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BaccatePlayer: Immediate adverse reaction to sertraline


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On 7/8/2024 at 5:50 PM, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayerThank you as always.  If you and others can get through this than I should be able to do it also. Wanting to feel well is consuming me. Doing my best to not let living this way destroy me! 

I'm really starting to feel like expecting it to better on its own is the reason it doesn't happen. I'm thinking too much about it.

20 hours ago, Warpman said:

Hi, @BaccatePlayer.


I had a terrible anxiety attack this morning (2 am), in which I felt a kind of anguish, a fear, accompanied by a strong weight in my shoulders and pressure in my chest, which I had never felt before. I spent the night awake and, despite having had 10 good days at the end of June, this wave hit me hard and I am extremely traumatized. Just thinking about what I went through this morning makes me cry, I don't think I'll ever get better, etc. etc. You are not alone. I leave you an affectionate hug.

Hello! That's understandable, especially if someone never had panic attack before, it can be incredibly unbearable and confusing. I thought I mastered coming out of crisis, but it is too difficult sometimes. Hug.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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39 minutes ago, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayer @Dahlia50 @Sonia009 Hi. Today is extremely hard! Have any of you had  days that you felt so bad that you did not think you would make it? How did you handle it?  Hope you all are feeling better.  Sending HOPE!

I can identify with that. Last Sunday I thought I couldn't move on. But they are just waves that will inevitably go away. Have you ever tried taking a cold shower? I guarantee you it feels better than withdrawal symptoms. Tell me if you followed the suggestion and what you thought. Stay strong.

2010 - 2017 20mg Lexapro2017 - 2023 60mg Cymbalta, July 2023 90 mg Cymbalta / august - november 2023 - 150mg Pristiq  + 0,25 Rexulti + 0,25 xanax SOS / dezember 2023 -  january 2024 - 20mg Lexapro + 0,5 Rexulti + 0,25 xanax SOS /

january - february 2024 - 20 mg Lexapro + 50 mg Luvox + 0,25 xanax 3 times a day / 02/22/2024 - 600mg Lithium + 25 mg Amitriptyline  + 25mg Luvox / 03/15/2024 - 600mg Lithium + 25 mg Amitriptyline + 12,5mg  Luvox / 03/25/2024 - 600mg Lithium + 12,5 mg Amitriptyline + 12,5 mg Luvox / 04/03/2024600 mg Lithium + 12,5 mg amitriptyline + ZERO Luvox / 04/09/2024600 mg Lithium + 10 mg amitriptyline + ZERO Luvox / 04/12/2024Onset of withdrawal symptoms: anxiety, dread upon waking, depression, derealization, palpitation, negative thoughts, hopelessness / 06/22/2024 - 525 mg Lithium + 10 mg amitriptyline + ZERO Luvox, 07/1/2024 - 450 mg Lithium + 10 mg amitriptyline + ZERO Luvox, 7/7/2024 - 600 mg Lithium + 10mg amitriptyline + ZERO Luvox;


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37 minutes ago, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayer @Dahlia50 @Sonia009 Hi. Today is extremely hard! Have any of you had  days that you felt so bad that you did not think you would make it? How did you handle it?  Hope you all are feeling better.  Sending HOPE!

Hello again! I had so many days like these that I stopped even registering them. I did nothing. Sometimes I just gave up and that was it. Mostly, it turned out to be panic attack, but the main point is that even if you just run to someone saying "help, I can't anymore!", the time will be moving forward and eventually you'll be better. If not healed, then at least "I'll take that from there" level. I had a few better hours, but that's because my mind believed I got over fake danger. Notice that we are living and remain sane regardless of believing in recovery or not.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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46 minutes ago, mariamisery said:

Today is extremely hard! Have any of you had  days that you felt so bad that you did not think you would make it? How did you handle it? 

I've had so many days like that. Barely remember what I'm doing, I do nothing, just survive. Getting through minutes and hours. You are not alone 💛

2007 Zoloft 25mg (2008 50mg)

2022 May - Dr wanted to increase to 62,5mg. Misinterpreted by Dr, it was tolerance/side effects. Felt sick, went back to 50mg efter 2 weeks.

2022 Oct - Reducing dose to 37,5mg (from 50mg). WD in few days, advised to go back to 50 - I then got adverse paradoxical reaction 

2022 Oct - Zoloft 50mg adverse reaction

2023 May 5th - Reducing dose to 25mg (directly from 50mg by Dr, difficult WD).

2023 Aug 1st - Reducing dose to 12,5mg 

2023 Oct 10th - Removed dose from 12mg to zero by Dr. Reinstated 2,5mg citalopram after 3 months, bad reaction. Reinstated 0,5mg zoloft for 6 days after 7 months, didn’t work. In terrible WD.





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@Dahlia50 I am coming to realize that's all we can do and that is survive and hope for a better day soon. Sad reality!

Maria George 

Started mirtazapine Dec. 20 2023 and stopped January 20,2024.

Only 1 antidepressant

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2 hours ago, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayer @Dahlia50 @Sonia009 Hi. Today is extremely hard! Have any of you had  days that you felt so bad that you did not think you would make it? How did you handle it?  Hope you all are feeling better.  Sending HOPE!

Hello Maria, yes I have had those days too, I used to worry about it but I think I've learned to accept these feelings because I survived them then and can do again. It's scary I know but I try not to panic, just accept it, realise your limitations and let it pass. Hope you feel better soon.🙏😊

2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else).




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A little update:



The anxiety is no joke. My sleep was cut in half, but I didn't take my dose and it at least stays where I left it yesterday. Would really use some time off of this, I know even people like Melissa Boutilier have been using propanolol or benzos in critical moments, but everyone says it's better not to, so I just hope it eventually drops down on its own. Trying not to think about it, not to visit forum and engage outside as much as I can, but I'm still barely capable of that. I need to be around my family all the time and also either walking or fidgeting. My system feels like a muscle that was already sore and I kept straining it for the past few days. Now I'm barely hanging, but all this should have peaceful circumstances to heal now. At least it now looks more like an actual anxiety (stomach, throat and head tensing, some burning sensations like whole skin covered in sunburns, agitation, overreactive senses, rumminations) rather than something completely alien.



I feel much better which is still really far from normal. Head pressure got easier, likely due to lower anxiety and my functioning looks less panicky too. Thing is, my appetite is terrible, I'm like constantly having nerve signals traveling through my stomach and random, unrepeatable sensations appear on this region. Basically imagine some string of nerves surrounding my brain, coming down to my throat and finishing on my stomach. All this is completely new and every next day, it changes to something yet more novel. I'm in town a lot lately, barely eating, but I think some really major process is underway. At night, I'm incredibly sleepy, it's so obvious that it's like a strong sleeping pill was affecting me. I don't know if these are brain sensations, but I feel it like some unrecognized, wierd sensations were constantly happening inside me, or more precisely they replace/add up to my internal feeling of self. Don't get me wrong, these aren't feelings and it's not DP/DR. It's just "I'm not feeling myself", but in a biological and not mental sense. Mentally I feel pretty much recovered. Thoughts and emotions are completely normal. They aren't stronger or more frequent. It's just that my biochemistry is still instable and I feel it 24/7. Currently registering any movement, bubbling or noise in my stomach. Especially intense at night. What helps me to mentally get through it is knowing that's it's just withdrawal. Nothing more than a misfiring nervous system that won't hurt me. I just know that my health is not in danger and that I am definitelly able to carry a day no matter how. Celebrating finishing 3 month of PAWS and within days that will be 7 months in total.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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@BaccatePlayergood that you are getting better. Symptoms change so much! I am having nervous energy and like you accept that these symptoms can't harm me. What is your secret to being patient while you heal? 

Maria George 

Started mirtazapine Dec. 20 2023 and stopped January 20,2024.

Only 1 antidepressant

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayergood that you are getting better. Symptoms change so much! I am having nervous energy and like you accept that these symptoms can't harm me. What is your secret to being patient while you heal? 

Me, patient? Ask someone who's tapering for years already and is simultaneously aware of not even being halfway through. As for cold turkey withdrawals or adverse reactions, the unofficial average is 1.5 year, so if I was running out of patience now, I'd have to be one of the more lucky ones. Surely I have in mind a few users who would be healed within nearest weeks should I follow their pattern, but I think crucial part of my "secret strength" (although I feel like especially whiny case) is... culture. Nobody would let a 26 years old boy to just lie in bed and complain for months here. I get that my psychiatrist is completely dismissive of my condition and insists I should be more proactive, take meds and attend therapy instead of driving my health anxiety, but it's not like my parents would let me rot at home. Workaholism is extremely normalized in my area and with me being childless, jobless and abandoning college, my forest and fields, the only excuse that will pass is taking care of old/ill parents (assuming 1964 & 1969 are reasonably old), so I still need to spend days similairly to bricklayer/carpenter working on the garage. This will be a terrible fate if I don't recover soon, but I'd have no choice.


Another wave of too severe intensity:


• feeling like I'm extremely sick (pseudo-fever, wierd coughing, electric-like throat clenching that makes breathing feeling difficult and act like sore throat, feeling like I have runny nose),


• probably one of the worst tension headaches I ever had,


• stomach in some upset,


• huge thirst,


• dry hands and some wierd internal heat,


• heartburn and reflux,


• phosphenes and hearing alterations,


• sense of internal overload as if the symptoms were explosive and so loud that whatever I actually do or witness appeared smaller than these CNS fireworks,


• random, very real sensations as if climaxing without it actually happening.




At least no mental symptoms (yet), so I'm hoping this may be coming to an end. I already had similair symptoms last weeks, but it's quite evident around mid May (after I got over the akathisia), they sat on my digestive system, reproductive system, heat regulation system and head sensations. Sadly, they still fall under "acute" or "severe".

Edited by BaccatePlayer

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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  • Moderator Emeritus
Posted (edited)

You will have to discuss your levothyroxine with your doctor.  I'm not a medical professional.  I'm a lay person, and I help people with tapering off of psychiatric drugs based on my own experience.  


My best guess is that you have developed a phobia of drugs, and it is the anxiety affecting you, not so much the actual drug.  

Edited by getofflex

Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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1 minute ago, getofflex said:

You will have to discuss your levothyroxine with your doctor.  I'm not a medical professional.  I'm a lay person, and I help people with tapering off of psychiatric drugs based on my own experience.  


My best guess is that you have developed a phobia of drugs, and it is the anxiety affecting you, not so much the actual drug.  

My doctor was actually surprised I was still taking it. I stopped it a few days ago and that severely anxious reaction started to slowly go away. Yes, I'm totally aware that it wasn't doing anything to me, but I just couldn't handle that my system linked my panic attack to levothyroxine and that chemically induced phobia was so intense that I was completely not myself for hours and I couldn't stop it from getting worse and worse. On my way to update my signature. Maybe it'd eventually normalize itself, but I'm already in peak of protracted withdrawal and barely hanging even without it. I'm really not in good enough state to handle phobias right now. Looks like this time I'm gonna need more than 3 months to exit the "fighting for any next minute" phase. Again, sorry for freaking out and alerting you so many times.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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  • Moderator

Hi @BaccatePlayer- just catching up after vacation... so sorry you're struggling so much.  I wish we had a magic wand to fix all this.  But your strength and determination really shines through- I have no doubt you will get to the other side, and good things are waiting for you there.  Sending hugs! ❤️‍🩹

1995- 2007- On and off multiple antidepressants (Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, Wellbutrin, escitalopram). Memory poor- can’t remember dates. Always tapered fast or CT.  2007- tapered Wellbutrin, zopiclone and escitalopram over one month to get pregnant.  Withdrawal hell for many years.

2009- Daughter born 🥰 Post partum depression/psychosis- no meds taken.

2016- Back on escitalopram due to job change/anxiety

2022- Severe covid infection- Diagnosed with long covid 08/22.

2023- 01/23- Long term disability approved for long covid.  Started taper under MD advice from 20mg: 11/23- 15mg. 2024- March-10mg. Started low dose naltrexone for long covid-5mg- terrible reaction, reduced to 0.5mg.  April- 10mg escitalopram, 1.0mg LDN. May 1- 9.0mg escitalopram, 1.0mg LDN. May 15- 9.0mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  June 12- 8.5mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  July 8- Brassmonkey micro taper started.  8.4mg escitalopram, 1.5mg LDN.  July 15- 8.3mg esc, 1.5mg LDN.  July 18 8.3mg esc, 2.0mg LDN, July 22 8.2mg esc. 2.0mg LDN. July 29 8.1mg esc. 2.0mg LDN. Aug. 24- 8.0mg Esc. 2.0mg LDN.  Aug. 30 7.9mg esc.  Sept. 6 7.8mg esc.


Supplements/other meds: Vitamin D, B12, Claritin, HRT


I am not a doctor.  I don't even play one on TV.  This is not medical advice, but based on personal experience.  Please consult a medical professional.

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@BaccatePlayer Just for you to know been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling a little better.🙏😊

2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else).




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Hi, how are you these days?


Had an immediate adverse reaction from the first two doses.


9/22 Agotine 25mg, Abilify 1mg, Topiramate 25mg

9/26 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 2mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/12 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 2mg, Risperidone 0.5mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/20 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 3mg, Topiramate 50mg, Risperidone 0.5mg 1/2

10/23 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 3mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/30 Agotine 25mg, Abilify 1mg, Topiramate 25mg - Cold turkey after this

11/13 Abilify 1mg, Escitalopram 5mg - Only single dose

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@BaccatePlayer.  How are you doing. I hope you are getting better? Miss you here.

Maria George 

Started mirtazapine Dec. 20 2023 and stopped January 20,2024.

Only 1 antidepressant

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2007 Zoloft 25mg (2008 50mg)

2022 May - Dr wanted to increase to 62,5mg. Misinterpreted by Dr, it was tolerance/side effects. Felt sick, went back to 50mg efter 2 weeks.

2022 Oct - Reducing dose to 37,5mg (from 50mg). WD in few days, advised to go back to 50 - I then got adverse paradoxical reaction 

2022 Oct - Zoloft 50mg adverse reaction

2023 May 5th - Reducing dose to 25mg (directly from 50mg by Dr, difficult WD).

2023 Aug 1st - Reducing dose to 12,5mg 

2023 Oct 10th - Removed dose from 12mg to zero by Dr. Reinstated 2,5mg citalopram after 3 months, bad reaction. Reinstated 0,5mg zoloft for 6 days after 7 months, didn’t work. In terrible WD.





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In my experience after the biggest downs come the biggest comebacks and better insights. Hope you come back stronger.

Mid Feb 2017 - Mid March 2017 0.25mg Sertraline

March 2017 - last months of 2019 0.50mg Sertraline

Last months of 2019 - tappering, cold turkey and reinstating multiple times, decided to not take it any longer (suffering unknown withdrawal)

April 2020 - end August 2020 - 0.50mg again, stopped cold turkey

Jan/Feb 2021 (Can't remember exactly) - 0.25mg or 0.50mg Sertraline for 1-3 weeks max

0.00mg since August 2020

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How are you, @BaccatePlayer? I noticed you haven’t been on in a while. I’m a little worried. I hope you’re ok ❤️

2012-2013 - 5mg Lexapro

2015-2016 - 5mg Lexapro

(the above are approximate dates but each time i was taking it for at least 6 months)

April 6, 2024 - one 10mg dose Lexapro and immediate adverse reaction 

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Thinking of you and sending healing vibes <3

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Just touching base, BaccatePlayer. I know it's been a little rough at your end over the past few weeks.


We'd love to hear from you.


Time & much patience.



Please don't send me PMs. I am not a doctor. My comments are based on my personal experience with ADs and tapering. Consult your doctor about your own medical decisions.

Start of taper: Jan ’22 Vortioxetine 15mg, 

End year 1: 4.5mg, 

End year 2: 2.38mg, 

Year 3: 8 Feb 2.19mg, 21 Mar 1.99mg, 2 May 1.83mg, 13 Jun 1.69mg, 25 Jul 1.50mg, 14 Aug 1.46mg, 3 Sep 1.43mg

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On 7/14/2024 at 4:32 PM, Catwoman73 said:

Hi @BaccatePlayer- just catching up after vacation... so sorry you're struggling so much.  I wish we had a magic wand to fix all this.  But your strength and determination really shines through- I have no doubt you will get to the other side, and good things are waiting for you there.  Sending hugs! ❤️‍🩹

Hello! Thanks a lot, though it's possible I crashed again (too much health anxiety?) and I got completely lost. I got discouraged from posting because no matter if I was in fourteenth or twenty-ninth month and reported things getting worse and worse, there would still be nothing that could be done.


On 7/17/2024 at 12:57 PM, Sonia009 said:

@BaccatePlayer Just for you to know been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling a little better.🙏😊

This is not really the case. So far the whole eighth month is probably only better than the first and second one. Absolute disaster and I'm not functioning on the basic levels (eating, sleeping), but I do think about you too, angel.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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On 7/21/2024 at 1:51 PM, KaiLee said:

Hi, how are you these days?

Hi Kai! Just like from months 1 to 4 things were getting progressively better and better, now from 5 to 8 they are getting progressively worse and worse. Scared of symptoms, they barely even resemble any named ones. Panic attacks, DP/DR & food phobias irritating the system so much that there's no break from these alien sensations even for a while.


On 7/21/2024 at 3:09 PM, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayer.  How are you doing. I hope you are getting better? Miss you here.

Hello darling! Not doing better at all. Every day is a fight for another hour in terror. I would stay in bed in complete darkness and I'd still be overstimulated. In 1.5 weeks I'll be starting ninth month and I could never guess I'd be this severe by now. When symptoms are so complex I can't even name nor locate them, I know things are serious.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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On 7/21/2024 at 8:08 PM, Dahlia50 said:

I hope my angel knows I didn't forget her.


On 7/21/2024 at 9:21 PM, Gonzo said:

In my experience after the biggest downs come the biggest comebacks and better insights. Hope you come back stronger.

Then it seems that either the biggest one is yet to come or it still lasts. All I can do is just give space to what I can't control. Thanks buddy!

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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@BaccatePlayer Good to hear from you.  Sorry that things are not better.  I know you already know that eventually your body will find its way to total healing!!! Is it your central nervous system that is causing most of your problems? I too can't believe I am not done. I think it is my CNS  with lots of fatigue and feeling odd.  Sending lots of HOPE and HEALING!!

Maria George 

Started mirtazapine Dec. 20 2023 and stopped January 20,2024.

Only 1 antidepressant

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On 7/21/2024 at 11:49 PM, Celeste1990 said:

How are you, @BaccatePlayer? I noticed you haven’t been on in a while. I’m a little worried. I hope you’re ok ❤️

Thanks! That's because I was so bad I couldn't bear the thought of anything withdrawal related for a second. I guess I'm naive to think this was meant to get better by now. When people discuss recovery, they frame being a year or 2 years off with terrible waves as completely casual, so I sort of given up because healing right now wouldn't count as success story for me, let alone if it will go on for much longer. Hope you're better than me.


On 7/26/2024 at 11:39 PM, Ariel said:

Thinking of you and sending healing vibes ❤️

I'm just gonna paste what I tell everyone: Three weeks ago I had a panic attack out of nowhere, but it was so unusually severe that I barely found myself there. Since then I feel completely drowning in symptoms. Anxiety feels like the most painful sparks raping me and I even have to scream because of it. Appetite is absolutely dead and I can barely tolerate anything at this point cause my mind creates associations between panic attacks and what I ate beforehand wrongly attributing triggers this way. I'm prone to having several panic attacks daily and they even start when I wake up at night. Everything is disregulated beyond what I already endured: brain burning, feeling incredibly sick, coughing all the time, feeling vomits from tongue to stomach, excess energy yet such fatigue that I barely change positions, very severe DP/DR, cognition flicks every few seconds, overreactive bladder, stomachaches, hearing everything that happens inside my digestive system, painful brain sensations and everything just out of sync (painful "drop" sensations as if falling out of world, losing legs) and it all rushes so intensely that I can't stop being scared by it. Totally unmanageable and I see how my system is stuck in different reality that doesn't even believe real life. I had a sleepless night and it seems like this is enough of a trigger to load me with so much adrenaline that I'm scared to wake up. Takes so little to overdo screen time. I appreciate the thoughts!

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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I'm so sorry you're going through such awful waves, BP. You are very brave!


Don't know whether you know about this PAWS survivor in Poland. Have you heard of him?

When I read his story I thought of you. Perhaps he could be a helpful resource/support to you in this process, in one way or another. 


I hear you in your suffering and I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hang in there, just keep going, however you can.

I have complete confidence in you, I know you are going to make it through. It does get better.

Remember, when you're going through hell, keep going!! 


Holding space and sending healing vibes <3


1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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On 8/4/2024 at 1:13 PM, Emonda said:

Just touching base, BaccatePlayer. I know it's been a little rough at your end over the past few weeks.


We'd love to hear from you.


Time & much patience.



Thank you! I'll try to update my thread more often, I just need to dose my screen time reasonably cause it can easily throw my sleeping upside down and I can't afford it now. Not even due to fatigue, but it really triggers heaps of adrenaline and if I go to the bed feeling that icicles load on heart and testicles, it's pretty much game over when it comes to sleeping that night and atracious wave underway.


I don't think it's the case of my friend that stressed me that much, but even around two weeks prior to that I was developing more and more concerns about my recovery. It escalated so much that various food phobias are haunting me now. I ended up only consuming water, meat, eggs, potatoes, rice, pasta and bread because some dishes even without me thinking restore the same panic attacks and I don't feel like detraumatizing myself. I suppose this will fix itself with time? I can live without sugar or mushrooms for some time, but I'm already 62 lbs lighter than before the onset.


I reconnected with my Messenger group and I also talk to Neighbour Bob on Signal, but ultimately I can tell my waves are more on the chemical side of CNS instability. My panic attacks, rather than being brief moments of intense fear are more like wild cards that boost waves. I can feel myself being more suspectible for anxiety and feeling unreal and then it gradually escalates until my symptoms bulk up so much I feel completely trapped and my thoughts spiral into some breakdown. After that the echo of it remains for the next day and when I wake up I need to reconnect with everything because my body is startled in every possible way. Sometimes it's not even anxiety, it's like a load of energy that prompts desperation and racing thoughts. Last time my panic attack was based entirely on frustration and impatience. Very hard to recognize at the moment, just like most of my symptoms (unless these are some basic ones like headaches or fatigue), but I'm very afraid it's not even an expected course of healing, but rather a result of me overdoing stress and worries. Breaking this cycle would come in handy, but it doesn't react to natural treatment like companion or podcasts.



12 minutes ago, mariamisery said:

@BaccatePlayer Good to hear from you.  Sorry that things are not better.  I know you already know that eventually your body will find its way to total healing!!! Is it your central nervous system that is causing most of your problems? I too can't believe I am not done. I think it is my CNS  with lots of fatigue and feeling odd.  Sending lots of HOPE and HEALING!!

I guess there's nothing more capable of doing it. Melissa Boutilier says to drop attributing symptoms to anything else than withdrawal for the first 2 years. Hug.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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15 minutes ago, Ariel said:


I'm so sorry you're going through such awful waves, BP. You are very brave!


Don't know whether you know about this PAWS survivor in Poland. Have you heard of him?

When I read his story I thought of you. Perhaps he could be a helpful resource/support to you in this process, in one way or another. 


I hear you in your suffering and I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hang in there, just keep going, however you can.

I have complete confidence in you, I know you are going to make it through. It does get better.

Remember, when you're going through hell, keep going!! 


Holding space and sending healing vibes ❤️


Isn't that from the person who recently posted success story here? Yes, he even shares my first name. I struggle financially, so I'm not into the therapy route, but I think I have the basics covered. If it's all about just abstaining from substances and taking care of sleep and stress levels, I'm likely on the right path from the get go. He mentions average recovery time being 3 years based on ~70 reports, that's quite upsetting. I mean, my friend told me average is half of that some time ago and that was already upsetting, but then again nobody knows. Fact is, I couldn't rely on "it will be getting better" so far since my baseline was best 4 months ago and now it's still on the drop. I really like this one on the other hand:

Shows that even withdrawal from beznos, SNRIs, THC, caffeine and weed alongside covid and adverse reactions in the meantime are possible to be healed from. She's also close to my age and describes similair symptoms that follow similair timeline to mine. The only thing is that I'm not going to use clonidine, nor I'm feeling weeks away from recovery. Still, no point in giving up and I appreciate you being there for me too.



22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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  • Administrator

Good to hear from you BC.


When I'm struggling, I just read success stories. They give me some comfort and encouragement that I will emerge out the other side of this process.


Time and patience are our friends in this process.


Keep us all posted when you are able.

Please don't send me PMs. I am not a doctor. My comments are based on my personal experience with ADs and tapering. Consult your doctor about your own medical decisions.

Start of taper: Jan ’22 Vortioxetine 15mg, 

End year 1: 4.5mg, 

End year 2: 2.38mg, 

Year 3: 8 Feb 2.19mg, 21 Mar 1.99mg, 2 May 1.83mg, 13 Jun 1.69mg, 25 Jul 1.50mg, 14 Aug 1.46mg, 3 Sep 1.43mg

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9 hours ago, BaccatePlayer said:

Hello! Thanks a lot, though it's possible I crashed again (too much health anxiety?) and I got completely lost. I got discouraged from posting because no matter if I was in fourteenth or twenty-ninth month and reported things getting worse and worse, there would still be nothing that could be done.


This is not really the case. So far the whole eighth month is probably only better than the first and second one. Absolute disaster and I'm not functioning on the basic levels (eating, sleeping), but I do think about you too, angel.

@BaccatePlayer It's good to hear from you but sad to hear you are experiencing these awful symptoms. I'm up and down at the moment and haven't posted recently but want you to know that you are thought about often and missed on here for sure. I pray that this suffering will end for you soon.🙏😊

2008 10 mg Citalopram, 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide

2021 reduced Citalopram over three years,2023 5.2 mg Citalopram for approx. 1 year

Sept 2023 taken off Citalopram and bendroflumethiazide , put on Amitriptyline 10 mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg 

October 2023 taken off Amitriptyline and Ramipril put on Propranolol 10 mg

October 2023 put on Losartan 25 mg 

November 2023 taken off Losartan on Propranolol 10 mg 

December 2023 now on 2.5 mg bendroflumethiazide + Citalopram 0.5 mg.

February 2024, taken off bendroflumethiazide, on bisoprolol 1.25 mg

February 2024, taken off bisoprolol, on ramipril 1.25 mg + 0.5mg Citalopram, stopped ramipril. June 2024 0.45 mg Citalopram. July 204 0.4 mg. ( nothing else).




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7 hours ago, Emonda said:

Good to hear from you BC.


When I'm struggling, I just read success stories. They give me some comfort and encouragement that I will emerge out the other side of this process.


Time and patience are our friends in this process.


Keep us all posted when you are able.

I wish my mind took inspiration from success stories, but all it remembers are descriptions of symptoms one has been facing and the really high numbers of months/years. My rational mind knows well that I will heal and that I wouldn't be able to feel like it's coming at the moment. Angie Peacock and Melissa Boutilier were severe cases and recovered fully, so did users here like mstimc or KenA. I'm taking it month by month because it's really too easy to be mislead by daily fluctuations.


Current waves challenge my sense of sanity the most. I can feel how my system is stuck in DP/DR & panic mode. All day long and day by day, I need to learn not to trust it. Always so close to snapping under all these sensations of losing ground and being trapped in dream-like state. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I wasn't fully present and my brain glitched a part of dream into reality. It was scary because I felt like I saw my mom entering my room and I thought I'm saying something out loud, but I didn't. I used to be reassured by the premise of people in withdrawal not being at risk of going insane, but the overwhelming sense of being in some psychotic state is nonetheless unbearable despite all senses and mentality working fine. My cognition is very poor, chronically fatigued, but Melissa Boutilier says it's common when a wave of DP/DR & panic is underway. I've shown my parents some definitions from the forum and they support me, but they're very disappointed that despite their and my best efforts it's still so severe and can last so long. My sister even got specific restriction not to bother me during recovery.


Really appreciating everyone here being so kind, this month I really saw how bad it can be without altering my external functioning.


5 hours ago, Sonia009 said:

@BaccatePlayer It's good to hear from you but sad to hear you are experiencing these awful symptoms. I'm up and down at the moment and haven't posted recently but want you to know that you are thought about often and missed on here for sure. I pray that this suffering will end for you soon.🙏😊

Thank you Sonia! Hopefully you're close to improvement too. I'm just tired with current situation. There were times when I could always count on my ideas and I was on the right path, physically relaxed, capable of handling myself. Right now I'm jumping from one traumatic event to another and everything just collapsed. I don't know what my symptoms are, I can't predict their length, I can't do anything with them and I never feel safe about the future. Even when I survive a wave, I'm not confident about doing this again. Intensity needs to go down. It's like 2 months of waiting until the next day hoping it will be better only to realize these better days are not coming for so long. I don't know how it is for people who have symptoms one by one, but I not only am stuck in abnormal state for the whole time, but regular movements call for going against the nature. I also can't shake off the feeling that it shouldn't be like that at this point. That I did something wrong. That I'm missing something that's keeping me stuck like this for so long.

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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So sorry @BaccatePlayer that you are still in such a horrible state!  Sending you courage, strength, and energy to get through each day!  I know for myself it took about a year before I even saw a window.  I still only get about 4hrs of sleep and mornings are tough! I pray for you to get some relief soon!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💪💪😍😍

On Venlafaxine for 30 years, 150mg

2018 first tapered, over 2 months, horrible crashed, reinstated 3 months later

February 2023, tapering again, every 4 weeks reduced by 50%  150mg down to 37:5mg 

June 2023, from 37.5, broke open capsule, started tapering by one bead at a time every 2 weeks 

August, 2023 stopped last bead. 
Nov, 2023, started Saint John Wort, 600mg, 3x a day = 1800mg  -

                                  reduced 1 capsules 300mg on Feb 15, 2024


magnesium bisglycinate, B complex, multivitamin, Omega 3 complex, Vitamin D3, digestive enzymes

also, use L-Theanine, occasionally natural GABA,  - stopped this in Jan 2024

For H.Pylori- Manuka Honey, 850mgo, Mastica Chios gum, Kefir, & probiotics 

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Sorry to hear that.

Please take care.

I'm getting better a lot.

Hope you get well too.

But it seems you have lot more energy or positivity in you, or is it just my thought?

If it is true, I am truly glad for you.

If not, still it's okay. You'll get better.

All the best wishes.

Had an immediate adverse reaction from the first two doses.


9/22 Agotine 25mg, Abilify 1mg, Topiramate 25mg

9/26 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 2mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/12 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 2mg, Risperidone 0.5mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/20 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 3mg, Topiramate 50mg, Risperidone 0.5mg 1/2

10/23 Agotine 50mg, Abilify 3mg, Topiramate 50mg

10/30 Agotine 25mg, Abilify 1mg, Topiramate 25mg - Cold turkey after this

11/13 Abilify 1mg, Escitalopram 5mg - Only single dose

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  • Mentor
9 hours ago, Kaylaq said:

So sorry @BaccatePlayer that you are still in such a horrible state!  Sending you courage, strength, and energy to get through each day!  I know for myself it took about a year before I even saw a window.  I still only get about 4hrs of sleep and mornings are tough! I pray for you to get some relief soon!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💪💪😍😍

Thank you angel! I can only show myself care and compassion now. This is similair to bodybuilding: once people cover the basics, there's a point when looking for solution does more harm than good. I do everything right and have to be patient. No point in rumminating if I know I'm safe and it leads to recovery anyways. Baylissa Frederick says the severity of symptoms doesn't indicate the length. I don't think I'm extremely severe case, some people like Melissa Boutilier had the actual body jerking, acute insomnia and akathisia, yet they healed. Jenn Swan mentioned "altered state of consciousness" as a result of being in too much of intense fear and worry about our condition. I try not to sit alone with these thoughts because I won't accelerate anything this way and that's just putting myself at risk of worsening DP/DR and starting another panic attack. These 3 days the vertigo and DP/DR are so powerful that I'm running on absolute failsafe of sanity. I'm really happy you finally got a window. Such sleep is nothing I can relate to, you endure symptoms for almost twice as long as I do everyday, but I'm sure this will also get better for you with time. So grateful we made through that far. Maybe the ninth month will be more promising for me.


2 hours ago, KaiLee said:

Sorry to hear that.

Please take care.

I'm getting better a lot.

Hope you get well too.

But it seems you have lot more energy or positivity in you, or is it just my thought?

If it is true, I am truly glad for you.

If not, still it's okay. You'll get better.

All the best wishes.

That's great you're doing well. Sometimes it's hard to even imagine it ever getting better especially since everything often feels unreal on the scale that I never experienced before. There's probably something to it because my feelings and thoughts are not affected too often. I get some moments, especially during panic attacks when everything seems to be shrinking to one racing thought like being frustrated that I can do nothing to speed it up or feeling helpless that I'm trapped in facing it everyday with no way out, but for the most part my mood is unaltered and I externally look very positive. That's how I, more or less used to be prior to drugs, but also I know that we should avoid negativity during recovery. It's very easy for a mind in wave to just hang onto upsetting idea and snowball it into a very serious spiral. Whenever I sense something abnormally emotional escalating in my head, I just tell myself that this is not yet healed and wouldn't produce my real judgements. I came to the conclusion that the whole "treatment" I went through was unneccessary. All I needed to be taught was that sometimes we just have to go through unpleasant sensations and do the normal thing. That would allow me to do most of the activities. Maybe I was just lazy or stubborn. Point is, withdrawal already shows me that my sensations don't dictate the reality. Meds were pointless and therapy I could outdo in terms of usefulness with my own resources. Luckily these panicky and unreal feelings, as much as scary and disturbing are just sequences. Once they're fixed, I'm completely free. It doesn't seem like, but it is really just withdrawal. Thank you my friend!

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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On 8/5/2024 at 5:54 PM, BaccatePlayer said:

I hope my angel knows I didn't forget her.

Thanks angel. Thought of you.
Understandable to take a break when you can't bear it. I'm hanging in there but suffering on this severe level wears me down.


Glad 🌻  you 💛  are here 🙏


2007 Zoloft 25mg (2008 50mg)

2022 May - Dr wanted to increase to 62,5mg. Misinterpreted by Dr, it was tolerance/side effects. Felt sick, went back to 50mg efter 2 weeks.

2022 Oct - Reducing dose to 37,5mg (from 50mg). WD in few days, advised to go back to 50 - I then got adverse paradoxical reaction 

2022 Oct - Zoloft 50mg adverse reaction

2023 May 5th - Reducing dose to 25mg (directly from 50mg by Dr, difficult WD).

2023 Aug 1st - Reducing dose to 12,5mg 

2023 Oct 10th - Removed dose from 12mg to zero by Dr. Reinstated 2,5mg citalopram after 3 months, bad reaction. Reinstated 0,5mg zoloft for 6 days after 7 months, didn’t work. In terrible WD.





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  • Mentor
On 8/7/2024 at 10:44 PM, Dahlia50 said:

Thanks angel. Thought of you.
Understandable to take a break when you can't bear it. I'm hanging in there but suffering on this severe level wears me down.


Glad 🌻  you 💛  are here 🙏


I think it may have been another crash. That panic attack I had exactly once the seventh month ended was abnormally "ultimate". These were sensations of such a deep disconnection and unreality that I felt completely trapped in another dimension. Up until now, the symptoms followed that pattern. This vertigo is so powerful I'd compare it to the noise of motorcycle passing by in terms of intensity. It's absolutely unbearable on the cognitive level, the DP/DR I would dread so badly that nothing matches. I totally lost perspective. My mind doesn't view it as me experiencing symptoms, it really does start to follow this narrative of questioning whether everything around is real. I feel so groundless, it's so evident that up to each of my fingers, these nerves are all completely "loose". Like expecting everything to sway or collapse at any moment. My body is clenched in some "expecting death" state and my actions (standing up, collecting raspberries), it all just goes against it so badly. As if every few seconds I was scaring my mind with something major like undergoing surgery or entering a plane. Brain sensations are totally out of control. Feeling something abnormal and feeling incredibly bad on the whole body. Not even knowing what that is. It's more than me, it's like the whole life changing on my eyes. I wake up, writing this, yet my mind is still stuck in some wierd reality, disbelieving that nothing has changed in life and even my health.


Maybe it's from stopping my hormones, but these aren't psychiatric drugs nor they should have that great of an effect. Maybe it's from intense health anxiety I was developing for weeks prior. Point is, this requires some incredible persistence on unbelieveable scale not to freak out every few minutes. I had a wet dream night before and slept only from 4 to 9, now I slept from 11 to 4, so I completed one night of sleep in two days. I have no idea how this will progress. Cold turkey and adverse reactions can be anything for as long as years. If there's some sudden rapid healing turnover, then there's hope... but if it has to improve at such pace, then it's already a horror story because I did not yet started to improve. Looking for small windows, symptoms stabilizing slowly, the worst ones ceasing, this is the reality that would stretch it for years. I didn't want to visit forum because I tend to see phrases like "my sleep has improved in the last 5 months". What sort of statement that even is? What kind of inhuman state does this imply for so long? Can really one pill put me into such condition that I only rely on the fact that my reflection in the mirror and everyone around don't change, so I'm not going crazy? I had to distance myself because this place is full of negativity even when it tries to be positive. It's not anyone's fault, but I really see success stories as horror stories, as precisely what would completely traumatize my expectations.


I couldn't have a birthday party yesterday and that's fine, I could resign from any food, going out or phone, but even this doesn't stop the madness. I can't accept we're there. I wish we weren't there as in never had the reason to be here in the first place. I love my angels, but I joined at the beginning of this year. Now we're coming close to an end of summer and nobody healed yet. So tired of not feeling myself...

22.10.2020 sertraline (50 upped to 100mg for two months) and pregabalin (150mg for half year)

2021 mirtazapine (30mg for some months), amitryptyline (cascading dose but doctor took me off it before reaching five tablets), olanzapine (5mg), lithium (this one I reacted to terribly as well, maybe due to my Hashimoto disease)

2022 duloxetine, reboxetine, venlafaxine (all unsuccessful attemps stopped after one day with no side effects following days, only reboxetine pushed through with one box)

2023 mainly bupropion (150mg stopped after few weeks, 300mg stopped after few another weeks, 150mg stopped after few months) until IAR, buspirone (5mg) tried for 3 days 

autumn 2023 - 150mg bupropion daily,

12.12.2023 - bupropion stopped,

16.12.2023 - 100mg sertraline,

18.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion,

19, 20 & 21.12.2023 - 150mg bupropion & 5mg buspirone,

Nothing ever since 21.12.2023, but 25mcg levothyroxine since around summer 2023 until 10.07.2024 for Hashimoto disease (non-psychiatric drug)


First wave: 18.07.2023; immediate adverse reaction to sertraline and first CNS crash: 16.12.2023: late onset protracted withdrawal from bupropion: 13.04.2024; third crash: 16.07.2024; currently still in acute phase of PAWS as of September 2024

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