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Fluoxyoyo: Quitting fluoxetine


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How are you, @Fluoxyoyo? Thinking of you, and hoping that things are settling down a bit.

Early 2000's to 2018, tried fluoxetine, duloxetine, amitryptiline, citalopram, setraline, with little effect.

2018 fluoxetine 20mgs and quetiapine 50mgs. Only took 25mgs. 

November 2023,  CT  fluoxetine, then quetiapine.


June 14 2024 reinstated 0.1mg of fluoxetine.  


Supplements magnesium glycinate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin B6, fish oil capsules. 


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  • 1 month later...

How are you doing? @Fluoxyoyo 

Cymbalta - 2005-2008 - quit CT with no issues 

2008-2013 - on and off Fluoxetine with no issues

Fluoxetine - January 2013 - October 2016

Switched to Cymbalta - October 2016

Quit Cymbalta CT - January 26, 2017 -9 1/2 months of WD

Fluoxetine & Gabapentin - February 2017

Slow taper of Gabapentin - May 2017

Taper Fluoxetine 20mg to 5mg - September 2023 - January 2024 (now I know too fast)

Last 5mg dose of Fluoxetine - January 31, 2024 (now I know considered CT)

WD started February 7, 2024

*Reinstated .1ml Fluoxetine 6/11/24, .2ml 6/18, .3ml 6/25, .4ml 7/8, .5ml 7/15 - symptoms increased went back down to .4ml 7/20 - holding

WD symptoms: nausea and insomnia are the worst, bouts of anxiety, depression, fear/dread, emotional and lots of crying, loss of appetite, lost a lot of weight, constipation, sensitive teeth, hair falling out, sensitive to noise, body aches and pains/sciatica, dry mouth, Vagus nerve dysfunction, blurred vision, weird feeling like my shirt is choking me even though it's nowhere near my throat, acid reflux, chemical/metallic taste in my mouth, lump in my throat feeling, pins and needles sensations, tingling in my back, air hunger, akathisia, yawning and the tinny feeling doesn't go away

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Thanks for making contact to see how I’m going.  I ended up in a private psychiatric hospital. (We have very nice ones here in Oz when you private health insurance).  I had 2 weeks there and I’m now back on my original 20mg of fluoxetine.  I feel good and won’t be trying to come off again. Big mistake.  
Hope everyone here finds some relief soon.  Xxx

2000 to 2016 - Fluoxetine 20mg taken successfully approx 3 times.

2016 - A cocktail of drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist, didn’t go well.

Late 2016 - settled back on Fluoxetine 20mg and a low dose HRT, worked well.

Dec 23 2023 - Tapering Fluoxetine to 10mg.
Mar 4 2024 - stopped Fluoxetine CT 

May 22 2024 - reinstated 1mg but very bad akakthesia 1 week later so stopped again 0mg 

June 14 - Admitted to a Private psychiatric hospital.  Back on 20mg Fluoxetine.  Won’t be stopping again, just can’t put myself through that again. 


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@Fluoxyoyo Really glad for you that you are better! That it went well to reinstate.
Was it without any reactions?


2007 Zoloft 25mg (2008 50mg)

2022 May - Dr wanted to increase to 62,5mg. Misinterpreted by Dr, it was tolerance/side effects. Felt sick, went back to 50mg efter 2 weeks.

2022 Oct - Reducing dose to 37,5mg (from 50mg). WD in few days, advised to go back to 50 - I then got adverse paradoxical reaction 

2022 Oct - Zoloft 50mg adverse reaction

2023 May 5th - Reducing dose to 25mg (directly from 50mg by Dr, difficult WD).

2023 Aug 1st - Reducing dose to 12,5mg 

2023 Oct 10th - Removed dose from 12mg to zero by Dr. Reinstated 2,5mg citalopram after 3 months, bad reaction. Reinstated 0,5mg zoloft for 6 days after 7 months, didn’t work. In terrible WD.





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