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3BBsGurkPog: Great success!!

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48 minutes ago, peaceandlove said:

thank you so much for the reply & reassurance. One last question, did you have POTS symptoms? @3BBsGurkPog

It's no trouble at all, you can ask as many questions as you like.


Yes I did and it was awful, particularly during the first year or two off. Took a long time for them to settle down but now I am free from all symptoms, including POTS symptoms. So just like everything else I do think it will get better.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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1 hour ago, 3BBsGurkPog said:

Honestly it's no trouble at all. Being in withdrawal and suffering with all those symptoms is much more draining so answering some questions and offering some hope is the least I can do ❤️

How's life for you now? Do you work full time? Have a career/job? Live alone? Have friends etc

2017 citalopram 40mg

Untill 2019 swapped over to sertraline 50mg and went up to 200mg by 2020

2022 70mg elvanse

2022 80mg atomoxotine 

Cold turkey elvanse and atomoxotine june 2023

Fast tapered sertraline oct 2023

November 2023 75mg Venlafaxine

Fast tapered feb to April 


Off all drugs since April 2024


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This is so good of you and totally my intention. People say that they want to go on with their lives and forget about this terrible protracted withdrawal ones they are healed.


But it’s such a small effort to tell this eager community that you have healed and that it will end!  I am 4 years of off an antidepressant and in windows and waves. A lot better but still so many bad days especially with depression and DpDR.


I was so happy to read in you’re story that you’re later years were hard. Sometimes I lose hope and need reassurance. Lost my job ( nurse) and some friends but also gained precious new ones. So therefore I applaud you in all you’re kindness and with so much love for the people going trough this. You could be a coach. Like Angie, Dan, Chris Paige etc.

one question from me: what was you’re turning point. That you new you turned a corner?  Every time a have this beautiful windows and been thrown back in a wave I doubt if it will ever change.

thank you so so much❤️

1999-2000 1 year Fluvoxamine/Luvox/ stopped CT no witdrawal symtoms maybe 2 days brainzaps

2008-2018 10 years Prozac  30 mg. Stopped bacause I was getting depressed again, went to Pdoc en got Welbutrin cut down 20 % of Prozac

after 2 month when felt litlle better cut rest of Prozac. withdrawel set in.

2018- jan 2019 took welbutrin 150 mg, did not work, tapered off with taperingstrips in 4 month.

2 month AD free then started Fuvloxamine again on july 5th 2019

2020 added Lamotrigine 150 because it did not work.

march 10 2020 CT lamotrigine

April 2020 stop fluvoxamine with a 4 month taper

AD free since 29 July 2020




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3 hours ago, 3BBsGurkPog said:

To be honest I feel like it's the least I can do to stick around and share my experiences. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and probably always will be. I know how hopeless it feels to be in the middle of all of this, so now that I have my own good news, I feel a duty to share it with others.


They say that once people have recovered, they stop using websites like this and move on with their lives. That's what I was doing for the past year, but I feel like we need more people who have success stories to stick around and share their good news. If everyone did, I think people would be more hopeful. The true number of sucess stories is probably far higher than what it seems because of this.


We need more people who have success stories to actually talk about it, so I'm trying to be one of those people.


Thank you so much @3BBsGurkPog

Your kindness makes me cry (in a good way). 


In waves I get a lot of looping thoughts, intrusive thoughts, rumination/obsessive thinking, "sticky" mind. I'm convinced it's a withdrawal symptom, as it isn't something I've ever been plagued by prior to WD. I don't get windows very often, maybe a few times a year, but when I do all the aforementioned thought torture is completely gone and I experience ease and peace of mind. 


Sometimes when in a wave, when things feel bad, I wonder whether I should actively be doing anything to work on the aforementioned thought/thinking symptoms, like should I be pursuing therapy interventions, practicing CBT techniques, etc. I do practice non-drug coping techniques, though I can't say they have much bearing on the unpleasant thought stuff; more that the tools help distract and change focus from the worst WD mental BS. In waves I can start to fear that my brain has learned new, bad habits that will stick around long after WD. But then I remember how all of the tortuous mental activity just disappeared in past windows, without my having to get an honorary degree in targeted self-help. 


What's your experience with this, if any? Have you found that some/many things go away on their own, without our having to actively intervene and "fix" them? 

Do you think it's okay to chill (as if, haha; more like, ignore?) and let the worst symptoms just kind of do their thing in the background until they run their course? Or do you think it's important to get in there and fiddle around with CBT and other such mental mechanics?


1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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1 hour ago, DutchMaddy said:

This is so good of you and totally my intention. People say that they want to go on with their lives and forget about this terrible protracted withdrawal ones they are healed.


But it’s such a small effort to tell this eager community that you have healed and that it will end!  I am 4 years of off an antidepressant and in windows and waves. A lot better but still so many bad days especially with depression and DpDR.


I was so happy to read in you’re story that you’re later years were hard. Sometimes I lose hope and need reassurance. Lost my job ( nurse) and some friends but also gained precious new ones. So therefore I applaud you in all you’re kindness and with so much love for the people going trough this. You could be a coach. Like Angie, Dan, Chris Paige etc.

one question from me: what was you’re turning point. That you new you turned a corner?  Every time a have this beautiful windows and been thrown back in a wave I doubt if it will ever change.

thank you so so much❤️

Did you ever have emotional numbness and cognition problems? I'm trying yo get as much healing evidence so I can save them in a folder and use them when I'm in a wave

2017 citalopram 40mg

Untill 2019 swapped over to sertraline 50mg and went up to 200mg by 2020

2022 70mg elvanse

2022 80mg atomoxotine 

Cold turkey elvanse and atomoxotine june 2023

Fast tapered sertraline oct 2023

November 2023 75mg Venlafaxine

Fast tapered feb to April 


Off all drugs since April 2024


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1 hour ago, DutchMaddy said:

This is so good of you and totally my intention. People say that they want to go on with their lives and forget about this terrible protracted withdrawal ones they are healed.


But it’s such a small effort to tell this eager community that you have healed and that it will end!  I am 4 years of off an antidepressant and in windows and waves. A lot better but still so many bad days especially with depression and DpDR.


I was so happy to read in you’re story that you’re later years were hard. Sometimes I lose hope and need reassurance. Lost my job ( nurse) and some friends but also gained precious new ones. So therefore I applaud you in all you’re kindness and with so much love for the people going trough this. You could be a coach. Like Angie, Dan, Chris Paige etc.

one question from me: what was you’re turning point. That you new you turned a corner?  Every time a have this beautiful windows and been thrown back in a wave I doubt if it will ever change.

thank you so so much❤️

How did you lose your job? Have you managed to go back

2017 citalopram 40mg

Untill 2019 swapped over to sertraline 50mg and went up to 200mg by 2020

2022 70mg elvanse

2022 80mg atomoxotine 

Cold turkey elvanse and atomoxotine june 2023

Fast tapered sertraline oct 2023

November 2023 75mg Venlafaxine

Fast tapered feb to April 


Off all drugs since April 2024


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I lost my job because I was not able to work. Too sick. Loved my job. They treated me well. I got paid all these years. Have many friends. A good house and lovely children. But I feel terrible in this protracted thing that last already 4 years. In the beginning cognitief problem and a lot of anxiety. Mornings are the worst. But I am able to cook and walk my dog and go on small outings. It’s the mental stuff that’s the worst. And there are many symptoms that disappeared. So ik know I will heal. But when is the question. I wish you all well!❤️

1999-2000 1 year Fluvoxamine/Luvox/ stopped CT no witdrawal symtoms maybe 2 days brainzaps

2008-2018 10 years Prozac  30 mg. Stopped bacause I was getting depressed again, went to Pdoc en got Welbutrin cut down 20 % of Prozac

after 2 month when felt litlle better cut rest of Prozac. withdrawel set in.

2018- jan 2019 took welbutrin 150 mg, did not work, tapered off with taperingstrips in 4 month.

2 month AD free then started Fuvloxamine again on july 5th 2019

2020 added Lamotrigine 150 because it did not work.

march 10 2020 CT lamotrigine

April 2020 stop fluvoxamine with a 4 month taper

AD free since 29 July 2020




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2 hours ago, DutchMaddy said:

This is so good of you and totally my intention. People say that they want to go on with their lives and forget about this terrible protracted withdrawal ones they are healed.


But it’s such a small effort to tell this eager community that you have healed and that it will end!  I am 4 years of off an antidepressant and in windows and waves. A lot better but still so many bad days especially with depression and DpDR.


I was so happy to read in you’re story that you’re later years were hard. Sometimes I lose hope and need reassurance. Lost my job ( nurse) and some friends but also gained precious new ones. So therefore I applaud you in all you’re kindness and with so much love for the people going trough this. You could be a coach. Like Angie, Dan, Chris Paige etc.

one question from me: what was you’re turning point. That you new you turned a corner?  Every time a have this beautiful windows and been thrown back in a wave I doubt if it will ever change.

thank you so so much❤️

Maddy thank you so much for this lovely message. I really appreciate it.


Yes people do say they want to just move on and forget it, and I totally understand why. But it was such a big thing to happen in my life. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, or will ever go through, so I can't just forget it. Plus I really want others to see that people do heal. I would have loved to have seen more success stories while I was in thick of it. So I want to provide that for others now I have healed.


Yes when I was about 3 to 4 years off the medication I was still having absolutely terrible symptoms and I thought I was never going to heal. I was 100% convinced. I just thought how could I have been off the medication for so long and still be suffering. I thought I was going to be suffering forever, but I was wrong. I healed and you will too.


I would say that it's best not to try and think about how long it's going to take. Instead, just focus on the fact that people do heal eventually and in the meantime focus on doing your best today. If you keep focusing on the present that will help.


Congratulations on making it 4 years off the medication. An amazing achievement!! You are on the path towards healing!! Unfortunately you have to suffer a lot to get there, but there really is light and the end of this very long and dark tunnel.


As for the pattern of my recovery, what happened was the windows started to last longer and were of better quality. And the waves became shorter and less intense. It was hard to notice at first but after a while I looked back and reflected and realised that I had been doing pretty well a lot of the time. That pattern continued, with better longer lasting windows and shorter and less intense waves. I was still tentative to say I had healed at this point, as I still had the occasional wave. But then the windows got even better (stronger feelings and emotions coming through, massive improvement in my sex life, no more cognitive problems etc). At this point I was very busy just living life so I wasn't even thinking about windows and waves anymore. But then I reflected on the past year and I realised that I had been well for almost all of it. And hadn't even really had a wave for about a year. At this point I was happy to say that I had finally healed. That I wasn't just in a window anymore, that it was a stable and lasting recovery. And that's where I'm at today.


It's all because I just kept on going and stayed off the medication. That is the path to healing. So you are totally doing the right thing, keep doing and do your best.


Hope this helps ❤️

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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2 hours ago, Danny89 said:

How's life for you now? Do you work full time? Have a career/job? Live alone? Have friends etc

Hi there. Honestly life is as good for me now as it's ever been.


While there was a period where I was unable to work at the start of withdrawal, I was working through a lot of it. Very difficult but it was possible. The cognitive problems were the biggest issue with regards to work. But it's all resolved now. I get good sleep and have no cognitive issues so I'm able to work now with no issue. Since healing I have been doing much better at work and have been able to progress.


I do live alone, but I have a great social life and a partner who I've been dating for the last years or so. I play sports on the weekends and have met many friends through that. I was very isolated socially in withdrawal and cut off from people. But now my social life is great. Getting involved in a group activity like sports is what helped immensely with that. So i'd recommend getting involved in the community.


So yes, all of those aspects that are so badly affected by withdrawal have also improved. It's not just the symptoms that make this so difficult, it's the impact on other aspects of your life. But as the symptoms improved, it gave me the space to work on everything else and it has also improved for me immeasurably.


So if you're struggling with work and social life etc, please know that all of that improved massively for me so I'm convinced it will for you too.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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Thank you for you’re quick reply. So considerate 😊I know I just have to keep on going. My waves and windows are changing sometimes by the day. In a window I feel totally fine and happy and without symptoms. I had my W&W from the very first start and went back to work 3 times beleaving that I was healed until the next wave.

So then I had to quit my job sadly. I do not get longer windows. I have a journal (app)on my phone and colour my days so I can keep track of my progress ( very helpful by the way) it’s called”  Moodistory” because we tend to forget the progress. 

again thank you so much!  Enjoy you’re lovely life ( you are the same age as my son😊)

many thanks🫶🌹

1999-2000 1 year Fluvoxamine/Luvox/ stopped CT no witdrawal symtoms maybe 2 days brainzaps

2008-2018 10 years Prozac  30 mg. Stopped bacause I was getting depressed again, went to Pdoc en got Welbutrin cut down 20 % of Prozac

after 2 month when felt litlle better cut rest of Prozac. withdrawel set in.

2018- jan 2019 took welbutrin 150 mg, did not work, tapered off with taperingstrips in 4 month.

2 month AD free then started Fuvloxamine again on july 5th 2019

2020 added Lamotrigine 150 because it did not work.

march 10 2020 CT lamotrigine

April 2020 stop fluvoxamine with a 4 month taper

AD free since 29 July 2020




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1 hour ago, Danny89 said:

Did you ever have emotional numbness and cognition problems? I'm trying yo get as much healing evidence so I can save them in a folder and use them when I'm in a wave

Oh yeah I had that soooooo bad. Absolutely terrible emotional numbness, PSSD, sleep problems and really bad brain fog. Recovered from all of it. The emotional numbness honestly felt like it was permanent as it was going on for so long. So when I healed from that it felt like a miracle. Even now, I still can't believe I've Recovered from that as I'd basically given up all hope.


I'm just pleased to say that all of those symptoms that really felt like they were permanent, turned out not to be.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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1 minute ago, DutchMaddy said:

Thank you for you’re quick reply. So considerate 😊I know I just have to keep on going. My waves and windows are changing sometimes by the day. In a window I feel totally fine and happy and without symptoms. I had my W&W from the very first start and went back to work 3 times beleaving that I was healed until the next wave.

So then I had to quit my job sadly. I do not get longer windows. I have a journal (app)on my phone and colour my days so I can keep track of my progress ( very helpful by the way) it’s called”  Moodistory” because we tend to forget the progress. 

again thank you so much!  Enjoy you’re lovely life ( you are the same age as my son😊)

many thanks🫶🌹

Yeah, everyone is at different stages of the recovery process and things happen at different times for everyone. So that is how it was for me as I was starting to notice improvements, but for many many years I had no improvements at all.


So don't get disheartened. You will be able to feel the benefits when they do start happening. So try not to think too much about when it's going to happen and instead just focus on today. Always remembering that it will happen. Keep going as best you can. Lots of love ❤️

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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1999-2000 1 year Fluvoxamine/Luvox/ stopped CT no witdrawal symtoms maybe 2 days brainzaps

2008-2018 10 years Prozac  30 mg. Stopped bacause I was getting depressed again, went to Pdoc en got Welbutrin cut down 20 % of Prozac

after 2 month when felt litlle better cut rest of Prozac. withdrawel set in.

2018- jan 2019 took welbutrin 150 mg, did not work, tapered off with taperingstrips in 4 month.

2 month AD free then started Fuvloxamine again on july 5th 2019

2020 added Lamotrigine 150 because it did not work.

march 10 2020 CT lamotrigine

April 2020 stop fluvoxamine with a 4 month taper

AD free since 29 July 2020




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Hi @3BBsGurkPog


Just in case my original post from a few days ago got lost in the shuffle, reposting my question here. 

Would love to hear your thoughts when you get around to it. 

Thank you <3


On 8/9/2024 at 9:04 PM, Ariel said:


Thank you so much @3BBsGurkPog

Your kindness makes me cry (in a good way). 


In waves I get a lot of looping thoughts, intrusive thoughts, rumination/obsessive thinking, "sticky" mind. I'm convinced it's a withdrawal symptom, as it isn't something I've ever been plagued by prior to WD. I don't get windows very often, maybe a few times a year, but when I do all the aforementioned thought torture is completely gone and I experience ease and peace of mind. 


Sometimes when in a wave, when things feel bad, I wonder whether I should actively be doing anything to work on the aforementioned thought/thinking symptoms, like should I be pursuing therapy interventions, practicing CBT techniques, etc. I do practice non-drug coping techniques, though I can't say they have much bearing on the unpleasant thought stuff; more that the tools help distract and change focus from the worst WD mental BS. In waves I can start to fear that my brain has learned new, bad habits that will stick around long after WD. But then I remember how all of the tortuous mental activity just disappeared in past windows, without my having to get an honorary degree in targeted self-help. 


What's your experience with this, if any? Have you found that some/many things go away on their own, without our having to actively intervene and "fix" them? 

Do you think it's okay to chill (as if, haha; more like, ignore?) and let the worst symptoms just kind of do their thing in the background until they run their course? Or do you think it's important to get in there and fiddle around with CBT and other such mental mechanics?



1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 11:38 AM, 3BBsGurkPog said:

It's no trouble at all, you can ask as many questions as you like.


Yes I did and it was awful, particularly during the first year or two off. Took a long time for them to settle down but now I am free from all symptoms, including POTS symptoms. So just like everything else I do think it will get better.

Thank you!! Some more questions because doctors are no help & I feel so alone. @3BBsGurkPog

1. Are you able to take medication/supplements/antibiotics now without a reaction?


2. Do you think relaxing in a dark room sped up the process vs still going out and doing stuff? Or did it not make a difference at all

April 2022- Only 1 celxa pill 10mg

had an adverse reaction & never took anymore again 

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3 hours ago, peaceandlove said:

Thank you!! Some more questions because doctors are no help & I feel so alone. @3BBsGurkPog

1. Are you able to take medication/supplements/antibiotics now without a reaction?


2. Do you think relaxing in a dark room sped up the process vs still going out and doing stuff? Or did it not make a difference at all

Yes doctors are totally useless when it comes to this so I'd advise staying away from them. Going to the doctors about SSRI withdrawal symptoms would just make me feel 10 times worse afterwards so my advise would be to not go to them. It's better to try and see support elsewhere.


1. Yes so I did have sensitivity to a lot of things. The main ones I noticed were caffeine and alcohol sensitivity. I never took antibiotics while in withdrawal or after so I don't know about that one. I also only took supplements for a short period of time. I did have some sensitivity to those so I just stopped taking them. My caffeine sensitivity was absolutely awful but now that I'm recovered I can drink it with no issues. Same goes for everything else. So in short, all the sensitivity issues have fully resolved and I can eat and drink whatever I like (so I'm sure the same would apply for antibiotics/supplements etc, I just happen to not be on any of those now).


2. As for speeding up the process I really don't think there's anything you can do to speed it up I'm afraid. We all heal on different time lines, it's such an individual thing. Doing things like healthy eating and exercise can help, but I don't think it will speed it up significantly. I don't think sitting in a dark room would make any difference at all to be honest. I found going out and doing things and being active helped me to deal with the symptoms, as keeping busy was a way of distracting myself from what was going on. I would get busy in an activity and temporarily I would be focusing on that and not on the withdrawal symptoms. So yeah, I would recommend getting out there and doing things. It helped for me anyway.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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8 hours ago, Ariel said:

Hi @3BBsGurkPog


Just in case my original post from a few days ago got lost in the shuffle, reposting my question here. 

Would love to hear your thoughts when you get around to it. 

Thank you ❤️




Hi there. Sorry I think I must have missed this. I got quite a few questions all at the same time so must have missed it.


I'm so pleased to hear it made you cry! Crying is good. Being unable to cry was one of the worst symptoms for me so I'm very pleased to hear that. Crying is good for you!


So I totally had all of those symptoms too, particularly the intrusive thoughts. While they are similar to symptoms of other mental health issues, they are also symptoms of withdrawal. So if you are in withdrawal you can basically be certain that they are withdrawal symptoms too.


When I say all my symptoms have gone now I mean all of them, including those mental symptoms too. And like you say with the windows, they do just go. So that is what it's like now that I'm recovered.


When I was about 3 years off the medication I had therapy for about 6 months roughly, to try to deal with these symptoms. I honestly don't think I got any benefit from therapy at all. Other than having someone to talk to once a week, I don't think it helped at all. All of the techniques and things we tried didn't have any impact and the symptoms were just as bad as they always were.


I'd say that your brain is fine and don't worry about it learning bad habits that will stick around. I think that's just a natural response to the symptoms. Now that I'm recovered my mind feels fine and free, so once the symptoms go it's much easier to feel calm and settled. So no I don't think there will be any lingering bad habits or anything of the sort.


I basically found that every symptom just improved or went away on it's own. And anything i did to actively intervene or try and improve it never worked anyway. So really I'd just recommend trying not to focus on the symptoms (not easy I know) and really focusing on trying to take care of yourself as best you can. Try to eat as well as you can and start exercising. I just think that your mind and body are doing the healing in the background and you just have to let it do so.


Honestly what you've said is exactly right in my opinion. Just chill and let you mind and body get on with it. Just keep going as best you can and get on with your day to day life and try to focus on other things. And in time you will see improvements. CBT really didn't do much, if anything to help me to be honest. That's not to say it can't help for some people, but for me it didn't. Best thing you can do is to look after yourself as best you can.


Time is probably the biggest healer really. It's a case of long term gain with all of this. But yeah, I don't think there's much we can actually do to improve the symptoms in the sort term unfortunately. I got to a point where I just accepted that they were there and tried to just make the best of my life despite them. I thought of all the things id like to do with my life and what I would be doing if I wasn't in withdrawal. I then just started to try to do them in spite of the symptoms. I think that helped a little bit. But in the meantime I was focusing on that and then time, and my mind and body's natural healing did the real work. And then I started to feel the benefits which I still feel today and am so grateful for.


I hope this helps a bit. Obviously you'll need to make your own decisions about what you can and can't do to help yourself, but this is just my experience and how it was for me. All the best ❤️

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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Hello! I have been following your responses and have been really inspired. I have a very very quick question so no need to type up a long response!


But did you ever get strange sensations in your brain specifically when you moved your head? For me any head movement triggers a combination of dizziness, head pressure and like my brain can’t keep up with what my eyes are taking in. It’s such a disturbing feeling and I’m curious if you had it too?

2012-2013 - 5mg Lexapro

2015-2016 - 5mg Lexapro

(the above are approximate dates but each time i was taking it for at least 6 months)

April 6, 2024 - one 10mg dose Lexapro and immediate adverse reaction 

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14 minutes ago, Celeste1990 said:

Hello! I have been following your responses and have been really inspired. I have a very very quick question so no need to type up a long response!


But did you ever get strange sensations in your brain when you moved your head? For me it feels like a combination of dizziness, head pressure and like my brain can’t keep up with what my eyes are taking in. It’s such a disturbing feeling and I’m curious if you had it too?

Hi! 👋


Yes I absolutely did have that, particularly in the earlier days of withdrawal. Particularly when moving my head from side to side. Very worrying and uncomfortable but like everything else it fully resolved for me. It actually improved a bit quicker for my than some of the other symptoms. So yes, that's another symptom I had which I did fully recover from.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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You are such a wonderful light in this community. Thank you so much for coming back and answering questions!

2012-2013 - 5mg Lexapro

2015-2016 - 5mg Lexapro

(the above are approximate dates but each time i was taking it for at least 6 months)

April 6, 2024 - one 10mg dose Lexapro and immediate adverse reaction 

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Thank you so much @3BBsGurkPog

It's profoundly helpful and encouraging to read your insights.

You're making a real difference!

Thank you for sharing your experience and responding with such generosity ❤️

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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@Ariel curious if you’re familiar with Melissa Boutilier? She had very similar mental symptoms as you and has recovered. She has lots of videos on YouTube and also does 1:1 coaching. I have spoken with her several times and she is a very lovely person! She also advised just taking time for your brain to heal while slowly trying to ease back into activities when you can. But she’s very encouraging and it’s helpful to hear about someone whose symptoms improved. Hers went away quite suddenly actually after years of suffering. I like to watch her videos when I’m feeling down so it may help with you too! 

2012-2013 - 5mg Lexapro

2015-2016 - 5mg Lexapro

(the above are approximate dates but each time i was taking it for at least 6 months)

April 6, 2024 - one 10mg dose Lexapro and immediate adverse reaction 

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42 minutes ago, Celeste1990 said:

@Ariel curious if you’re familiar with Melissa Boutilier? She had very similar mental symptoms as you and has recovered. She has lots of videos on YouTube and also does 1:1 coaching. I have spoken with her several times and she is a very lovely person! She also advised just taking time for your brain to heal while slowly trying to ease back into activities when you can. But she’s very encouraging and it’s helpful to hear about someone whose symptoms improved. Hers went away quite suddenly actually after years of suffering. I like to watch her videos when I’m feeling down so it may help with you too! 

Did she have cognitive symptoms and emotional blunting

2017 citalopram 40mg

Untill 2019 swapped over to sertraline 50mg and went up to 200mg by 2020

2022 70mg elvanse

2022 80mg atomoxotine 

Cold turkey elvanse and atomoxotine june 2023

Fast tapered sertraline oct 2023

November 2023 75mg Venlafaxine

Fast tapered feb to April 


Off all drugs since April 2024


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On 8/11/2024 at 6:46 PM, Celeste1990 said:

Hello! I have been following your responses and have been really inspired. I have a very very quick question so no need to type up a long response!


But did you ever get strange sensations in your brain specifically when you moved your head? For me any head movement triggers a combination of dizziness, head pressure and like my brain can’t keep up with what my eyes are taking in. It’s such a disturbing feeling and I’m curious if you had it too?

I have this as well @Celeste1990


& also thank you for answering my question, it means a lot @3BBsGurkPog

April 2022- Only 1 celxa pill 10mg

had an adverse reaction & never took anymore again 

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I am unable to handle stress/conflict. Which often makes me isolate myself from others which sucks. If I had An argument I would be able to go about my day like nothing, now that would ruin me & set me back. Did you have this issue & are you able to handle stress now? @3BBsGurkPog

April 2022- Only 1 celxa pill 10mg

had an adverse reaction & never took anymore again 

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On 8/19/2024 at 11:51 PM, peaceandlove said:

I am unable to handle stress/conflict. Which often makes me isolate myself from others which sucks. If I had An argument I would be able to go about my day like nothing, now that would ruin me & set me back. Did you have this issue & are you able to handle stress now? @3BBsGurkPog

Hi there. So yes I would say that I did have extra sensitivity to stress. The first two or so years off the ssri's I was very withdrawn from the world and didnt really go out much. It was another thing that made working very difficult. Any little problem or thing that came up would seriously affect me. Also I had a lot of fear and times and a looming sense of dread a lot of the time.


But now I feel calm and relaxed and comfortable in my own skins. Stressful situations do come up in life, and they can be challenging for anyone. But now I wouldn't say I am oversensitive to it or that it's being made worse by withdrawal in any way. I would say it's the same for me as it is for anyone else now. Stress is not easy to deal with in the first place. But oversensitivity to stress isn't an issue for me anymore. So yes I did recover from that as well.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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Hi did you suffer from headaches and head pressure during withdrawals please, and if so, what helped you with this?

10 June 2024 Zoloft 75mg


7 May 2024 Zoloft 50mg - direct switch from Lexapro 20mg.


2009 to 6 May 2024 Lexapro, started at 10mg and increased to 20mg for at least 8 years


Beta blocker metoprolol Sept 2023 to 4 Aug 2024.  Commenced at 100mg per day, then 50 mg from Dec 2023 then tapered during July and start of August 2024 to zero.


I have taken the odd diazepam but not often.  

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11 hours ago, Claudelex said:

Hi did you suffer from headaches and head pressure during withdrawals please, and if so, what helped you with this?

Hi, yes I definitely had the head pressure and it was awful. Felt like my brain was trying to burst out of my skull at times. Also made it so hard to get to sleep. Just generally felt really uncomfortable. I did have occasional headaches but it was mainly just head pressure that was the issue.


It terms of what helped with this, it's difficult to say. Exercise definitely helped, but the main thing really was time. After enough time it went away. So I wouldn't say there's any quick fix with this, but after a while the symptoms went away for me.


Going for a run definitely made me feel better so I would suggest trying to do that if you're able to. Or swimsuit or cycling or anything like that.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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3 hours ago, 3BBsGurkPog said:

Hi, yes I definitely had the head pressure and it was awful. Felt like my brain was trying to burst out of my skull at times. Also made it so hard to get to sleep. Just generally felt really uncomfortable. I did have occasional headaches but it was mainly just head pressure that was the issue.


It terms of what helped with this, it's difficult to say. Exercise definitely helped, but the main thing really was time. After enough time it went away. So I wouldn't say there's any quick fix with this, but after a while the symptoms went away for me.


Going for a run definitely made me feel better so I would suggest trying to do that if you're able to. Or swimsuit or cycling or anything like that.

thank you so much for your response.

10 June 2024 Zoloft 75mg


7 May 2024 Zoloft 50mg - direct switch from Lexapro 20mg.


2009 to 6 May 2024 Lexapro, started at 10mg and increased to 20mg for at least 8 years


Beta blocker metoprolol Sept 2023 to 4 Aug 2024.  Commenced at 100mg per day, then 50 mg from Dec 2023 then tapered during July and start of August 2024 to zero.


I have taken the odd diazepam but not often.  

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On 8/25/2024 at 6:20 AM, 3BBsGurkPog said:

Hi there. So yes I would say that I did have extra sensitivity to stress. The first two or so years off the ssri's I was very withdrawn from the world and didnt really go out much. It was another thing that made working very difficult. Any little problem or thing that came up would seriously affect me. Also I had a lot of fear and times and a looming sense of dread a lot of the time.


But now I feel calm and relaxed and comfortable in my own skins. Stressful situations do come up in life, and they can be challenging for anyone. But now I wouldn't say I am oversensitive to it or that it's being made worse by withdrawal in any way. I would say it's the same for me as it is for anyone else now. Stress is not easy to deal with in the first place. But oversensitivity to stress isn't an issue for me anymore. So yes I did recover from that as well.

Thank you once again ❤️

April 2022- Only 1 celxa pill 10mg

had an adverse reaction & never took anymore again 

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Hi @3BBsGurkPog! Thank you so much for your updates. I saw you battled insomnia for a long time. I have a question about that. Was your insomnia pretty much the same through those 4 years? Or did it constantly change? Like being able to fall asleep one night just to wake up at 3 and then the next night not being able to fall asleep til 3 and sleeping a few hours? 

I’m almost 1 year off and insomnia is my worst and one of my last remaining symptoms (still have tinnitus) and what I am struggling with is that it seems to be a different sleep pattern almost every day. There’s no predictability in it ever. It’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. 

thank you for your insight and so glad you are better!! 

8/2022 - medrol dose pack for 4 days

9/22 - Effexor 37.5mg for 4 days - CT 

9/22 - Zoloft 25-50mg - 1 month - rapid tap

10/22 - lexapro 5-10mg - 3 months - rapid

10/22 - buspar w lexapro and on its own - 8-12 weeks - rapid taper

2/2023 - propranolol - 1 month- rapid taper

3/2023 - gabapentin - 6 months - 100-300mgs - rapid taper 

4/2023 - viibryd 10-20mg - 5 months -rapid taper

9/2023 - off all meds 


*tried the following meds for sleep once during the timeline above:

trazodone - 50mg, Doxepin -10mg, hydroxyzine - 25-50mg (tried this a few times) 

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6 hours ago, vvvv said:

Hi @3BBsGurkPog! Thank you so much for your updates. I saw you battled insomnia for a long time. I have a question about that. Was your insomnia pretty much the same through those 4 years? Or did it constantly change? Like being able to fall asleep one night just to wake up at 3 and then the next night not being able to fall asleep til 3 and sleeping a few hours? 

I’m almost 1 year off and insomnia is my worst and one of my last remaining symptoms (still have tinnitus) and what I am struggling with is that it seems to be a different sleep pattern almost every day. There’s no predictability in it ever. It’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. 

thank you for your insight and so glad you are better!! 

Hi, So yes I would say it was pretty inconsistent. Couldn't keep to any sort of sleeping pattern or routine.

Only very occasionally during a 'window' would I get good sleep where I could fall asleep and have a very mini sleeping pattern but it would only last for a few days at best. It was pretty inconsistent, constantly changing really, but the sleep was always bad (apart from in the windows). This symptom took absolutely ages to improve for me but it finally did. I have a great consistent sleeping pattern now and get great quality sleep these days. So despite it being a very awful symptom that can go on for a while, people do recover from this.


Just a quick note as well, while good sleep helps with health and healing, just because you aren't sleeping well, that does NOT mean that the healing isn't happening. It's so easy to think that if you aren't able to get good sleep then you won't heal, I thought that too to be honest. But now I have healed and I had many years of awful sleep in the process. So I definitely still healed despite not being able to sleep well. It just takes a bit of time.

Was on citalopram from January 2015 to October 2018. Tapered down from 20mg to 10 from winter 2017 till summer 2018, then tapered from 10 mg Down to 0 halfing does every 6 weeks. Have been off the medication for around 5 and a half years now.

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20 hours ago, 3BBsGurkPog said:

Hi, So yes I would say it was pretty inconsistent. Couldn't keep to any sort of sleeping pattern or routine.

Only very occasionally during a 'window' would I get good sleep where I could fall asleep and have a very mini sleeping pattern but it would only last for a few days at best. It was pretty inconsistent, constantly changing really, but the sleep was always bad (apart from in the windows). This symptom took absolutely ages to improve for me but it finally did. I have a great consistent sleeping pattern now and get great quality sleep these days. So despite it being a very awful symptom that can go on for a while, people do recover from this.


Just a quick note as well, while good sleep helps with health and healing, just because you aren't sleeping well, that does NOT mean that the healing isn't happening. It's so easy to think that if you aren't able to get good sleep then you won't heal, I thought that too to be honest. But now I have healed and I had many years of awful sleep in the process. So I definitely still healed despite not being able to sleep well. It just takes a bit of time.


yes - that is exactly how mine is. no pattern to be had. I also only get a handful of days every now and then where my sleep feels pretty good, then it slowly spirals into the abyss again lol. A lot of my daytime symptoms have gotten better, so I know I am healing despite the poor sleep. Crazy what the human body can endure and still do! 


thank you again for your message! 

8/2022 - medrol dose pack for 4 days

9/22 - Effexor 37.5mg for 4 days - CT 

9/22 - Zoloft 25-50mg - 1 month - rapid tap

10/22 - lexapro 5-10mg - 3 months - rapid

10/22 - buspar w lexapro and on its own - 8-12 weeks - rapid taper

2/2023 - propranolol - 1 month- rapid taper

3/2023 - gabapentin - 6 months - 100-300mgs - rapid taper 

4/2023 - viibryd 10-20mg - 5 months -rapid taper

9/2023 - off all meds 


*tried the following meds for sleep once during the timeline above:

trazodone - 50mg, Doxepin -10mg, hydroxyzine - 25-50mg (tried this a few times) 

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