better since I got off all the meds, my good days it's almost non existent and from my bad days it bounces back to good easily.

Honestly, if one of the symptoms could go for good I choose PE. It really sucks!

Some aspects of my sexual function are actually better than they have been in my entire life, I am not sure if this was just suppressed by the meds and bad health and I would have had this if not for that, or if it's like a positive symptoms or just that I have such a great and intimate relationship which I never had before. Those aspects are orgasm and ejaculation, they are so good and well above the average person. So not all of this is bad, there are def good aspects to my current situation. I use this to remind me that things should only get better, but sometimes it needs to get worse first which has been a common theme with the WD.


I'm also stressed out by this feeling, as if I can't. I feel like I'm not going to be able to get aroused, but when it comes to this point, it works. But I constantly have to think about how, no matter what went wrong. And because of this, I can't completely relax. There are days when I wake up and everything immediately pisses me off and annoys me, I say to myself, God, how tired I am of this. In this state, I don't want anything, but then when I'm in the car, I force myself to turn on the music and my favorite songs, I notice goosebumps all over my body, and after a few seconds, I'm ready to dance, right sitting in the car. At the same time, I feel a very strong rise in emotions. And I noticed that sometimes you have to force yourself to receive these positive emotions. But in the end they are good. Although a minute ago, I was sure that none of this would help me. 


It's the same with sexuality, you have to force yourself. But in the process, there are very vivid emotions with euphoria, with a boundless feeling of love.


And I do not understand why the body can so easily experience a strong, bright, pleasant emotion, and literally plunge into another despair after 10-15 minutes. It resembles bipolar disorder, now I understand why some people, after the withdrawal of antidepressants, are diagnosed with this. In the end, the body must find a middle ground and spend all its emotions more or less smoothly in both good and bad directions.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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I noticed it was as if my brain was turning off some functions one by one. An interesting example.

About 14 days ago

I reduced my calorie intake to the daily norm, with a slight deficit of 10-15% in order to reduce body weight. And 5 days after this experiment, I lost the feeling of hunger, and when I try to eat more on purpose, then the feeling of satiety does not appear, as if I had not eaten. I've never had such feelings before. I do not even know how to react to such changes correctly. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, you can easily overeat, and you also have to control the portion with weights. It's like my stomach has lost all feeling. I don't get a feeling of hunger, but appetite and pleasure come after eating a few pieces. It's the same with libido and music. If you force yourself in the process, you can get some kind of pleasure. But at first, it seems that you definitely don't need it.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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On 4/12/2024 at 2:41 PM, Tolk90 said:

6Eggs@ Доброго времени суток, или можете дать примерный временной план того, как вы себя чувствовали сразу после отмены, через 3-4 месяца, 6 месяцев и 12. Буду очень благодарен. Просто когда я отказалась от таблеток, в декабре 2023 года, у меня снизилось либидо, но довольно часто мне это удавалось. А через 4 месяца у меня такое ощущение, что становится все хуже, и это страшно.


6Eggs@ Good afternoon, or can you give a rough timeline of how you felt right after withdrawal, 3-4 months, 6 months and 12. I would be very grateful. It's just that when I went off the pill, in December 2023, my libido decreased, but I was able to get it off quite often. And after 4 months I feel like it's getting worse and it's scary.

Pretty much, I am glad you mentioned this here as there are not many mentions of very delayed WD or delayed worsening after initial improvement. I am experiencing the same thing as you, the WD symptoms including PSSD have become much worse 4 months after and counting post quitting.  This is basically the 2nd and technically 3rd time I have had this delayed effect. First from the antipsych first attempt in 2021, then a more mild version of this when I quit the antipsych for good after reinstatement of a micro dose and 18 month taper of said micro dose to some 1/150th of the original dose, then again the 3rd time quite badly from this antidepressant which I tapered properly for 20 months or there about.  I think the AD WD are worse in a lot of ways as they are more relentless and mental torture and like you mentioned in the other post like bipolar.  I was on the AD far longer than the AP and the AD breaks the more critical machinery in the neurons than the AP would as far as I can understand for my 1000s of hours of a crash course PhD in pharmacology lol

I conclude that WD are not avoidable at all for some people.

I have seen one case personally on another forum that a guy got WD and PSSD 4 years post quitting and the interesting thing is the trigger seemed to be too much gym work outs, which bodes to the whole "CNS is in a fragile states long after symptoms have cleared" and it doesn't take too much mental or physical stress to trigger the CNS to go haywire.

WD and PSSD are very much like post viral syndrome, CFS and things related like long covid which is under the umbrella of post viral syndrome.  Taking it easy and pacing yourself and time is key to recovery. It's very easy to go "oh I feel better today" (during a window) and do too much, which sets you back and prolongs recovery.   Don't worry, I am soooo guilty of this myself and I deny this all the time, but my partner ensures me that this is the pattern she sees, so I am only coming to terms that I must refrain from doing stuff I love and enjoy too much when I have my windows. Very frustrating!

Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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There's a tendency on this forum to refer to PSSD as "minor". There are many such posts in this thread.


I think that it is extremely unfair to call it a minor symptom for a few reasons:

  • Severe cases of sexual dysfunction often occur alongside severe anhedonia and cognitive issues for many sufferers. This is a profound state of suffering.
  • There are cases that do not heal after extremely prolonged periods
  • Sexual dysfunction is a life-altering injury which can prevent someone from having children, either because it is impossible or because they are worried about the health of the child.
  • Sexual dysfunction may lead to someone having a life-time of being alone and purposeless given that relationships with others is a core need for most people
  • Sexual dysfunction can cause relationship breakdown, itself an extremely difficult event
  • It is often one of the longer-lasting symptoms which means the impact of it can be very significant (the opposite of minor)
  • Finally, I've seen examples of people saying it is minor and then you read their thread and they state that their husband/wife was by their side and helped them through everything. It is extremely insensitive to those who are alone and may never have that support.

I agree that keeping it mostly limited to this thread instead of spamming the whole forum is necessary. I understand that it is a cluster of symptoms among a much larger potential range. However repeatedly telling sufferers that it is minor, especially from those who do not have it and have not suffered the alterations to their lives that it results in is inconsiderate and unfair.

  • 15mg Remeron/Mirtazapine November starting 2022 (severe physical side effects)
  • Attempted to taper off January 2023, ended up having a major breakdown and going up to 30mg, took weeks to stabilise
  • 1 month taper  to 0mg
  • Last dose April 2023
  • Severe withdrawal syndrome with many physical symptoms


Summary: 5 months using Mirtazapine, including 1 month taper ending late April 2023. Severe withdrawal since.



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1 hour ago, LukeUK said:

There's a tendency on this forum to refer to PSSD as "minor". There are many such posts in this thread.


I think that it is extremely unfair to call it a minor symptom for a few reasons:

  • Severe cases of sexual dysfunction often occur alongside severe anhedonia and cognitive issues for many sufferers. This is a profound state of suffering.
  • There are cases that do not heal after extremely prolonged periods
  • Sexual dysfunction is a life-altering injury which can prevent someone from having children, either because it is impossible or because they are worried about the health of the child.
  • Sexual dysfunction may lead to someone having a life-time of being alone and purposeless given that relationships with others is a core need for most people
  • Sexual dysfunction can cause relationship breakdown, itself an extremely difficult event
  • It is often one of the longer-lasting symptoms which means the impact of it can be very significant (the opposite of minor)
  • Finally, I've seen examples of people saying it is minor and then you read their thread and they state that their husband/wife was by their side and helped them through everything. It is extremely insensitive to those who are alone and may never have that support.

I agree that keeping it mostly limited to this thread instead of spamming the whole forum is necessary. I understand that it is a cluster of symptoms among a much larger potential range. However repeatedly telling sufferers that it is minor, especially from those who do not have it and have not suffered the alterations to their lives that it results in is inconsiderate and unfair.

I totally agree this thing is very exhausting and drives people to suicide, which is extremely sad. For many, this forum becomes the only place where a person can talk about this problem at all.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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1 hour ago, LukeUK said:

There's a tendency on this forum to refer to PSSD as "minor". There are many such posts in this thread.


I think that it is extremely unfair to call it a minor symptom for a few reasons:

  • Severe cases of sexual dysfunction often occur alongside severe anhedonia and cognitive issues for many sufferers. This is a profound state of suffering.
  • There are cases that do not heal after extremely prolonged periods
  • Sexual dysfunction is a life-altering injury which can prevent someone from having children, either because it is impossible or because they are worried about the health of the child.
  • Sexual dysfunction may lead to someone having a life-time of being alone and purposeless given that relationships with others is a core need for most people
  • Sexual dysfunction can cause relationship breakdown, itself an extremely difficult event
  • It is often one of the longer-lasting symptoms which means the impact of it can be very significant (the opposite of minor)
  • Finally, I've seen examples of people saying it is minor and then you read their thread and they state that their husband/wife was by their side and helped them through everything. It is extremely insensitive to those who are alone and may never have that support.

I agree that keeping it mostly limited to this thread instead of spamming the whole forum is necessary. I understand that it is a cluster of symptoms among a much larger potential range. However repeatedly telling sufferers that it is minor, especially from those who do not have it and have not suffered the alterations to their lives that it results in is inconsiderate and unfair.

In defense of the rules of the forum, I will say that after all, if a person started taking an antidepressant at the age of 20. He experienced a high libido at that age, but after 30 years of antidepressants, he must be aware that his sexual exploits in 99% of cases will not be the same, and it is pointless to blame the antidepressant for this.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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6 hours ago, LukeUK said:

There's a tendency on this forum to refer to PSSD as "minor". There are many such posts in this thread.


I think that it is extremely unfair to call it a minor symptom for a few reasons:

  • Severe cases of sexual dysfunction often occur alongside severe anhedonia and cognitive issues for many sufferers. This is a profound state of suffering.
  • There are cases that do not heal after extremely prolonged periods
  • Sexual dysfunction is a life-altering injury which can prevent someone from having children, either because it is impossible or because they are worried about the health of the child.
  • Sexual dysfunction may lead to someone having a life-time of being alone and purposeless given that relationships with others is a core need for most people
  • Sexual dysfunction can cause relationship breakdown, itself an extremely difficult event
  • It is often one of the longer-lasting symptoms which means the impact of it can be very significant (the opposite of minor)
  • Finally, I've seen examples of people saying it is minor and then you read their thread and they state that their husband/wife was by their side and helped them through everything. It is extremely insensitive to those who are alone and may never have that support.

I agree that keeping it mostly limited to this thread instead of spamming the whole forum is necessary. I understand that it is a cluster of symptoms among a much larger potential range. However repeatedly telling sufferers that it is minor, especially from those who do not have it and have not suffered the alterations to their lives that it results in is inconsiderate and unfair.


100% agree!  Unless you have suffered profound loss of sexual function or a significant alteration of it yourself, it's almost impossible understand how sufferers of PSSD feel.

One thing I noticed is there seems to be a correlation to development and or the severity of PSSD and people being on the higher side of libido or hypersexuality before hand, so in a ironic twist, those that value their sexual function and are more core to their identity and lives seem to be the ones who get PSSD in the first place or have worse cases of it.

And a side note to that is, I have noticed and speculated for some time that those that get this and severe and atypical WD to be more often neurodivergent at least on some scale and gives some clues to why we get such long lasting and profound WD in the first place.   There is a link/cause? between neurodivergents and excessive neuroplasticity and neuroplasticity is thought to be the mechanism for WD and related conditions such as antidepressant induced HPPD (hallucinogen persistent perception disorder) which I have myself.

I can't recall where I found the paper, but on a somewhat related subject, there was fMRI scans of typical sexual people and those that where on the more hyper side of the spectrum and there was very interesting results, I can't recall what the actual study was about but they found those that reported being more sexual had more areas show activity during tactile stimulation than those that were more typical and in areas not normally associated with such. I though that was very fascinating and might help explain why I have noticed a correlation between PSSD and higher libido prior to meds.  I postulate that perhaps with more areas involved that functional connectivity could be more easily disrupted, and perhaps having more areas involved could be something from excessive neuroplasticity?

Bit of a tangent there but I figured I might as well share from my observation and out of the box thinking. Nearly everyone trying to understand the PSSD and related WD focus on the biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms but I feel the bigger picture is being overlooked.

Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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13 hours ago, Tolk90 said:

In defense of the rules of the forum, I will say that after all, if a person started taking an antidepressant at the age of 20. He experienced a high libido at that age, but after 30 years of antidepressants, he must be aware that his sexual exploits in 99% of cases will not be the same, and it is pointless to blame the antidepressant for this.

I think there is a difference between natural aging and sexual dysfunction. Can't speak for men as I am a woman but my friends and I speak frankly on these topics and they are all still able to masturbate in their late 30s. It's just me that can't. I don't really have the same presentation of PSSD as others describe though in that my emotions and cognition are fine and I still feel like a highly sexual person. My libido is intact but my body won't cooperate. I do think highly possible that my ovaries have taken an early retirement though as in the last six months I have experienced dryness, although my periods are regular. 


Even if what I have turns out not to be PSSD (I think quite likely - am increasingly convinced this is hormonal) then I feel I can speak to the distress of losing function. For me it comes down to the following things (which might not concord with everyone's experience):


- discord between body and mind causing frustration and conflict (feeling desperate for sex but not being able to masturbate due to lack of physiological arousal)

- the fact that even if this is aging it doesn't really occur to you when you take them that you may soon run out of sexual function and no one warns you. I found the decision to continue the medication very difficult at age 31 because the sexual side effects were so severe. But equally my mental illness was very severe and I was put in a position to choose between life and sex. I chose life because I was assured everything would go back 'how it was' when I came off the pills but 'how it was' is over. This is a shock because I was essentially in suspended animation for those years. Where other people might notice gradual changes, my sex life ended overnight when I took the pills and I feel now that I've missed out on my last years of function. 

- loss of identity due to how important sex was/is to my life. I think it's very true that the more highly sexed you were before you took the pills the more life changing it feels when it ends. I have spoken to women who have reduced or lost sexual arousal and who don't mind! I find this unimaginable myself as I miss the feelings so badly. I suspect that sex and masturbation were always much more central to my life than to theirs.

- loss of connection to peers. I know a lot of people with PSSD are in their 20s but I'm actually 37 and even at my age there's a massive feeling of being left out. My friends are still having great sex and my vulva doesn't work. I'm not sure how to physically have sex like this and i think it might be too painful anyway. There's also the embarrassment of it. If I were 55 and meeting a new guy I feel like I could just say 'at our age things are different ' but at my age it's unusual to have this level of difficulty. To be fair, if I'm right that this is my hormones then they distress will be the same even though its not PSSD. Mine is no good age to experience atrophy.


I personally have found sexual dysfunction very highly distressing but I think it's valid for others not to as well. I think it comes down to discordance- some people can live without sex. For me, I struggle to understand what kind of life that will be. 

2001 - Fluoxetine

2001 - Citalopram

2002 - Paroxetine

2003 - Sertraline 
2006-2009 Cialopram

2009 - Venlafaxine

2010-2012 - Lamotrigine

2012-2014 - Citalopram

2018-2023 - Sertraline 

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1 hour ago, SomethingAnonymous said:

I think there is a difference between natural aging and sexual dysfunction. Can't speak for men as I am a woman but my friends and I speak frankly on these topics and they are all still able to masturbate in their late 30s. It's just me that can't. I don't really have the same presentation of PSSD as others describe though in that my emotions and cognition are fine and I still feel like a highly sexual person. My libido is intact but my body won't cooperate. I do think highly possible that my ovaries have taken an early retirement though as in the last six months I have experienced dryness, although my periods are regular. 


Even if what I have turns out not to be PSSD (I think quite likely - am increasingly convinced this is hormonal) then I feel I can speak to the distress of losing function. For me it comes down to the following things (which might not concord with everyone's experience):


- discord between body and mind causing frustration and conflict (feeling desperate for sex but not being able to masturbate due to lack of physiological arousal)

- the fact that even if this is aging it doesn't really occur to you when you take them that you may soon run out of sexual function and no one warns you. I found the decision to continue the medication very difficult at age 31 because the sexual side effects were so severe. But equally my mental illness was very severe and I was put in a position to choose between life and sex. I chose life because I was assured everything would go back 'how it was' when I came off the pills but 'how it was' is over. This is a shock because I was essentially in suspended animation for those years. Where other people might notice gradual changes, my sex life ended overnight when I took the pills and I feel now that I've missed out on my last years of function. 

- loss of identity due to how important sex was/is to my life. I think it's very true that the more highly sexed you were before you took the pills the more life changing it feels when it ends. I have spoken to women who have reduced or lost sexual arousal and who don't mind! I find this unimaginable myself as I miss the feelings so badly. I suspect that sex and masturbation were always much more central to my life than to theirs.

- loss of connection to peers. I know a lot of people with PSSD are in their 20s but I'm actually 37 and even at my age there's a massive feeling of being left out. My friends are still having great sex and my vulva doesn't work. I'm not sure how to physically have sex like this and i think it might be too painful anyway. There's also the embarrassment of it. If I were 55 and meeting a new guy I feel like I could just say 'at our age things are different ' but at my age it's unusual to have this level of difficulty. To be fair, if I'm right that this is my hormones then they distress will be the same even though its not PSSD. Mine is no good age to experience atrophy.


I personally have found sexual dysfunction very highly distressing but I think it's valid for others not to as well. I think it comes down to discordance- some people can live without sex. For me, I struggle to understand what kind of life that will be. 


I couldn't agree more on this. I think the whole age thing is not entirely true and I believe it's more of a general health and genetic thing and culture than what most people joke about.

In fact, in my family, sex and sexual function for the healthy individuals barely decreased with age. Just realized the other day that my late farther had my younger brother at the age of 72-73 and almost a decade before viagra was a thing.

My uncle which is from my mum's side is like me, very high libido and he's shown little slowing down in his 60s and he in fact has many bad health issues including fibromyalgia, 1 and half lungs (long story), and nearly died as a kid when he got a heart worm infection in Poland where he grew up and there was little medical help there. Despite this, he has no issues at all and would put many 20 and 30 year olds to shame.

I was once like this, then the meds destroyed it for me, I has issues prior to the meds in 2 separate medical/ situation occasions but they resolved and would have stayed resolved if I had not taken anything.

I know many more people in their 50+ that have 20s like libido and function, some don't but there is a massive difference as you say to having it destroyed by meds, it's not even the same as having it lost naturally over time. I have sexual thoughts and interests and feeling of excitement often, I know those symptoms have pretty much resolved, my issue it the physical stuff and PSSD aside, the other symptoms of the WD left me basically disabled. I however, like yourself have had little cognitive and problems with experiencing emotion and joy, in fact those all came back the instant I stated tapering the meds.

Even though, the waves I am having now are some of the worst I have ever had and I go often into a deep depressive state of pure despair, it doesn't mean I have anhedonia or other aspects common with the cognitive PSSD symptoms, most of mine are purely physical.

Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. I had been struggling with this mildly for a few months after getting off Pristiq back in October 2023. I stupidly decided to get back on 10mg of Prozac back in March of this year because I still thought "maybe all this is just relapse" and it immediately made my symptoms much more severe. I took the Prozac for two days and knew I had an adverse reaction and had kindled. Shockingly, after a week I entered a 3 week window where things got better (even a little of the PSSD).


However I entered an extreme wave a few days ago and am experiencing a worsening of all my WD and PSSD symptoms, but now I'm experiencing a complete loss of feelings and emotions, which directly correlate with a worsening of PSSD symptoms that are now severe. I'm also experiencing a lot of panic about my situation because anytime I research PSSD, the stories look horrible and I loose hope in any recovery because it seems like a whole other beast compared to most WD symptoms. It keeps the cycle of panic going because I have continuous thought loops that I have "ruined my life".


My question is, is there a chance I'm mistaking these symptoms for a progressing of severe PSSD, or is just the normal pattern of windows and waves of recovery plus severe panic? I pray that this won't be permanent, bc it's the symptom that truly scares me the most and is what is making it extremely hard to function currently or even sleep.

-2018-2021 150mg Sertraline
-2021-Late 2022 60mg Duloxetine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin
-Late 2021 7.5mg mirtazipine added
-Late 2022 CT off mirtazipine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin. No withdrawal from those
-Late 2022 Moved to 30mg duloxetine, then CT off
-Early 2023 started lexapro, stayed on 10mg until July, switched to Pristiq 50mg. -Also took Vyvanse 20mg for a month in June 2023
-November 2023 went to 25 mg Pristiq, then 18.5 for two weeks, 12.5 for two weeks, then 6.25, then off (split into quarters)
-March 2024 started bupropion 150xl, added 10mg Prozac 3 weeks in, switched directly from Prozac to BuSpar 5mg morning 5 mg evening after two days of prozac
-Given Ativan 1mg at ER two days into prozac, prescribed .5mg Ativan to take as needed. Quit bupropion and buspirone CT March 23
-was perscribed Quetiapine for sleep, but I have not taken yet (Do not plan to).

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Hi Bren

You could definitely be mistaking this for severe PSSD and your thoughts could definitely be contributing to the symptoms. I only found out recently that there are people who have never taken medications who experience all these symptoms - including genital numbness - and that sometimes the cause is that our mind 'blocks' the sensation or arousal because of our fear we won't feel it. I'm not saying this is what's happening to you, but I found it reassuring to find out that this is a known phenomenon and is therefore a possibility for us all - because this would mean it's temporary!


I'm one to talk (because I can't stop thinking about this either) but I think the best thing to do is try to put it out of your mind and focus on the things you enjoy in life. Have a look at your life as a whole perhaps and consider how you can make it the best it can be. I know you won't be able to stop the thought loops, so how about a worry window where each time you get a thought you promise that thought you will return to it between the hours of 7pm and 8pm and then refocus back on the moment?


I've found defusing techniques from ACT to be very helpful so you might try them too. You can just Google search ACT defusion techniques and have a look through the list to see if anything feels like it would help. 

2001 - Fluoxetine

2001 - Citalopram

2002 - Paroxetine

2003 - Sertraline 
2006-2009 Cialopram

2009 - Venlafaxine

2010-2012 - Lamotrigine

2012-2014 - Citalopram

2018-2023 - Sertraline 

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27 minutes ago, Bren711 said:

Если у кого-нибудь есть совет, я буду очень признателен. Я боролся с этим в течение нескольких месяцев после прекращения приема Пристика в октябре 2023 года. Я по глупости решил вернуться к приему 10 мг прозака еще в марте этого года, потому что все еще думал: «Может быть, все это просто рецидив», и это мои симптомы сразу же усугубились. Я принимал Прозак два дня и знал, что у меня возникла побочная реакция и я загорелся. Поразительно, но через неделю я вошел в трехнедельное окно, где дела пошли лучше (даже немного PSSD).


Однако несколько дней назад я вошел в экстремальную волну и испытываю ухудшение всех моих симптомов WD и PSSD, но сейчас я испытываю полную потерю чувств и эмоций, что напрямую коррелирует с ухудшением симптомов PSSD, которые теперь стали серьезными. . Я также испытываю сильную панику по поводу своей ситуации, потому что каждый раз, когда я исследую PSSD, истории выглядят ужасно, и я теряю надежду на какое-либо выздоровление, потому что это кажется совершенно другим зверем по сравнению с большинством симптомов БВ. Это поддерживает цикл паники, потому что у меня постоянно возникают мысли о том, что я «разрушил свою жизнь».


Мой вопрос: есть ли вероятность, что я ошибочно принимаю эти симптомы за прогрессирование тяжелого PSSD, или это просто нормальная картина окон и волн выздоровления плюс сильная паника? Я молюсь, чтобы это не было постоянным, потому что это симптом, который действительно пугает меня больше всего и из-за которого мне чрезвычайно трудно функционировать в настоящее время или даже спать.

Greetings. The best thing you can do now is understand that this is not forever and calm down. Although it is very difficult. 

1. I recommend that you figure out what you want from antidepressants in general, what effect to achieve. 

2. Stabilize on one dose, the most standard one that helped you before and keep it until you stabilize your condition.

3. After stabilization. Make a conclusion. Are you satisfied with what you feel? Do antidepressants help you? Or does life on them not suit you? Give yourself this answer. 

4. If life on HELL does not suit you, start a smooth dose reduction, until complete withdrawal. Just like many of us. 

5. Over time, the brain will begin to understand that it will have to learn to live without pills. And this will be your victory.


My experience of resuming an antidepressant, followed by an increase in the dose, only made it worse. Causing suicidal thoughts with incredible anxiety. Libido was deteriorating. I was getting worse.I had to admit, no matter how hard it was, that I had to learn to live without HELL. And I canceled all the pills, although for about 10 years of my life, I was constantly looking for salvation in them. Now I am happy that I stopped taking the pills, although I continue to experience anxiety and decreased libido, with temporary improvements.


I want to apologize in advance for my words. They will be difficult. Give up pills, learn to live without them. 


Hold on, I believe in you.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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17 minutes ago, SomethingAnonymous said:

Hi Bren

You could definitely be mistaking this for severe PSSD and your thoughts could definitely be contributing to the symptoms. I only found out recently that there are people who have never taken medications who experience all these symptoms - including genital numbness - and that sometimes the cause is that our mind 'blocks' the sensation or arousal because of our fear we won't feel it. I'm not saying this is what's happening to you, but I found it reassuring to find out that this is a known phenomenon and is therefore a possibility for us all - because this would mean it's temporary!


I'm one to talk (because I can't stop thinking about this either) but I think the best thing to do is try to put it out of your mind and focus on the things you enjoy in life. Have a look at your life as a whole perhaps and consider how you can make it the best it can be. I know you won't be able to stop the thought loops, so how about a worry window where each time you get a thought you promise that thought you will return to it between the hours of 7pm and 8pm and then refocus back on the moment?


I've found defusing techniques from ACT to be very helpful so you might try them too. You can just Google search ACT defusion techniques and have a look through the list to see if anything feels like it would help. 

Thank you so much for your response. Yes, I pray that this very psychological in nature and it will resolve with time along with the WD. It's only been 3 weeks since the adverse reaction so hopefully my body will find a way out of it. The fact that the symptoms have fluctuated a tiny bit could very well indicate its related to stress hormones and fear. It seems like such an incredibly rare phenomenon. I'll definitely try your suggestions because ever since these new symptoms have appeared I've definitely spiraled. I can handle the other symptoms but when its a PSSD related symptom I freak out. Again thank you, I'll keep doing my best to try to ignore it.

-2018-2021 150mg Sertraline
-2021-Late 2022 60mg Duloxetine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin
-Late 2021 7.5mg mirtazipine added
-Late 2022 CT off mirtazipine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin. No withdrawal from those
-Late 2022 Moved to 30mg duloxetine, then CT off
-Early 2023 started lexapro, stayed on 10mg until July, switched to Pristiq 50mg. -Also took Vyvanse 20mg for a month in June 2023
-November 2023 went to 25 mg Pristiq, then 18.5 for two weeks, 12.5 for two weeks, then 6.25, then off (split into quarters)
-March 2024 started bupropion 150xl, added 10mg Prozac 3 weeks in, switched directly from Prozac to BuSpar 5mg morning 5 mg evening after two days of prozac
-Given Ativan 1mg at ER two days into prozac, prescribed .5mg Ativan to take as needed. Quit bupropion and buspirone CT March 23
-was perscribed Quetiapine for sleep, but I have not taken yet (Do not plan to).

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18 minutes ago, Tolk90 said:

Greetings. The best thing you can do now is understand that this is not forever and calm down. Although it is very difficult. 

1. I recommend that you figure out what you want from antidepressants in general, what effect to achieve. 

2. Stabilize on one dose, the most standard one that helped you before and keep it until you stabilize your condition.

3. After stabilization. Make a conclusion. Are you satisfied with what you feel? Do antidepressants help you? Or does life on them not suit you? Give yourself this answer. 

4. If life on HELL does not suit you, start a smooth dose reduction, until complete withdrawal. Just like many of us. 

5. Over time, the brain will begin to understand that it will have to learn to live without pills. And this will be your victory.


My experience of resuming an antidepressant, followed by an increase in the dose, only made it worse. Causing suicidal thoughts with incredible anxiety. Libido was deteriorating. I was getting worse.I had to admit, no matter how hard it was, that I had to learn to live without HELL. And I canceled all the pills, although for about 10 years of my life, I was constantly looking for salvation in them. Now I am happy that I stopped taking the pills, although I continue to experience anxiety and decreased libido, with temporary improvements.


I want to apologize in advance for my words. They will be difficult. Give up pills, learn to live without them. 


Hold on, I believe in you.

Thank you for the advice, I don't actually plan on restarting anything, especially because my CNS is extremely hypersensitive right now and introducing anything would most definitely make it worse. Reinstatement would be extremely risky for me most likely. I'm going to keep pushing through this even though its incredibly difficult. I'm sorry to hear you had to struggle for that long. 

-2018-2021 150mg Sertraline
-2021-Late 2022 60mg Duloxetine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin
-Late 2021 7.5mg mirtazipine added
-Late 2022 CT off mirtazipine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin. No withdrawal from those
-Late 2022 Moved to 30mg duloxetine, then CT off
-Early 2023 started lexapro, stayed on 10mg until July, switched to Pristiq 50mg. -Also took Vyvanse 20mg for a month in June 2023
-November 2023 went to 25 mg Pristiq, then 18.5 for two weeks, 12.5 for two weeks, then 6.25, then off (split into quarters)
-March 2024 started bupropion 150xl, added 10mg Prozac 3 weeks in, switched directly from Prozac to BuSpar 5mg morning 5 mg evening after two days of prozac
-Given Ativan 1mg at ER two days into prozac, prescribed .5mg Ativan to take as needed. Quit bupropion and buspirone CT March 23
-was perscribed Quetiapine for sleep, but I have not taken yet (Do not plan to).

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6 minutes ago, Bren711 said:

Thank you for the advice, I don't actually plan on restarting anything, especially because my CNS is extremely hypersensitive right now and introducing anything would most definitely make it worse. Reinstatement would be extremely risky for me most likely. I'm going to keep pushing through this even though its incredibly difficult. I'm sorry to hear you had to struggle for that long. 

I'm sorry, I just read the message and realized that you restored the antidepressant in March. Apparently I wasn't paying attention. Apologize.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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1 minute ago, Tolk90 said:

I'm sorry, I just read the message and realized that you restored the antidepressant in March. Apparently I wasn't paying attention. Apologize.

No worries. I only took it for 2 days due to the reaction. I've currently been medication free for 3 weeks.

-2018-2021 150mg Sertraline
-2021-Late 2022 60mg Duloxetine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin
-Late 2021 7.5mg mirtazipine added
-Late 2022 CT off mirtazipine, 80mg Atomoxetine, Deplin. No withdrawal from those
-Late 2022 Moved to 30mg duloxetine, then CT off
-Early 2023 started lexapro, stayed on 10mg until July, switched to Pristiq 50mg. -Also took Vyvanse 20mg for a month in June 2023
-November 2023 went to 25 mg Pristiq, then 18.5 for two weeks, 12.5 for two weeks, then 6.25, then off (split into quarters)
-March 2024 started bupropion 150xl, added 10mg Prozac 3 weeks in, switched directly from Prozac to BuSpar 5mg morning 5 mg evening after two days of prozac
-Given Ativan 1mg at ER two days into prozac, prescribed .5mg Ativan to take as needed. Quit bupropion and buspirone CT March 23
-was perscribed Quetiapine for sleep, but I have not taken yet (Do not plan to).

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On 4/17/2024 at 3:29 AM, SomethingAnonymous said:

I think there is a difference between natural aging and sexual dysfunction. Can't speak for men as I am a woman but my friends and I speak frankly on these topics and they are all still able to masturbate in their late 30s. It's just me that can't. I don't really have the same presentation of PSSD as others describe though in that my emotions and cognition are fine and I still feel like a highly sexual person. My libido is intact but my body won't cooperate. I do think highly possible that my ovaries have taken an early retirement though as in the last six months I have experienced dryness, although my periods are regular. 


Even if what I have turns out not to be PSSD (I think quite likely - am increasingly convinced this is hormonal) then I feel I can speak to the distress of losing function. For me it comes down to the following things (which might not concord with everyone's experience):


- discord between body and mind causing frustration and conflict (feeling desperate for sex but not being able to masturbate due to lack of physiological arousal)

- the fact that even if this is aging it doesn't really occur to you when you take them that you may soon run out of sexual function and no one warns you. I found the decision to continue the medication very difficult at age 31 because the sexual side effects were so severe. But equally my mental illness was very severe and I was put in a position to choose between life and sex. I chose life because I was assured everything would go back 'how it was' when I came off the pills but 'how it was' is over. This is a shock because I was essentially in suspended animation for those years. Where other people might notice gradual changes, my sex life ended overnight when I took the pills and I feel now that I've missed out on my last years of function. 

- loss of identity due to how important sex was/is to my life. I think it's very true that the more highly sexed you were before you took the pills the more life changing it feels when it ends. I have spoken to women who have reduced or lost sexual arousal and who don't mind! I find this unimaginable myself as I miss the feelings so badly. I suspect that sex and masturbation were always much more central to my life than to theirs.

- loss of connection to peers. I know a lot of people with PSSD are in their 20s but I'm actually 37 and even at my age there's a massive feeling of being left out. My friends are still having great sex and my vulva doesn't work. I'm not sure how to physically have sex like this and i think it might be too painful anyway. There's also the embarrassment of it. If I were 55 and meeting a new guy I feel like I could just say 'at our age things are different ' but at my age it's unusual to have this level of difficulty. To be fair, if I'm right that this is my hormones then they distress will be the same even though its not PSSD. Mine is no good age to experience atrophy.


I personally have found sexual dysfunction very highly distressing but I think it's valid for others not to as well. I think it comes down to discordance- some people can live without sex. For me, I struggle to understand what kind of life that will be. 

I’ll speak as a male, sample of one. My libido and ability at 50 were better/stronger than at 20. Then I made the hopefully not life altering mistake of taking one pill. I’m an ADR. I’m getting better, in a windows and waves pattern, but as a sample of one, 50 meant nothing except a number. Higher libido/better ability. And now I simply wait, hope and pray. 

May 8, 2023

One pill Bupropion sr 150mg


That’s it.

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  • Moderator

Hi all,

I'm new here, currently tapering escitalopram.  I was on a revolving door of SSRIs, SNRIs, benzos, and sleep meds from the mid/late 90s until 2007.  I rapidly tapered my meds in 2007 to prepare to get pregnant.  I had some fertility challenges, but did manage to carry a baby to term in 2009.  I went on to have a series of miscarriages (4 confirmed by ultrasound, 3 others that occurred too early to see anything on ultrasound, but did have positive pregnancy tests).  I returned to taking escitalopram in 2016 after a job change that activated my anxiety.  


So I was off the meds from 2007-2016... I had anhedonia and zero libido while on my drug cocktail... I assumed I would return to normal I got off the drugs, but it didn't happen- the anhedonia and lack of drive stayed exactly the same.  I then had a traumatic birth experience, and my daughter had a stroke shortly after birth... also extremely traumatic.  


I guess I'm fearful that I may never get my libido and my zest for life back.  I know that I was only off the drugs for two years before I gave birth and was traumatized, and maybe that wasn't long enough for my nervous system to recover.  And I have no doubt that the trauma around my daughter's birth contributed more to that lack of recovery.  


I guess I want to know if there's hope for me?  My husband is an angel and a saint- he is patient, kind and supportive.  But I just don't feel much anymore, emotionally or sexually.  Will I recover once I get off escitalopram?   Is there anything I can do to help?  I'm currently on disability due to long covid (that's another story), so I am really focussing on my wellness right now.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!

1995- 2007- On and off multiple antidepressants (Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, Wellbutrin, escitalopram). Memory poor- can’t remember dates. Always tapered fast or CT.  2007- tapered Wellbutrin, zopiclone and escitalopram over one month to get pregnant.  Withdrawal hell for many years.

2009- Daughter born 🥰 Post partum depression/psychosis- no meds taken.

2016- Back on escitalopram due to job change/anxiety

2022- Severe covid infection- Diagnosed with long covid 08/22.

2023- 01/23- Long term disability approved for long covid.  Started taper under MD advice from 20mg: 11/23- 15mg. 2024- March-10mg. Started low dose naltrexone for long covid-5mg- terrible reaction, reduced to 0.5mg.  April- 10mg escitalopram, 1.0mg LDN. May 1- 9.0mg escitalopram, 1.0mg LDN. May 15- 9.0mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  June 12- 8.5mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  July 8- Brassmonkey micro taper started.  8.4mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  July 15- 8.3mg esc, 1.5mg LDN.  July 18 8.3mg esc, 2.0mg LDN, July 22 8.2mg esc. 2.0mg LDN. July 29 8.1mg esc. 2.0mg LDN. Aug. 24- 8.0mg Esc. 2.0mg LDN.  Aug. 30 7.9mg esc.  Sept. 6 7.8mg esc.  Sept. 13 7.7mg esc.


Supplements/other meds: Vitamin D, B12, Claritin, HRT




I am not a doctor.  I don't even play one on TV.  This is not medical advice, but based on personal experience.  Please consult a medical professional.

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It's been 5 months since I broke away from AD and I found myself in a place that reminds me of being on antidepressants. I have run out of anxiety, I have a fog in my head and I constantly want to sleep. I wake up in the morning and after a couple of hours I want to go back to sleep. After a nap, the same thing. It's like a state of dose stabilization when I was lowering my antidepressant. After holding one dose for a long time, such a moment came. And now I'm in the same condition. But there is a but. I'm not taking absolutely anything right now. The food doesn't please me as much as it used to, I hardly smile or laugh. If these are such waves, then I haven't had such states yet. Who felt the same conditions after the cancellation at 5 months? And how long did it last? I would appreciate your support!

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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I think 5 months is still very early, my understanding is most people don't see good meaningful stability and improvement until a few years. Some are lucky and seem to come good in under a year but that is rare from what I have seen, at least with those that complain of PSSD publicly. I suspect those that have is much more mild and don't feel the need to complain about the symptoms have a much higher tendency to come good much sooner but you don't hear about it as they aren't voicing it.

Like they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

As for being like stabilization when starting a drug, I can't say I have had that personally. Coming off these two drugs I was on, was the only time I have had such symptoms and instability.

I was never like that prior to the drugs or on them

I have been on many as you can see in my signature,  I only ever had two outcomes, no effect at all or immediate adverse reaction. But neither had waves or instability, even the ADR was only while on the drug, and it went as soon as I CT.

I actually don't know why I was put on these things in the first place other than the psychiatrist I was seeing being extremely bad when I researched that person recently. I was one of many thrown on inappropriate drugs and misdiagnosis by this person.  I wasn't even disclosed what I was diagnosed with. Found out some 5 years after the fact, long after I gave this psychiatrist the flick.

Anyway, just to give you an idea. I am 1 year after the AP was stopped and bit over 6 months after the AD was stopped. I feel like absolute death most days.

My partner is logging my score of how I feel, nearly 2 weeks already and the graph is all over the place with extreme fluctuation, there is no pattern to it. The only one I see at the moment is I feel much worse in the afternoon and evening, and most of the time better in the morning. Sexual arousal or activity quickly crashes me, causes extreme pain in my body and feeling of deep despair.  Not sure why this is the case, but it has been like this in some capacity for nearly 3 years already.

I have quite bad PE as well, though it has improved some days finally after nearly 2 months of constant PE issues which also occur with the extreme body wide neuropathic type pain.  I think I not only have PSSD but some of the symptoms of PGAD as well, pain is very common with PGAD.

I also have had diarrhoea for over 2 months as well, all at the same time of this worsening of symptoms.

When do I expect to see some improvement? No idea, so far I have only seen mostly worsening, which wasn't the case with the AP this far out, but the AD has been a wild ride, that's for sure.


Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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Hello all,

In PAWS I've experienced both PGAD and PSSD.


PGAD is completely resolved. 

PSSD is mostly healed, and I trust it will improve further. 


My best advice is: don't think about it, don't keep "testing" it, don't focus on it.

Occupy your mind and your time with anything else. Distract yourself. 

These things take time. In my case it took years, and eventually my system sorted itself out.  

In the meantime, distract distract distract; live your life as best you can; learn and practice non-drug coping skills; expand your toolbox; and Acknowledge - Accept - Float.


Healing is happening all the time, even when we don't consciously feel it. 

You got this!


Sending everyone patience, courage, faith, and healing vibes --

In solidarity and support,


1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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I know people who have had PSSD for decades.


There's no point in pretending that it always heals. Everyone deserves accurate medical information.


That said, many people do heal from it, even if it does take a long time.

  • 15mg Remeron/Mirtazapine November starting 2022 (severe physical side effects)
  • Attempted to taper off January 2023, ended up having a major breakdown and going up to 30mg, took weeks to stabilise
  • 1 month taper  to 0mg
  • Last dose April 2023
  • Severe withdrawal syndrome with many physical symptoms


Summary: 5 months using Mirtazapine, including 1 month taper ending late April 2023. Severe withdrawal since.



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I have heard of this being a thing, but I haven't seen too many cases of it lasting indefinitely or more than decades. For those that have not had healing from PSSD for this long I have noticed a few things that seem to be correlated with no or little recovery from my dealing on PSSD.org  Those that didn't have windows or waves in the first place and seemed to be stuck at the same level of symptoms overall, not just PSSD symptoms.

Another is a lot of people try various treatments and meds to try to reverse PSSD and almost universally make it worse. There are rare cases where self treatment "cured" people but this is exceptionally rare and each person's self claimed cure was completely different from the next, so this is literally like winning the jackpot with stupidly high risk of making it worse.

Where I have seen people make recovery is where people stay away from drugs and get to the point in their mindset that it doesn't worry them in a way that debilitates them.  The brain seems to heal best when leaving it be and just accepting it.  It makes sense though as most mental health conditions have a positive feedback when dwelling on the issues and a negative feedback when moving on from it. Of course that is easier said than done. We all are or have been there.  The brain weakens and discards unused patterns of firing and connections and strengthens repetitive ones.  Like the saying "neurons that fire together, wire together" 


So I believe there is not only a physical disruption to PSSD and WD, but there is also a big part a phycological one too, and both work together in feedback loops that literally shape our brains.   Healing from drugs is much like healing from a traumatic brain injury and we must train the brain back to functionality, whether physically or mentally because all of it is in the patterns of firing and connections.

Sometimes you can't completely heal as with some trauma injuries to the brain, but it can do a damn good job of improving from what it started with. 


Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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I appreciate I probably have a lower level of PSSD than others here but I've found it helpful to think about the parts of sex I do still enjoy. Psychologically, I still enjoy fantasies and - though I don't have opportunity right now - I'm certain I will still enjoy looking at and touching a man. I know some people with PSSD have lost the psychological side too, rather than just the physical, but for those like me that retain sexuality but can't achieve physical sensations I've found it calms me down when I'm feeling frustrated to think about the ways I can still be in touch with my sexuality. 


At the end of the day, let's just say this **is** permanent (and there's no evidence for that in each individual case), what then? How can you adapt to get the most enjoyment out of life?


And if you've never tried using your mind to enhance sex (which through conversations with friends I think not everyone does) then it's worth trying. Long, long before I had PSSD I used to imagine to myself that every touch my boyfriend gave me - even just a brush on the arm - was erogenous and if I completely bought into that idea then I could make it so. That's just the power of imagination - like hypnosis. As well as that being maybe a useful way to access sexual feelings when you're lacking them, it also suggests that the mind is completely capable of shutting sensation down as well as opening it up, which maybe offers hope for this to be a temporary psychological condition. 

2001 - Fluoxetine

2001 - Citalopram

2002 - Paroxetine

2003 - Sertraline 
2006-2009 Cialopram

2009 - Venlafaxine

2010-2012 - Lamotrigine

2012-2014 - Citalopram

2018-2023 - Sertraline 

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Всем привет. Через 5 месяцев после последней дозы антидепрессанта, в течение последних 7 дней я чувствую улучшения, связанные с ПССР. Я не буду говорить, сколько я выздоровел в процентах, это не имеет значения. В частности, я стал чувствовать себя лучше. Меня легче возбудить, я могу заняться сексом и повторить половой акт с партнером через несколько часов. Мне легче поддерживать эрекцию и я чувствую страсть. Что связано с либидо и удовольствием, как правило, оно приходит во время полового акта.


Сразу скажу, полноценного пссда у меня не было, но это было ужасно. Либо я вообще ничего не чувствовала и мне было тяжело поддерживать эрекцию. Все это закончилось преждевременным семяизвержением, сам пенис не отличался особой жесткостью. Весь половой акт был скорее мучением, а не процессом, который должен радовать и приносить положительные эмоции. 

Из-за моего пссд я начала отменять антидепрессант и очень переживала по этому поводу. 


И так, что мне помогает, на мой взгляд. Я купил себе кардиотренажер.

И он ограничил суточное потребление калорий до 2000 в день. Мне 34 года, мне этой суточной нормы хватает. Я ем только в определенное время, то есть завтрак в 8.30, обед в 14.30 и ужин в 20.30. При этом я не отказываю себе ни в каких вредных продуктах, условия — не выходить за пределы 2000 калорий, хотя за последние 36 дней были дни, когда я съедал 2200 калорий в день. В таких условиях большое количество вредных продуктов отпадает самостоятельно, иначе я останусь голодной.


Что мне удалось узнать об интересном гормоне грелине, гормоне голода. Оно, в свою очередь, способствует выработке в организме оксидов азота, а они прекрасно влияют на кровообращение и многое другое, информацию вы можете поискать в Интернете самостоятельно, я не хочу превращать это сообщение в научную диссертацию. . Гормон грелин, открытый сравнительно недавно. Если подумать логически и представить, что этот гормон вырабатывается в то время, когда наш организм голоден. При питании многих людей мы не так часто испытываем это чувство, поэтому можем ли мы быть уверены, что этот гормон вырабатывается в нашем организме правильно? Что, в свою очередь, влияет на множество вещей в нашем организме. Думаю, нет, хотя я не учёный и просто пытаюсь выстроить логическую цепочку улучшения своего состояния. У меня заметно увеличился приток крови к половому органу, а давление нормализовалось. У моей жены, которая никогда не принимала АД, часто были головные боли, которые могли начаться утром и продолжаться в течение дня, каждое утро она начинала с чашки кофе, у нее поднималось давление и головная боль проходила, она заметила, что теперь головные боли утром пропали, вот так. То же самое связано с улучшением кровотока.  


 Что делать с этой информацией? Я бы не стала делать это панацеей от всех болезней, но попробовать стоит. Старайтесь есть порциями так, чтобы за два часа до следующего приема пищи вы чувствовали голод, а не утоляйте его перекусами типа сладостей, бутербродов и т. д. Наберитесь терпения до следующего приема пищи. Да, чувство голода не всегда приятно, и многим неприятно его испытывать, но относитесь к этому процессу как к пользе для своего организма. Представьте себе, что это всего лишь немного некомфортная процедура по омоложению организма, я думаю, многие люди терпят гораздо более изнурительные вещи, чтобы помолодеть. И ведь это ощущение не на всегда, а на несколько часов. Так что это не смертельно. За этот месяц я даже научился наслаждаться этим чувством. Я думаю, со временем ты научишься. Если в первые две-три недели вы не почувствуете улучшения, не отчаивайтесь. Вы должны знать, что все требует времени. Не стоит дольше голодать, это не улучшит ситуацию, а скорее навредит, важнее систематически и аккуратно выполнять данную процедуру. Самое главное – это режим. 


Before this experiment, I was very much tormented by increased gas formation, belching of air, etc. this has greatly decreased, although it is present. I think this is not a quick process, and if you switch to such a power mode, you should not expect a fleeting improvement. Even a month is just the beginning.


ps для любителей пощекотать нервы рекомендую за полчаса до еды, в момент когда вы голодны, смотреть передачи про готовку, это дополнительно стимулирует желудок.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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Hello everyone. 5 months after the last dose of antidepressant, for the last 7 days I have been feeling improvements related to PSR. I'm not going to say how much I've recovered as a percentage, it doesn't matter. In particular, I began to feel better. It is easier to arouse me, I can have sex and repeat sexual intercourse with a partner in a few hours. It's easier for me to maintain an erection and I feel passion. What is related to libido and pleasure, as a rule, it comes during sexual intercourse.


I must say right away, I didn't have a full-fledged psda, but it was terrible. Or I didn't feel anything at all and it was hard for me to maintain an erection. All this ended with premature ejaculation, the penis itself was not particularly rigid. The whole sexual act was more of a torment, rather than a process that should please and bring positive emotions. 

Because of my psd, I started to cancel the antidepressant and was very worried about it. 


And so that helps me, in my opinion. I bought myself a cardio machine.

And he limited his daily calorie intake to 2,000 per day. I am 34 years old, this daily allowance is enough for me. I only eat at certain times, that is, breakfast at 8.30, lunch at 14.30 and dinner at 20.30. At the same time, I do not deny myself any harmful foods, the conditions are not to go beyond 2,000 calories, although there have been days in the last 36 days when I ate 2,200 calories a day. In such conditions, a large number of harmful products disappear on their own, otherwise I will remain hungry.


What I managed to learn about the interesting hormone ghrelin, the hormone of hunger. It, in turn, contributes to the production of nitrogen oxides in the body, and they have a great effect on blood circulation and much more, you can search the Internet for information yourself, I do not want to turn this message into a scientific dissertation. . Ghrelin hormone, discovered relatively recently. If you think logically and imagine that this hormone is produced at a time when our body is hungry. When feeding many people, we do not experience this feeling so often, so can we be sure that this hormone is produced in our body correctly? Which, in turn, affects a lot of things in our body. I think not, although I'm not a scientist and I'm just trying to build a logical chain of improving my condition. My blood flow to my genitals has noticeably increased, and my blood pressure has returned to normal. My wife, who has never taken HELL, often had headaches that could start in the morning and last throughout the day, she started every morning with a cup of coffee, her blood pressure rose and the headache passed, she noticed that now the headaches in the morning were gone, like this. The same is associated with improved blood flow.  


 What should I do with this information? I wouldn't make it a panacea for all diseases, but it's worth a try. Try to eat in portions so that two hours before the next meal you feel hungry, and do not satisfy it with snacks such as sweets, sandwiches, etc. Be patient until the next meal. Yes, the feeling of hunger is not always pleasant, and it is unpleasant for many to experience it, but treat this process as a benefit for your body. Imagine that this is just a slightly uncomfortable procedure to rejuvenate the body, I think many people endure much more grueling things in order to rejuvenate. And after all, this feeling is not for always, but for several hours. So it's not fatal. During this month, I even learned to enjoy this feeling. I think you'll learn in time. If you don't feel any improvement in the first two or three weeks, don't despair. You should know that everything takes time. It is not necessary to starve longer, this will not improve the situation, but rather harm it, it is more important to systematically and carefully perform this procedure. The most important thing is the mode.

Before this experiment, I was very much tormented by increased gas formation, belching of air, etc. this has greatly decreased, although it is present. I think this is not a quick process, and if you switch to such a power mode, you should not expect a fleeting improvement. Even a month is just the beginning.

ps for those who like to tickle their nerves, I recommend watching programs about cooking half an hour before eating, at the moment when you are hungry, this additionally stimulates the stomach.

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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10 hours ago, Tolk90 said:


Всем привет. В течение 5 месяцев после применения последних доз антидепрессанта в течение последних 7 дней я чувствую улучшение, связанное с ПССР. Я не буду говорить, сколько я выздоровел в валютах, это не имеет значения. В частности, я стал чувствовать себя лучше. Меня легче возбудить, я могу заняться сексом и начать половой акт с партнером через несколько часов. Мне легче поддерживать эрекцию, и я чувствую страсть. Что связано с либидо и удовольствием, как правило, оно приходит во время полового акта.


Сразу скажу, искреннего пссда у меня не было, но это было ужасно. Либо я вообще ничего не почувствовала, и мне было тяжело поддерживать эрекцию. Все это закончилось преждевременным семяизвержением, сам пенис не отличался особой жесткостью. Весь половой акт был скорее мучением, а не процессом, который должен радовать и выносить положительные эмоции. 

Из-за моего пссд я начала менять антидепрессант и очень переживала по этому поводу. 


И так, что мне помогает, на мой взгляд. Я купил себе кардиотренажер.

И он ограничил дневное потребление калорий до 2000 в день. Мне 34 года, мне этой дневной нормы хватает. Я ем только в маленькое время, то есть завтрак в 8.30, обед в 14.30 и ужин в 20.30. При этом я не отказываюсь ни от каких вредных продуктов, условия — не ограничиваю 2000 калорий, хотя за последние 36 дней были, когда я съедал 2200 калорий в день. В таких условиях большое количество вредных продуктов выпадает самостоятельно, иначе я остаюсь голодной.


Что мне удалось узнать об интересном гормоне грелине, гормоне голода. Оно, в свою очередь, обеспечивает выработку оксидов азота, и они прекрасно влияют на кровообращение и многое другое, информацию, которую вы можете поискать в Интернете самостоятельно, я не хочу превращать это сообщение в научную диссертацию. . Гормон Грелин, сравнительно недавно. Если логически предположить, что этот гормон вырабатывается в то время, когда наш организм голоден. При питании многих людей мы не так часто испытываем это чувство, поэтому можем ли мы быть уверены, что этот гормон вырабатывается в нашей схеме правильно? Что, в свою очередь, влияет на многие вещи в наших расчетах. Думаю, нет, хотя я не учёный и просто пытаюсь выстроить логическую цепочку, чтобы улучшить своё состояние. У меня увеличился приток крови к полуоргану, давление нормализовалось. У моей жены, которая никогда не принимала АД, часто были головные боли, которые начинались утром и продолжались в течение дня, каждое утро она начинала с чашки кофе, у нее поднималось давление и головная боль проходила, она заметила, что теперь головные боли утром пропали, вот так. То же самое связано с улучшением оборота.  


 Что делать с этой информацией? Я бы не стала делать эту панацею от всех болезней, но попробовать стоит. Старайтесь есть порции так, чтобы за два часа до следующего приема пищи вы чувствовали себя голодными, а не утоляйте его перекусами, такими как сладости, бутерброды и т. д. д. Наберите терпения перед последующим приемом еды. Да, чувство голода не всегда приятно, и многие из его проблем неприятны, но вы относитесь к этому процессу как к пользе для своего организма. Представьте себе, что это лишь немного некомфортная процедура по омоложению организма, я думаю, что многие люди терпят гораздо более изнурительные вещи, чтобы помолодеть. И ведь это ощущение не всегда, а на несколько часов. Так что это не смертельно. За этот месяц я даже научился наслаждаться этим чувством. Я думаю, со временем ты учишься. Если в первые две-три недели вы не почувствуете улучшение, не отчаивайтесь. Вы должны знать, что все требует времени. Не стоит дольше голодать, это не улучшит ситуацию, а скорее навредит, главное систематически и аккуратно выполнять эту процедуру. Самое главное – это режим. 


До этого эксперимента меня очень сильно мучило повышенное газообразование, отрыжка воздухом и т. д. это сильно уменьшилось, хотя и присутствует. Думаю, это не быстрый процесс, и если перейти на такой режим мощности, не стоит ожидать мимолетного улучшения. Даже месяц – это только начало.


ps любителям пощекотать нервы рекомендую за полчаса до еды, в момент, когда вы голодны, посмотрите передачу про готовку, это дополнительно стимулирует желудок.

please delete this post, I accidentally duplicated it twice

 2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс(алпразолам(ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.05(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с учета ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса (эсциталопрама) 20 мг (хотим снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг

21.08.2222 г. я снизил дозу Ципралекса до 16,2мг.

2015 г. - 21 января 2022 г. ксанакс (алпразолам (ксанакс)) 0,5 мг +/-   

2015- 21.10.21(10.05.2021) Ципралекс 10 мг (снят с производства ?CT)

2022 - Добавлен тразадон 22.02.22 Отказался от тразадона Габапентин для сна, очень редко. 300мг на 1 месяц 2 таблетки

2022 г. - конец апреля или май, возобновление приема ципралекса 20 мг (хочу снизить дозу ципралекса до 10 мг) 7 августа - снижение дозы эсциталопрама 18 мг 21 августа - 16,2 мг, 28 августа - 15 мг

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com. Прежде чем переводить, просмотрите этот пост как «оригинал».

Я отказался от всех психотропных таблеток. 04.12.2023 перескочила с дозы 1мг.

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My partner started tracking my level of mood/physical symptoms with the dailyo app. This probably should go in the waves and windows thread more than anything, I will post up a graph there later after I get a good month of data. Anyway, my PSSD and what I assume is PGAD go with the waves and windows.

I am finally having relief and normal sexual function and mental feeling that comes with that on my good days, but on my bad days I still have lower sexual function, sour mood/depression, extreme pain throughout the body (worst in the perineal and lesser in the genitals, followed by feet, then mouth and hands, and throughout the body) I also have extreme and painful sensitivity in the glans and bad PE.

But the PE has finally settled down a lot on my good days and I can masturbate without the feeling of climax bothering me when I don't want it and I no longer have the issue where stopping does not reset the time to climax which was extremely frustrating and the worst aspect of PE.

My soft glans is also almost non existent on my good days, but comes back moderately  with the other symptoms of the waves

I suspect that with each wave, my brain might be not making enough serotonin as all my symptoms can be explained by something to do with lack of serotonin or lack of response to it.   Depression, non existent pain threshold and sensitively, PE, ED (especially soft glans), feeling of a hint of climax without reason or arousal, visual problems, migraines, bone aches, chills and goosebumps, nightmares and lucid dreaming, breathing and heart rate disturbances, itchy/prickly skin at night, sweating, nausea and very bad diarrhoea.

All these symptoms come about once a week and last a few days, then slowly get better and I have usually one to max of two good days where 90% of the symptoms go away including the sexual ones.

I feel that on my good days, my sexual symptoms are almost back to how I felt as a teen where I was not plagued with illness after illness and never had sexual problems even when I did have some medical incidence happen and also was on meds twice, but wasn't affected sexually by them.

It almost felt nostalgic the way I mentally felt when my sexual function and the rest were working normal on these short windows.  I forgotten what normal feels like as it has been since late 2013 when I got a breakdown from too much work and travel.

I feel that I will probably make a recovery eventually and I am def on the right track, but the instability of this condition sure is brutal.

Late 2014-Early 2015 started Lovan SSRI for weakness, fatigue and severe SD. Severe side effects. CT

2015- multiple SSRIs and SNRI (type?) Anger and side effects. CT

2015- Agromelatine  6 months- No effects CT

2016- Present Moclobemide. Partial response without major side effects. 

2017- 2017- Added Sodium Valproate- No effects just hair loss. CT

2018- Antipsychotic. (type?) No effects. CT. 

2018- Latuda Antipsychotic. 6 months. No effects. CT. 

2019 Jan- Rexulti. Massive improvement no major side effects.  2mg dose.

September 2020- Sudden severe SD after a number of years of being mostly fine and jerky sleep/wake transitions + severe sleep paralysis, injuries to face during sleep, blunt emotions, brain fog, little motivation.

August 2021- Rexulti concluded as likely cause. Begin taper over 8 weeks. Delayed severe neurological (almost entirely autonomic) WD symptoms in late November 2021 after being symptom free. 

Reinstated and taper Rexulti @ 0.25mg Jan 2022, 0.125mg May, August 0.0625mg, November 26th 0.03125mg, Feb 27th 2023 0.0158mg, May 22nd 0.0mg. Finally!

Taper Moclobemide March 2022 from 300mg to 150mg, August 75mg (last reduction too harsh, moving to 10% per 3, 4 or 5 weeks) 12th Oct 22  67.5mg, 11th Nov 60.18mg, 11th Dec 53.65mg, 2nd Jan 2023 48.035mg, 23rd Jan 2023 42.8mg, 13th Feb 39.033mg, 20th March 34.85mg, April 19- May 17 rather rapid slide method from 31mg to 19mg (approx 10% weekly). Hold 19mg to May 31st, 17.5mg to 15th June, Split dosing 9mg x 2 twice daily 1 at 5pm and 1 at 7:30pm. Helped with the severity of the adverse reactions and can be mixed with next dosing to allow a slide period. July 11th,  9mg + 7.5mg. July 18th 2 x 7.5mg,  Aug 18th 7.5mg + 6mg, Aug 25th 6+6mg, Sep 23rd 5.25+5.25mg, Oct 27 CT. Drug free!

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Need you to clear up some doubts. I have been off medication for 1.5 years. I had a horrible withdrawal like many have here. I'm at 80% psychologically, and I'm constantly improving.

Regarding sexual issues, I had these symptoms:
-erectile dysfunction
-weak orgasms
-lack of sensitivity
-no libido


At the moment, with each passing month the orgasms are getting better and better, the sensitivity has improved and I have been amazed by it, the erections are stronger, my libido has returned and is stabilizing. Every time I feel better on all levels.


But it seems that my penis has shrunk by about 2cm in this process. Is this reversible? Will it return to its normal size over time? I'm completely obsessed with this and worried that it won't go back to its original size.


PS: also read on the internet that penis shrinkage is normal with age, obesity and some medications and that it will recover is normal positions if you have a healthy lifestyle.


2017- Serteline (6months)

2022-2023 Trazodone (1 year):

50mg up to 100mg

Stoped cold turkey on 31 of Dececember 2022

Withdrawal Simptons since then:

-panic attacks (never had before); -anhedonia (never had before); -erectil disfuntion (never had before); -numbness of the genitals (never had before); -depression; -insomnia; -windows and waves pattern; -claustrophobia (never had before); -neuro-emotions



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