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Iliveinhope: Into - Taper from Latuda


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My journey with APs started in 2022 and I also voluntary admitted myself as I was going through a paranoid psychosis.


I’m unable to remember the dosage of the first drugs - Olanzapine and Aripripazole but after a couple of months due to gaining weight and restlessness I was put on Latuda.


I was put on 40 mg and after six months decided to come off the drug with support from my psychiatrist - although he mentioned that I should just come off from the 40mg. I was a bit hesitant and suggested I cut the pill to 20mg (unfortunately in Australia the 20mg is unavailable).


I went surprisingly well considering I went CT, until stress and other factors or relapse from coming off the meds so quickly led me to go back on the drugs at 80mg (recommend by my psychiatrist).


I then steadied myself and stuck on the dosage for a few months going back down to 40mg.


Feeling better within myself I went back to 20mg before coming off completely thinking this time would be like last time and I’d have no issue - how wrong I was.


All my paranoid and severe intrusive thoughts came back and more.


I’m now back on 80mg of Latuda but after steadying myself and calming my mind - having found this site I want to gradually taper down safely.


Thanks for all your support.

2022 - January to February - Olanzapine (unsure of dosage)

2022 - February to April - Aripiprazole (unsure of dosage)

2022 - April to September - Lurasidone 40mg

2022 - September to November - Lurasidone 20mg

2022 - November to 2023 April - went cold turkey Drug free

2023 - April to 2023 August - Lurasidone 80mg

2023 - August to 2024 January - Lurasidone 40mg

2024 - January to February Lurasidone 20mg

2024 - Feb to April - Drug free

2024 - Early April to present - Lurasidone 80mg

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  • Emonda changed the title to Iliveinhope: Into - Taper from Latuda
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Hello Iliveinhope,


Welcome to SA. Thank you for summarizing your drug history in your signature.


Given all the medication changes you have experienced recently, I would encourage you to hold at your current dose for at least a month to stabilize before beginning your taper.


When you are ready to taper, we encourage dropping no more than 10% of the previous dose per month. You can read more on why at Why taper by 10% of my dosage?.


We also have details related to tapering Latuda specifically at Tips for tapering off lurasidone (Latuda)






Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg -> Aug 6, 2024 = 0.455mg -> Aug 20, 2024 = 0.43mg -> Sep 3, 2024 = 0.41mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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Cheers fireflyfyte - appreciate the advice which I’m gonna follow 

2022 - January to February - Olanzapine (unsure of dosage)

2022 - February to April - Aripiprazole (unsure of dosage)

2022 - April to September - Lurasidone 40mg

2022 - September to November - Lurasidone 20mg

2022 - November to 2023 April - went cold turkey Drug free

2023 - April to 2023 August - Lurasidone 80mg

2023 - August to 2024 January - Lurasidone 40mg

2024 - January to February Lurasidone 20mg

2024 - Feb to April - Drug free

2024 - Early April to present - Lurasidone 80mg

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