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AblazingTulip – Introduction


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AblazingTulip – Introduction

Until 2016 (Refer to my “About Me”.)


  • Many different meds and treatments, including fluoxetine, and "everything else", for approximately 23 years.

2016 to 2023-May-30 (7 years).


  • Venlafaxine (Venlor) 150mg for 7 years (no breaks).
  • Lithium carbonate (Camcolit) 1,000mg the last 4 years. 400mg the initial 3 years.
  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin)

2023-Jun-01 For 6 weeks

(Tapered at 50% dosage for 6 weeks. The research I fleetingly did stated "4 four weeks" should suffice. Since this is my health after all, I thought I would play it safe, and "taper" an extra 2 weeks. Let my ignorance stand in testament alongside the "experts".)

  • Venlafaxine (Venlor) 75mg.
  • Lithium carbonate (Camcolit) 500mg.
  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin)

2023-Jul-13 to 2023-Nov-19 (±4 months)


  • None. (Acute ADS (AWS))

2024-Nov-20 to 2024-Feb-09 (±2.5 months)


  • Benzodiazepine (Purata), 30mg, prescribed as sleeping tablet!
    It’s an AD (antidepressant) ☹.
    1. The Dr. didn’t tell me this.
    2. And I did not check. (Yes, I am still ignorant.)
    3. Approximately 10 tablets taken in total, sporadically (as needed) over a 10-week period, since 20 Nov 2023. It explains my minor relapse of ADS (AWS). A number of times the tablet had zero effect for sleeping.
    4. Last taken 9 Feb 2024.


On a personal note to all visitors, members, admins, and moderators:

❤️ Thank you to everyone that had been here before, left their mark in our hearts, and moved on.

❤️ Thank you for everyone here and now, for all these years. It seems at least 2 decades, despite the site only going back to 2011.

❤️ Thank you for all the valuable information you have shared and continue to share.

❤️ Thank you most of all to Altostrata and the other founding members. I hug (it's how I roll) you in humble gratitude, for all you have done, and continue to do.

❤️ Thank you also for all the new members joining with me, and those waiting their turn to join. Taking care of ourselves has become a priority, finally. Well done to us!


There are at least two other  "Tulips"  that I have seen on this site.

So I guess I will have to be AblazingTulip.

My journey is not one of tapering. That I have done. But in a terrible way.

My story is already one of success. But I have much healing ahead of me still, and a mountain of learning. I look forward to it, and to share it with you, and help, where and when I can. I firmly believe success is ours for the taking. So let's make our futures. Successful. It won't be easy. Anything worthwhile, rarely is.


My next post will be my first journal entry on this site.

“Be a hand that washes another, not just one formed as a cup. (AblazingTulip)”



(Photo, 2014. Words, 2019. AblazingTulip, 2024)


(Signature last updated 20 Feb 2024.)

1996–2016 “Everything else”, including Fluoxetine, Enalapril 10mg.
2009 Paused meds for 2 months.
2016 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 400mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg.
2019 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 1,000mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Venlafaxine 6 week taper at 75mg from Jun 1. Untapered: Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Enalapril 10mg from Jul 13. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Nov 20 to Dec 31 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Jan 1 to Feb 9 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 0.00mg AD. (9 Feb 2024)
Non-AD Meds: Enalapril 10mg (Ongoing, for blood pressure), Quetiapine 200mg (Stopped Feb 10).

Supplements detailed snapshot can be found here (as at 14 Feb 2024)


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  • Administrator

Welcome @AblazingTulip

Thanks for your patience as we got your first post all sorted 🙂


It looks like you've been on a bit of a journey...many of us here have been/are in the same boat.


Have you read this post: Why taper by 10% of my dosage? As you have worked out, your taper mid-last year was way faster than recommended here. When you taper faster than the maximum of 10% per month, unpleasant WD symptoms are the likely outcome: Daily Checklist of Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms (PDF) 


Recovery from WD symptoms happens with time and patience in a Windows and waves pattern of stabilizationSome of us find this link helpful in dealing with the associated Emotional Spirals. Others find some relief using these Non-drug coping strategies


1 hour ago, AblazingTulip said:

Benzodiazepine (Purata), 30mg


To confirm, you've only taken 10 of these over 2.5 months? If so, you need to be very careful using these going forward. You can end up dependent very quickly after, say, 2-3 weeks of continuous use. So it's been 1 per week on average for 10 weeks? If so, I'd not touch them again...mine were flushed down the toilet when I learnt about them on this site. Melatonin for sleep may be a better way to deal with the insomnia we all deal with as a result of tapering from ADs.


We don't suggest many supplements, but two that many of us find helpful are magnesium and omega-3 fish oil. Here are the links for info about those. Add one at a time and start with a low dose to see how it affects you. 



Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)


Avoid alcohol. 


This is your own Introduction topic.  Each member has only ONE Introduction topic.  Your own Introduction topic is the best place to ask questions and the place to journal your progress.  This keeps your history in one place and means you do not have to repeat your story. 


Once again, welcome to S.A.




Please don't send me PMs. I am not a doctor. My comments are based on my personal experience with ADs and tapering. Consult your doctor about your own medical decisions.

Start of taper: Jan ’22 Vortioxetine 15mg, 

End year 1: 4.5mg, 

End year 2: 2.38mg, 

Year 3: 8 Feb 2.19mg, 21 Mar 1.99mg, 2 May 1.83mg, 13 Jun 1.69mg, 25 Jul 1.50mg, 14 Aug 1.46mg, 3 Sep 1.43mg, 10 Sep 1.40mg

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Intro Follow Up 2024-02-13


1.       Thank you!


I am so grateful (I might have mentioned this already (hands-over-eyes-emoji)) for having found this site.  I might say it a few more times x 1,000,000. Consider how happy your dog is to see you when you return from holiday. Well, colour me Fido!

And yes Emonda ❤️, thank you SO much for your help and guidance!! It's not easy when weighed down by as much as the world and we ourselves expect of us, to recover from ADS (AWS), to finally then gather the pieces and take ownership of the self. We are so wrapped up in life, taking for granted that others know better how to care for us, and while that is true, the main mistake I think I made was to relinquish virtually all control of self-care, to that of another. It therefore took me a while to compile my "self", and I have just started to be fair (version 1.0, hahaha). I felt it was too much, and everyone else knew so much more, so “let them drive” me. Lesson learnt!

Thank you also for the shortcuts/links from your post!

And thank you for confirmation relating to Purata. I only held them for now to be sure. ❤️

2.       Current state and symptoms.


As I am post-tapering, and now need to deal with the consequences of my erroneous ways, my focus is on the residual (protracted) effects of acute ADS (AWS) from last year, and the relapse, of the thus far, mild ADS (AWS) of late, I have been experiencing due to my additional erroneous ways (Purata/Benzodiazepine) (more hands-over-more-eyes-emoji).

My CNS is in a hyper-sensitive state. If I was sold on Amazon, it would be as a Kindle. The main symptoms over the weekend and Monday, has been heightened emotional “viscosity”, i.e. crying spells, irritation, brain fog, grasping for words, memory retention challenges, and I forget what else (joke). Also, information ingestion (incoming verbal)(outgoing verbal is at 200% (I think "normal" for ADS (AWS)), trouble saying/forming words (enunciation). My typing has degraded somewhat, making more mistakes, uncoordinated (bumping stuff), the old favourite fatigue onset and offset (someone please stop playing with my on/off switch.) It’s much (MUCH) milder this time with the “benzo incident”, since I took only a few, and they were spread out over the almost 2.5 months. At the same time though I sense I am more prone to kindling because of my ordeal in 2023.

On the upside, my uhm (what’s the word again?), oh yes, appetite, is ok. I am even feeling hungry these days, whereas last year, the tummy might growl in discontent, but certain aspects of the brain were absent to make it an “issue”. To be fair, my eating is not yet of the norm, but I am not “under-eating”. The threat of anorexia remains, but I am aware of it, and ensuring I eat enough. “Thankfully”, despite my tremendous weight loss, I had even more weight to lose than I did lose initially (thank you Venlor?), and now, I am slimming still, but much reduced. I don’t weigh myself, but I have a mirror, and clothes don’t grow afaik, so I must still be shedding a little. No complaints. I also walk briskly (but not fast) 40+ minutes a day, for more than two months now. I just got up one day, and said to myself, “Imma go for a walk”. So, I did. I’ve been doing it ever since. (A bit like Forest Gump that went running. I only run though if someone is chasing me, and at this point, I won’t even do that. I will just pepper spray them, then finish my laps around the park.

My focus is therefore currently on managing my supplements. I feel they are relevant especially as I don’t make much of a deal out of feeding myself properly, with veggies and what not. I make sure I get some protein, starch, and water in me, and that’s about it. I feel the need though for getting all the essential “fuel” into my body, but really, that is what it is for me. Fuel. I don’t enjoy food much these days as I did before June 2023. My taste buds work fine, I can even of late appreciate that the food is tasty, but it holds little value to me. Almost as if there is an aspect in my brain related to gratification that is still not at normal levels. I make sure though the get the three meals in per day, small as they are. I even had an ice cream at 11pm a week or so ago. A friend brought me a bunch, but I just keep them in the freezer for when he comes. I used to love ice cream, always, but not since last year. It’s just different now, but I see the slow improvement in that also, so I guess with time it will come back. Then I might need to walk for longer each day (hands-over-eyes-emoji).

On the sad side? I still don't watch any video, series, movies, clips. Virtually naught, since July 2023. I can ingest them now once more, but I have lost all desire for such. Weird. I listen to music, here and there, but my collection gathers dust as my jiggly-mind needs to be carefully nurtured with this "spirit-food".

I realise I have PTSD from last year.

3.       My current main focus areas


I have been taking magnesium already for months, but I fear potentially been over-doing it, and even though I take the product we call “Slo-Mag” (slow release), it seems the tablet form is not as good for me perhaps as the gel capsules I received with my previous refill. I also read on the site about the potential of Calcium negating some of the magnesium. So I haven’t taken the magnesium the last 2 days, to give my bowels just a little break since the multi-vitamin + Slo-Mag was too much (at this point).

My 5kg (11lbs) Epsom salts arrived today.

So, I took my Epsom salt bath tonight. I am sooooo relaxed. I only took one cup of salt as opposed to the “five”, yikes, but sense already that I can probably bath in two cups tomorrow. I will keep monitoring carefully of course. This therefore will help my magnesium intake again which I read is important for the ADS CNS especially. My bowels are eternally grateful, and I have seen the improvement in not ingesting magnesium via the gastrointestinal system already. Awesome for my skin also!


I upped my fish-oil from 1 to 2 capsules today, and since it's only "food", i will continue going forward, until I reach 6, as per the article on the site (thanks Altostrata... again!)

Like most things there is the Goldilocks concept, right? Too little, too much, and just right. I have become since June, almost religious in the subject area of “Balance”. It’s in my poems, and much of my writing, and frankly life-philosophy. It always was the “work hard/ play hard philosophy, but with the events of Jul/Aug/Sep last year, the word “balance” has taken on a new meaning in many ways for me.

Many of us live towards balance, whereas I feel I breathe it as a topical life philosophy these days. How does this relate to insomnia, you may wonder? And how can I say that if I am sitting here typing on a PC at 02h42 in the morning. Well, I have come to realise that sleeping during ADS is virtually impossible. I think at times, if I have built up some REM, that even the “elephant tranquiliser” (joke) Dopaquel 200mg can’t bring me down. Last year during the worst of my ADS, it happened at least once, that I took the Dopaquel and it did not put me down. I was tranquilised, but my brain was still running around like a child on a playground just before school starts. This pill at that dosage, fatigues me for generally more than 16 hrs. I hate it. It also obscures the realisation that ADS itself brings its own fatigue from being emotionally and cognitively overwhelmed.

To bring this post to a conclusion, I feel insomnia is the root of much of my protracted ADS symptoms, i.e. not the ones mentioned I am suffering of late. Once I get a “good night’s” sleep, I am much better with regards to other symptoms.

I was gifted a 1.25mg spray bottle and took the tiniest amount tonight I could possibly squirt, after some practice squirts away from me. I know, I hear the responses already… KISS (Keep It Simple, and Steady). One thing at a time. My excuse? I am already a bit of a mess, and I know I can get a whole heap messier, before things really go sideways. I am calling it a “calculated risk”. But I heed these wise words in the KISS!

Caffeine and alcohol:
I stopped taking coffee after 9am, since yesterday. I have only been drinking around 4-5 cups a day and sense the small headache that comes and goes today, is my hyper-sensitive CNS saying, “Here you go, have some caffeine withdrawal.” The headache is very light and short lived, and sporadic.

I have placed garbage bags (thanks Altostrata!) over my windows in the bedroom for now, and when I enter my bedroom now, I feel I am spelunking once more and my torch batteries died. It's dark! 🙂Mission accomplished, and I will remove them one day, when I can take 5 cups of Epsom and baking soda, without turning into a fruitcake. (joke)

I also got some nice spongy ear plugs! And have been using the 4.5Hz sleep music for some time already, when there is electricity (another story altogether).

I hardly consume, alcohol, so now I am done with that, at least for many months to come. No biggie.

I don’t take any other substances (knowingly) (more hands-over-eyes-emoji).

That’s it for now, and the good news, just in time, coz Imma sleepy. This is normal time (04h09) for me with ADS (AWS) to get sleepy. So, I will go see if I succeed this time. I tried at 1am after my Epsom soak, but life is too exciting. There are plusses in ADS (AWS), and I will take what I can get, coz the scales need to balance (see, more balance 😉) … Hahahaha.

The most ablazing news? I got 8.5 hrs UNINTERRUPTED sleep last night.
The first uninterrupted sleep longer than 4 hours since pre-June 2023. Of course it was needed, hence taking the Dopaquel, but even with the Dopaqual, I would wake fully at most, after 4 hrs. Then some times, I could get another 4 after nature break and perhaps a snack. Last night? I slept 8.5 straight through!! No wonder I can’t sleep tonight, hahahaha. And so it goes. 😄


4.       Question:

Should I be doing anything drastically differently from what I have described?


Written with love, wrapped in kindness.
(aka, Miss. Guided, Miss. Informed, Miss. Interpreted, Miss. Judged, and many more 😉)


“I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with the judgement of an other. I’ll be the judge of me. (AblazingTulip)”

(Signature last updated 20 Feb 2024.)

1996–2016 “Everything else”, including Fluoxetine, Enalapril 10mg.
2009 Paused meds for 2 months.
2016 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 400mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg.
2019 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 1,000mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Venlafaxine 6 week taper at 75mg from Jun 1. Untapered: Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Enalapril 10mg from Jul 13. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Nov 20 to Dec 31 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Jan 1 to Feb 9 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 0.00mg AD. (9 Feb 2024)
Non-AD Meds: Enalapril 10mg (Ongoing, for blood pressure), Quetiapine 200mg (Stopped Feb 10).

Supplements detailed snapshot can be found here (as at 14 Feb 2024)


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  • Administrator

Thanks for the update, Ablazingtulip.


Please shorten your drug signature to a maximum of 12 lines. Moderators just want to see Date/Drug/Dose. We need to be able to see it and digest it at a glance.


There are very few moderators and many people asking us questions. If you keep your posts concise, we will be in a better position to try and assist in a timely manner.







Please don't send me PMs. I am not a doctor. My comments are based on my personal experience with ADs and tapering. Consult your doctor about your own medical decisions.

Start of taper: Jan ’22 Vortioxetine 15mg, 

End year 1: 4.5mg, 

End year 2: 2.38mg, 

Year 3: 8 Feb 2.19mg, 21 Mar 1.99mg, 2 May 1.83mg, 13 Jun 1.69mg, 25 Jul 1.50mg, 14 Aug 1.46mg, 3 Sep 1.43mg, 10 Sep 1.40mg

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AblazingTulip – A Snapshot: Detailed Current Meds, Supplements & Other as at 14 Feb 2024

Purpose of this post:

  • My intention is to post similar, but updated posts as this, occasionally, when relevant due to changes, and personal learning.
  • My Daily Tracking Journal will be posted soon and link back to this post.


My Current State: “Significant” ADS.

This is due to Hypersensitivity and Kindling (Related Link) from Benzodiazepine (as at 14 Feb 2024) (Related link)


A Snapshot: Detailed Current Meds, Supplements & Other as at 14 Feb 2024

  1. Anti-Depressants:
    None - Post-taper stage.
    (See more context in About me and my Intro Post)
  1. Other Prescriptions Meds Taken, Dosage, Frequency & Purpose
    1. Enalapril maleate tablet (Alapren, generic of Pharmapress), 10mg, daily, for blood pressure.
    2. Quetiapine (Dopaquel), 200mg, about twice a week, for REM sleep.
  2. Supplements Taken, Dosage, Frequency & Purpose
    1. ”Epsom Salts (Magnesium) & Sodium Bicarb Hot Bath” (Related Link)
      1. Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate, 2 cups per bath.
      2. Sodium Bicarbonate (Technical Grade). 1 Cup per bath.
        Note: Intending to potentially ramp up the Espsom Salts dosage over the months ahead. (Related link)
    2. Omega 3 (Salmon Oil), 1,000mg, 1 gel capsule taken per meal (i.e. 3 capsules daily, at present) (Related Link)
      1. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), 120mg.
      2. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), 80mg.
      3. d-a-Topopherol (Vitamin E), 5mg.
        Note: I am still ramping up the dosage to 2 capsules per meal. I was taking only 1 capsule per day. (KISSS: Keep it Simple, Slow, Stable Related Link)
    3. Melatonin (Nutra Spray):
      1. Melatonin, 5mg per one spray.
      2. Vitamin B-6, 5mg (as pyridoxine HCI) per one spray.
      3. d-a-Topopherol (Vitamin E), 5mg.
        Note: I take the smallest of a single spray as possible 12, 13 Feb (for the last two nights). I am still looking for a lighter dosage (5 times lighter). (Related Link and Related Link)
    4. B-CAL-DM, 1 tablet taken daily, in the morning (multi-vitamin):
      1. Calcium carbonate 1,250mg, providing calcium (elemental) 500mg.
      2. Magnesium carbonate, 125mg.
      3. Vitamin D3, 1,000IU.
        Note: I take the smallest of a single spray as possible for the last two nights. I am still looking for a lighter dosage (5 times lighter). (Related Link and Related Link)
    5. Neurobion, 1 tablet daily, in the morning (“brain food”):
      1. Vitamin B1, 100mg.
      2. Vitamin B6, 200mg.
      3. Vitamin B12, 200µg.
      4. Sucrose, 133mg.
    6. Evening Primrose Oil, 1,000mg, 1 tablet daily, in the morning. For “itchy patches”, post-menopause, over-50, and mom says it’s good for me.
    7. Zinc, 1 tablet taken daily, in the morning:
      1. Zinc Gluconate, 70mg, providing zinc (elemental) 10mg.
      2. Vitamin A, as Vitamin A Acetate, 5,000IU / 1,500µg.
    8. REHYDRAT, electrolyte sachets, as needed when feeling dehydrated (when drinking water doesn’t seem to help)
      1. Sodium chloride, 44g / 440mg
      2. Potassium chloride, 38g / 380mg.
      3. Sodium bicarbonate, 42g / 420mg.
      4. Glucose, 12g / 4,120mg
      5. Sucrose, 10g / 8,100mg.
        Note: Since Monday 12 Feb (the last 3 days) I have been feeling very parched. I have been drinking more than 3liter water each day yet have stayed thirsty, and dry mouth. These sachets helped a lot today (14 Feb). I’ve had two so far. It has been very hot here (31°C / 87°F).
  3. Others
    1. I have blacked out my bedroom windows with black garbage bags. (Related Link). I will still get the full black out curtains. (Related Link)
    2. To help drown out invasive sounds:
      1. I have also obtained ear plugs. Soft spongey ones.
      2. I use a soundtrack called “4.5Hz REM Sleep - Binaural Beats”, for sleep. (Related Link)
    3. I walk most nights around sunset, briskly, for 40+ minutes. (Related Link)
    4. I intend to include decaffeinated coffee soon and Rooibos Tea (local to South Africa, contains no caffeine). (Caffeine Related Link)
    5. Keeping my bedroom cool for sleep (Related link)
      Note: It is not yet possible to achieve much of the other “suggestions” from the most helpful sleep related article (Related Link), since I am currently experiencing renewed ADS (AWS), refer to “2024-Nov-20 to 2024-02-09 (±2.5 months)”, in Related Link. It is not practical to sit in the dark from 7pm until next morning 4am, doing nothing, as I shouldn’t use my phone or computer (hands-over-eyes emoji). I intend to slowly get my sleep cycle under control.


Written with love, wrapped in kindness.


"All time is free. How you spend it can cost you dearly." ~(AblazingTulip)

(Signature last updated 20 Feb 2024.)

1996–2016 “Everything else”, including Fluoxetine, Enalapril 10mg.
2009 Paused meds for 2 months.
2016 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 400mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg.
2019 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 1,000mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Venlafaxine 6 week taper at 75mg from Jun 1. Untapered: Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Enalapril 10mg from Jul 13. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Nov 20 to Dec 31 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Jan 1 to Feb 9 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 0.00mg AD. (9 Feb 2024)
Non-AD Meds: Enalapril 10mg (Ongoing, for blood pressure), Quetiapine 200mg (Stopped Feb 10).

Supplements detailed snapshot can be found here (as at 14 Feb 2024)


Link to comment
On 2/13/2024 at 11:31 AM, Emonda said:

Thanks for the update, Ablazingtulip.


Please shorten your drug signature to a maximum of 12 lines. Moderators just want to see Date/Drug/Dose. We need to be able to see it and digest it at a glance.


There are very few moderators and many people asking us questions. If you keep your posts concise, we will be in a better position to try and assist in a timely manner.







Thank you Emonda,

I have updated my signature. Hoping it's ok now, but if not, please let me know ❤️



Should I perhaps look at additional magnesium, other than what I am getting via the 3.4. B-CAL-DM (125mg) + Epsom Salts Bath (2 cups)? (Please refer to my related detailed post). Bearing in mind of course, I am clueless.

~Asked by Miss. Guided & Miss. Information  🙂 🫣 (aka ~AblazingTulip)

(Signature last updated 20 Feb 2024.)

1996–2016 “Everything else”, including Fluoxetine, Enalapril 10mg.
2009 Paused meds for 2 months.
2016 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 400mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg.
2019 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 1,000mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Venlafaxine 6 week taper at 75mg from Jun 1. Untapered: Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Enalapril 10mg from Jul 13. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Nov 20 to Dec 31 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Jan 1 to Feb 9 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 0.00mg AD. (9 Feb 2024)
Non-AD Meds: Enalapril 10mg (Ongoing, for blood pressure), Quetiapine 200mg (Stopped Feb 10).

Supplements detailed snapshot can be found here (as at 14 Feb 2024)


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On 2/14/2024 at 6:25 PM, AblazingTulip said:

AblazingTulip – A Snapshot: Detailed Current Meds, Supplements & Other as at 14 Feb 2024

Purpose of this post:

  • My intention is to post similar, but updated posts as this, occasionally, when relevant due to changes, and personal learning.
  • My Daily Tracking Journal will be posted soon and link back to this post.


My Current State: “Significant” ADS.

This is due to Hypersensitivity and Kindling (Related Link) from Benzodiazepine (as at 14 Feb 2024) (Related link)


A Snapshot: Detailed Current Meds, Supplements & Other as at 14 Feb 2024

  1. Anti-Depressants:
    None - Post-taper stage.
    (See more context in About me and my Intro Post)
  1. Other Prescriptions Meds Taken, Dosage, Frequency & Purpose
    1. Enalapril maleate tablet (Alapren, generic of Pharmapress), 10mg, daily, for blood pressure.
    2. Quetiapine (Dopaquel), 200mg, about twice a week, for REM sleep.
  2. Supplements Taken, Dosage, Frequency & Purpose
    1. ”Epsom Salts (Magnesium) & Sodium Bicarb Hot Bath” (Related Link)
      1. Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate, 2 cups per bath.
      2. Sodium Bicarbonate (Technical Grade). 1 Cup per bath.
        Note: Intending to potentially ramp up the Espsom Salts dosage over the months ahead. (Related link)
    2. Omega 3 (Salmon Oil), 1,000mg, 1 gel capsule taken per meal (i.e. 3 capsules daily, at present) (Related Link)
      1. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), 120mg.
      2. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), 80mg.
      3. d-a-Topopherol (Vitamin E), 5mg.
        Note: I am still ramping up the dosage to 2 capsules per meal. I was taking only 1 capsule per day. (KISSS: Keep it Simple, Slow, Stable Related Link)
    3. Melatonin (Nutra Spray):
      1. Melatonin, 5mg per one spray.
      2. Vitamin B-6, 5mg (as pyridoxine HCI) per one spray.
      3. d-a-Topopherol (Vitamin E), 5mg.
        Note: I take the smallest of a single spray as possible 12, 13 Feb (for the last two nights). I am still looking for a lighter dosage (5 times lighter). (Related Link and Related Link)
    4. B-CAL-DM, 1 tablet taken daily, in the morning (multi-vitamin):
      1. Calcium carbonate 1,250mg, providing calcium (elemental) 500mg.
      2. Magnesium carbonate, 125mg.
      3. Vitamin D3, 1,000IU.
        Note: I take the smallest of a single spray as possible for the last two nights. I am still looking for a lighter dosage (5 times lighter). (Related Link and Related Link)
    5. Neurobion, 1 tablet daily, in the morning (“brain food”):
      1. Vitamin B1, 100mg.
      2. Vitamin B6, 200mg.
      3. Vitamin B12, 200µg.
      4. Sucrose, 133mg.
    6. Evening Primrose Oil, 1,000mg, 1 tablet daily, in the morning. For “itchy patches”, post-menopause, over-50, and mom says it’s good for me.
    7. Zinc, 1 tablet taken daily, in the morning:
      1. Zinc Gluconate, 70mg, providing zinc (elemental) 10mg.
      2. Vitamin A, as Vitamin A Acetate, 5,000IU / 1,500µg.
    8. REHYDRAT, electrolyte sachets, as needed when feeling dehydrated (when drinking water doesn’t seem to help)
      1. Sodium chloride, 44g / 440mg
      2. Potassium chloride, 38g / 380mg.
      3. Sodium bicarbonate, 42g / 420mg.
      4. Glucose, 12g / 4,120mg
      5. Sucrose, 10g / 8,100mg.
        Note: Since Monday 12 Feb (the last 3 days) I have been feeling very parched. I have been drinking more than 3liter water each day yet have stayed thirsty, and dry mouth. These sachets helped a lot today (14 Feb). I’ve had two so far. It has been very hot here (31°C / 87°F).
  3. Others
    1. I have blacked out my bedroom windows with black garbage bags. (Related Link). I will still get the full black out curtains. (Related Link)
    2. To help drown out invasive sounds:
      1. I have also obtained ear plugs. Soft spongey ones.
      2. I use a soundtrack called “4.5Hz REM Sleep - Binaural Beats”, for sleep. (Related Link)
    3. I walk most nights around sunset, briskly, for 40+ minutes. (Related Link)
    4. I intend to include decaffeinated coffee soon and Rooibos Tea (local to South Africa, contains no caffeine). (Caffeine Related Link)
    5. Keeping my bedroom cool for sleep (Related link)
      Note: It is not yet possible to achieve much of the other “suggestions” from the most helpful sleep related article (Related Link), since I am currently experiencing renewed ADS (AWS), refer to “2024-Nov-20 to 2024-02-09 (±2.5 months)”, in Related Link. It is not practical to sit in the dark from 7pm until next morning 4am, doing nothing, as I shouldn’t use my phone or computer (hands-over-eyes emoji). I intend to slowly get my sleep cycle under control.


Written with love, wrapped in kindness.


"All time is free. How you spend it can cost you dearly." ~(AblazingTulip)

I have to reply to my own post as I review this post with less brain fog today ... Ouch... Some doozies of mistakes, but I tried, and got most of it right, but the electrolytes ... 🫣 ... The grams should have "0." in front of them. I will fix my next post on this. More 🫣🫣

(Signature last updated 20 Feb 2024.)

1996–2016 “Everything else”, including Fluoxetine, Enalapril 10mg.
2009 Paused meds for 2 months.
2016 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 400mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg.
2019 Venlafaxine 150mg, Lithium 1,000mg, Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Venlafaxine 6 week taper at 75mg from Jun 1. Untapered: Bupropion (?mg), Olanzapine 5mg, Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Enalapril 10mg from Jul 13. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2023 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Nov 20 to Dec 31 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 Benzodiazepine 30mg from Jan 1 to Feb 9 (5 sporadic doses). Enalapril 10mg. Quetiapine 200mg (sporadic).
2024 0.00mg AD. (9 Feb 2024)
Non-AD Meds: Enalapril 10mg (Ongoing, for blood pressure), Quetiapine 200mg (Stopped Feb 10).

Supplements detailed snapshot can be found here (as at 14 Feb 2024)


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