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Jilla: severe PAWS

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Please post your questions here in your own Introductions topic.


We advise people not to try to taper one of their psychiatric drugs until they are stable from prior withdrawal. Before you reduced trazodone, did you have any symptoms left over from Paxil withdrawal?


If still have Paxil withdrawal and you got worse withdrawal symptoms from reducing from 50mg trazodone to 47.5mg trazodone, if I were you, I'd go back to 50mg trazodone.


It appears you are taking 60mg duloxetine, 50mg trazodone, with hydroxyzine and Xanax "as needed". Why do you want to go off trazodone?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I am still having some slight withdrawals symptoms  from going off Paxil…but am doing much better than I had been. I think I am just so anxious to be done with all of these meds that I thought I would give tapering Trazadone a try. Boy was I wrong. Lesson learned. It’s been 6 days of being on a lower dose of Trazadone. Do you think it is safe to just go back up to 50mg? Don’t want to kindle.

And yes, still on 60 mg Duloxitine and taking hydroxyzine not very often anymore. Did have to take one today due to the increase of symptoms, but probably haven’t had to take any for 3 to 4 weeks before today. How long after I’m totally symptom free do you recommend starting a new taper? You are a godsend. Thank you so very much!

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • Administrator

If I were you, I'd go back to 50mg trazodone. You should be completely symptom-free before tapering again.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there! 10 months ago I went off Paxil, after 13 years on, cold turkey, long story short…severe withdrawals, kindled after trying to reinstate, then put on 50 mg Trazadone and 60 mg Duloxitine, which I am still on. In August of last year I started having some good weeks followed by some not so good weeks. But definitely was improving. For the last 4 weeks my withdrawals have returned. I know this is probably normal, just need some confirmation. Also, I don’t think I should start tapering off the other 2 meds that I’m on until I have stabilized from the Paxil withdrawal. Your thoughts? And thanks for listening!

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • Administrator

Hello, @Jilla What do you mean by "my withdrawals have returned"? What symptoms? When did they start?


What drug changes have you made since April? Have you skipped any doses, drunk any alcohol, gotten antibiotic treatment or covid?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I have made no changes in medications or diet. The emotional withdrawal symptoms such as depression, crying, etc, that had been fairly mild, have flared back up the past month. It may have been I overdid during the holidays…could feel my body not handling the stress very well.  
I’ve tried to be more careful again as far as limiting my activities. I am hoping I get back on track. Still don’t think I should make any changes in my other two medications until I stabilize from the Paxil withdrawals.  Your thoughts? Thanks!

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • Administrator

If you skipped any doses or taken them off schedule, drunk any alcohol, or gotten antibiotic treatment or covid over the holidays, that could be the cause of your flare up in symptoms. Or it could have been stress from the activities, as you've said.


Generally, it's not a good idea to drink alcohol at all when you are experiencing adverse effects from psychiatric drugs.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Yes, I’ve not had any alcohol since starting withdrawals👍 I have to remember not to overdo.  Thanks!

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • Administrator

How has your symptom pattern changed in the last week?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Yes, it seems to be improving once again👍

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • Administrator

That's typical after you've suffered a bump. Usually your nervous system takes a week or few to settle down.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Yes! I think that’s probably what’s happened. Thanks for the confirmation.  

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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