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Did antidepressant reinstatement work for you?


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Just wanted to chip in with my experience with reinstatement of fluoxetine after my disastrous cold turkey from 40mg that started it all.
After almost a month of debilitating insomnia, gi issues, anhedonia,  brain fog, panic, I reinstated at 20 mg. Didn’t find immediate relief but I think things like insomnia were improving. My biggest regret is not tapering more slowly the second time, I was too fast and loose, decreasing something like 3 mgs a week.

And to cap it all off, I missed 3 days in early August during a visit to a friend in another city which resulted in a day of akathisia. Thankfully that symptom didn’t stick but afterwards I gained heart palpitations/arrythmia, pssd, and tinnitus.
I’m still holding at 2.5 because of the trauma and definitely won’t go any slower than 10%. If I had held off of that reckless taper I would be in a better place than now.

2013 Was put on fluoxetine 10mg for anxiety at 14

2014 six months on risperidone, taken off due to side effects

2015 one month of abilify, fluoxetine increased to 20 mg

2020 fluoxetine increased to 40 mg, trazadone 15mg for insomnia

2023 May 15 ct stopped both meds, reinstated 20mg of fluoxetine after suicide ideation

currently tapered down to 2.5mg

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I reinstated Citalopram a couple of years ago. Was on 2.5ml daily until about six weeks ago when I made a 0.1ml cut. After a couple of weeks I felt ok so make another 0.1ml cut. The WDs have come & gone in waves but now 17 days after my last 0.1ml cut, I'm feeling about as bad as I ever have done at any point. Got such massive feelings of abandonment, loss & a sense that I'd rather not be here anymore. I'm still at 2.3ml but was thinking about going back up to where I was to try to alleviate the symptoms. If I did this is it going to get better or worse as a result of kindling? I need to do something cos this feels like the waves I had 3 years ago & I don't see this getting any better any time soon. Any suggestions or guidance please? x

Olanzapine 2.5mg 2007 - 8.5.2020. 1.25mg held for 4 weeks then stopped.


Citalopram 20mg 2007 - December 2020. Tapered down from 20mg daily, to 1.25, by halving the dose, holding for 3/4 weeks after each reduction, then jumping off in March 2021.


23/6/ 2021: Reinstated Citalopram, 0.5mg, held for a week then increased to 1mg. Held for four weeks then increased to 1.5mg. Held for two weeks then increased to 2mg. held for two weeks then increased to 2.5mg. been on 2.5mg since 24/8/21


17/9/23: Tapered Citalopram by 0.1mg, held for ten days then did another 0.1mg cut

18/10/23: Reinstated back up to 2.5mg

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