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Mamgu: reducing citalopram


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1 hour ago, Mamgu said:

Hi Sonia, yeah I'm good thanks for checking-in 🙂


I've enjoyed a decent hold, stabilised nicely and even managed to have a ball at the music festival on Friday 🤘.  So mission accomplished and now back to reducing the dose and all the joy that comes with it 🙄.  The 'elevator' sensations had diminished but curiously I'm on day two of 0.32mg and was OK until this morning when I took the dog for a walk and had a 'nearly-faint': intense head pressure and vision went blurry, this lasted a good couple of minutes and I had to stop walking.  It's not uncommon for me to have the odd moment of head pressure and feeling as though I'm drifting away but not so intensely and my vision was never affected before.  The weather is hot and muggy so that might have had a part to play?  


I can see you're still having strong withdrawal symptoms, the fatigue is a killer and all you can do is rest up, so frustrating.  I totally understand the panic feeling that comes with the elevator thing.  Every time I have to concentrate on my breathing and practice some meditation thought processes.  That really helps quell the panic-surge and stop the catastrophising thoughts.  Drinking water with a little magnesium citrate helps too. 


Hang on in there, it'll pass xx


@Mamgu Hi, so happy for you that things are improving. Hopefully that was a blip you had this morning and will pass, probably caused by your recent reduction . I get similar faint like feelings where I just have to rest. To think such a small reduction can make such a big difference but it can. I tried to go up once, hardly anything but boy oh boy did I feel it. I went back to my usual dose the next day. It seems downwards is the only way for me.

I'm having a tooth out next week so not looking forward to that. I hope it's not going to set me back.

I hope you continue to improve and enjoy more music festivals, you're doing great! Sending best wishes to you.x🙏😊


2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else). October 2024 0.2 mg Citalopram possibly for a few months error in measuring.




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5 hours ago, Sonia009 said:

I'm having a tooth out next week so not looking forward to that.


I had a tooth out a few months back.  I got in a right state before it but have to say everything went well and I honestly don't think it impacted my WD experience.  Hopefully you'll be the same 🙂


I'm amazed how sensitive we are, even the smallest dose change can effect us so dramatically.  It seems you're still having to settle after the small increase, if nothing else, this process teaches us patience.  xxx

Citalopram 20mg from 2014. Spring 2016 10mg for 4 weeks then stopped May 2016. Sept 2016, 20mg; increased briefly to 30mg but felt worse and dropped back to 20mg. May 2018 15mg. July 2018 10mg. May 2019 dropped to 7.5mg (ish).  Returned to 10mg from mid-June 2019. 16th Nov 19 gradually changed to 100% dissolved tablet over 2 weeks. 

2019 28th Nov 9mg.

2020 13th Jan 8.1mg. 11th Feb 7.3mg. 29th April 2020 6.57mg. 30th May 5.90mg. 21st July 5.31mg. 17th Sept 4.8mg.

2021 7th Feb 4.3mg. 29th Mar 3.8mg. 10th May 3.42mg. 19th June 3.12mg. 29th Sept 2.83mg. 10th Nov 2.55mg.

2022 7th Jan 2.3mg. 15th Feb 2.07mg. 15th Mar 1.87mg. 7th May 1.68mg. 20th June 1.5mg. 24th Sept 1.43mg. 12th Oct 1.35mg. 12th Nov 2022 commenced Brass Monkey method (mg values are those of the fourth drop where I'll hold for a least 2 weeks): 3rd Dec 1.25mg.

2023 4th Feb 1.097mg. 27th Mar 0.988mg.  8th May 0.89mg. 19th June 0.8mg.  14th Sept 0.72mg. 

2024 (commenced lower dose drops) 1st Jan 0.71mg. 8th Jan 0.70mg. 15th Jan 0.69mg. 22nd Jan 0.68mg. 29th Jan 0.66mg. 5th Feb 0.64mg. 12th Feb 0.6mg.  19th Feb 0.56mg. 25th Mar 0.52mg. 1st Apr 0.49mg. 8th Apr 0.47mg. 15th Apr 0.44mg. 22nd Apr 0.42mg. 29th Apr 0.4mg. 27th May 0.38mg. 3rd June 0.36mg. 17th June 0.34mg.  10th August 0.32mg. 2nd Sept 0.3mg. 15th Sept 0.28mg. 1st Oct 0.26mg. 


Supplements:  Omega 3 Algae Oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium Citrate 

Non-AD prescribed drugs: Levothyroxine 200mg (since 1988), Amlodipine 5mg and Ramapril 10mg (since ~2005)

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36 minutes ago, Mamgu said:


I had a tooth out a few months back.  I got in a right state before it but have to say everything went well and I honestly don't think it impacted my WD experience.  Hopefully you'll be the same 🙂

@Mamgu That's reassuring, thank you. The annoying thing is I went to the dentist a week last Friday and it wasn't easy, plucking up the courage to go whilst not feeling great, asking if I could have it taken out then but their x-ray equipment wasn't working so they couldn't do it. It still wasn't working the following Wednesday. I contacted another dentist and I'm having it removed privately. x

36 minutes ago, Mamgu said:

I'm amazed how sensitive we are, even the smallest dose change can effect us so dramatically.  It seems you're still having to settle after the small increase, if nothing else, this process teaches us patience.  xxx

Yes the lower you go the harder it is. All the best x

2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else). October 2024 0.2 mg Citalopram possibly for a few months error in measuring.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I've now made it to 0.3mg 😎.  The latest drops are hitting a little harder than before; current dominant symptoms are:

  • tinnitus (probably 9/10 at its worse)
  • head pressure
  • when walking I can become very uncomfortable, it feels as though I'm constantly stepping off an escalator compounded with that odd feeling when I turn direction or turn my head.  It's as though my brain isn't in synch with the messages my eyes are giving it and I'm briefly confused then I get surges of panic
  • nightmares or very weird dreams that wake me up in the early morning
  • tingling/vibration feeling throughout my body but predominantly in my mouth
  • loads of energy but I can't do much with it, exercising definitely exacerbates all my WD symptoms
  • itching all over my body, so bad I struggled to get off to sleep the last couple of nights

In the good news section of my update......🙂..... emotionally I feel very good.  I'm positive, generally happy, getting on with projects I've been procrastinating over and getting out more often.


I've also shifted my mindset in this process which I think is helping.  Previously I would get frustrated when holding and impatiently anticipate the times when I can start reducing again.  Now I'm looking forward to the holds, it allows me to live the life I want (given my situation) and when I'm in the phase of reducing the dose, I'm in control, enjoying reaching targets like 0.3mg but actually celebrating the 'living life' activities that I enjoy.  This summer I've: been to a music festival, immersed myself in epic novels, pottered in the garden (slugs aside it's been enjoyable producing some veggies) had some lovely long walks in the countryside with my dog, visited nature reserves, been on day trips visiting castles and other ancient monuments, gone to a football match.....all the sort of things that makes me...well....ME I suppose 😊


Basically it's progress with a price 🤪

Citalopram 20mg from 2014. Spring 2016 10mg for 4 weeks then stopped May 2016. Sept 2016, 20mg; increased briefly to 30mg but felt worse and dropped back to 20mg. May 2018 15mg. July 2018 10mg. May 2019 dropped to 7.5mg (ish).  Returned to 10mg from mid-June 2019. 16th Nov 19 gradually changed to 100% dissolved tablet over 2 weeks. 

2019 28th Nov 9mg.

2020 13th Jan 8.1mg. 11th Feb 7.3mg. 29th April 2020 6.57mg. 30th May 5.90mg. 21st July 5.31mg. 17th Sept 4.8mg.

2021 7th Feb 4.3mg. 29th Mar 3.8mg. 10th May 3.42mg. 19th June 3.12mg. 29th Sept 2.83mg. 10th Nov 2.55mg.

2022 7th Jan 2.3mg. 15th Feb 2.07mg. 15th Mar 1.87mg. 7th May 1.68mg. 20th June 1.5mg. 24th Sept 1.43mg. 12th Oct 1.35mg. 12th Nov 2022 commenced Brass Monkey method (mg values are those of the fourth drop where I'll hold for a least 2 weeks): 3rd Dec 1.25mg.

2023 4th Feb 1.097mg. 27th Mar 0.988mg.  8th May 0.89mg. 19th June 0.8mg.  14th Sept 0.72mg. 

2024 (commenced lower dose drops) 1st Jan 0.71mg. 8th Jan 0.70mg. 15th Jan 0.69mg. 22nd Jan 0.68mg. 29th Jan 0.66mg. 5th Feb 0.64mg. 12th Feb 0.6mg.  19th Feb 0.56mg. 25th Mar 0.52mg. 1st Apr 0.49mg. 8th Apr 0.47mg. 15th Apr 0.44mg. 22nd Apr 0.42mg. 29th Apr 0.4mg. 27th May 0.38mg. 3rd June 0.36mg. 17th June 0.34mg.  10th August 0.32mg. 2nd Sept 0.3mg. 15th Sept 0.28mg. 1st Oct 0.26mg. 


Supplements:  Omega 3 Algae Oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium Citrate 

Non-AD prescribed drugs: Levothyroxine 200mg (since 1988), Amlodipine 5mg and Ramapril 10mg (since ~2005)

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7 hours ago, Mamgu said:

I've now made it to 0.3mg 😎.  The latest drops are hitting a little harder than before; current dominant symptoms are:

  • tinnitus (probably 9/10 at its worse)
  • head pressure
  • when walking I can become very uncomfortable, it feels as though I'm constantly stepping off an escalator compounded with that odd feeling when I turn direction or turn my head.  It's as though my brain isn't in synch with the messages my eyes are giving it and I'm briefly confused then I get surges of panic
  • nightmares or very weird dreams that wake me up in the early morning
  • tingling/vibration feeling throughout my body but predominantly in my mouth
  • loads of energy but I can't do much with it, exercising definitely exacerbates all my WD symptoms
  • itching all over my body, so bad I struggled to get off to sleep the last couple of nights

In the good news section of my update......🙂..... emotionally I feel very good.  I'm positive, generally happy, getting on with projects I've been procrastinating over and getting out more often.


I've also shifted my mindset in this process which I think is helping.  Previously I would get frustrated when holding and impatiently anticipate the times when I can start reducing again.  Now I'm looking forward to the holds, it allows me to live the life I want (given my situation) and when I'm in the phase of reducing the dose, I'm in control, enjoying reaching targets like 0.3mg but actually celebrating the 'living life' activities that I enjoy.  This summer I've: been to a music festival, immersed myself in epic novels, pottered in the garden (slugs aside it's been enjoyable producing some veggies) had some lovely long walks in the countryside with my dog, visited nature reserves, been on day trips visiting castles and other ancient monuments, gone to a football match.....all the sort of things that makes me...well....ME I suppose 😊


Basically it's progress with a price 🤪

@Mamgu You're doing great! You've done such a lot considering what you are going through, you have a great attitude. That escalator thing you describe is what I sometimes experience, you describe it well, I call it my dropping sensation. All your symptoms sound like normal withdrawal symptoms, they are just a ruddy nuisance though. You're almost there.😃 Looking forward to the day when we can say we are finished with these horrible drugs. Take care.🙂

2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else). October 2024 0.2 mg Citalopram possibly for a few months error in measuring.




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Thanks Sonia - yes, roll on AD-free day!!


Citalopram 20mg from 2014. Spring 2016 10mg for 4 weeks then stopped May 2016. Sept 2016, 20mg; increased briefly to 30mg but felt worse and dropped back to 20mg. May 2018 15mg. July 2018 10mg. May 2019 dropped to 7.5mg (ish).  Returned to 10mg from mid-June 2019. 16th Nov 19 gradually changed to 100% dissolved tablet over 2 weeks. 

2019 28th Nov 9mg.

2020 13th Jan 8.1mg. 11th Feb 7.3mg. 29th April 2020 6.57mg. 30th May 5.90mg. 21st July 5.31mg. 17th Sept 4.8mg.

2021 7th Feb 4.3mg. 29th Mar 3.8mg. 10th May 3.42mg. 19th June 3.12mg. 29th Sept 2.83mg. 10th Nov 2.55mg.

2022 7th Jan 2.3mg. 15th Feb 2.07mg. 15th Mar 1.87mg. 7th May 1.68mg. 20th June 1.5mg. 24th Sept 1.43mg. 12th Oct 1.35mg. 12th Nov 2022 commenced Brass Monkey method (mg values are those of the fourth drop where I'll hold for a least 2 weeks): 3rd Dec 1.25mg.

2023 4th Feb 1.097mg. 27th Mar 0.988mg.  8th May 0.89mg. 19th June 0.8mg.  14th Sept 0.72mg. 

2024 (commenced lower dose drops) 1st Jan 0.71mg. 8th Jan 0.70mg. 15th Jan 0.69mg. 22nd Jan 0.68mg. 29th Jan 0.66mg. 5th Feb 0.64mg. 12th Feb 0.6mg.  19th Feb 0.56mg. 25th Mar 0.52mg. 1st Apr 0.49mg. 8th Apr 0.47mg. 15th Apr 0.44mg. 22nd Apr 0.42mg. 29th Apr 0.4mg. 27th May 0.38mg. 3rd June 0.36mg. 17th June 0.34mg.  10th August 0.32mg. 2nd Sept 0.3mg. 15th Sept 0.28mg. 1st Oct 0.26mg. 


Supplements:  Omega 3 Algae Oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium Citrate 

Non-AD prescribed drugs: Levothyroxine 200mg (since 1988), Amlodipine 5mg and Ramapril 10mg (since ~2005)

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