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Hi !

I am not an English speaker.  I was put on largactil (chlorpromazine) and Olanzapine in July for 1 month not knowing the damage it was doing.  I stopped suddenly and broke down 2 weeks later because of 4 nights of total sleeplessness.  I took Largactil in high doses (300mg per day) again and I decreased it in 4 months until I quit.  Since I was not sleeping at all again, I was prescribed Seresta (oxazepam). Currently I take 35mg in the evening and 5mg in the morning.  I sleep 5 or 6 hours with it.  I had a huge trauma and I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep naturally, in addition to the withdrawal problem.  In addition, I support Seresta very badly.  Since taking it I feel drunk and cannot concentrate.  It's worse than with Largactil, but the psychiatrist told me it was less harmful.  I need help coping with weaning off Largactil and then lowering Seresta back to sleep despite the trauma. Thanks in advance

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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Top Posters In This Topic

  • Bluemoon3


  • Shep


  • Altostrata


  • manymoretodays


(This post has been moved from the Melatonin topic because Bluemoon3 is only a new member and it is better to have the information in the Introduction topic)



Is it possible to take melatonin in my case ? I stopped chlorpromazine to quickly Dec 2. I could not sleep. So I am taking Seresta* 40mg. 


* Oxazepam is a short-to-intermediate-acting benzodiazepine (from wiki)


Edited by ChessieCat
Added drug name and info about post being moved

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi @Bluemoon3! Welcome,



I moved your post into your own introduction topic so we can give you better support. Each member has their own introduction topic. Thank you also for writing the signature, it helps a lot. Did you get side effects from the Largactil and/or Olanzapine right away or did they only come when you stopped taking them?

And as I understand it you're not taking any Largactil right now?


In case you are taking any other drugs or supplements, that should be included in the signature as well. If you drink alcohol this is also good to mention since it can make symptoms worse.



Here is information about the kind of taper method we usually recommend:

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?



I can recommend reading the topics in this link and trying them to see what works, to maybe get better sleep:

Tips to help sleep

We usually don't recommend any other supplements than omega 3 and magnesium, but if you want to try melatonin, it's good to start at a very low dose (as with any supplement while in withdrawal). Too little might not help and neither will too much. If you haven't read the beginning of this topic it is good to do beforehand:

Melatonin for sleep


If you want to instead try magnesium for sleep, chelated magnesium seems to be the best option. Here is more information about it:



I would just make sure to try only one supplement at a time and always at the lowest dose possible, since it can otherwise make symptoms worse.




Edited by Sunnyday
Added link

2011-2015: Escitalopram (Cipralex) 20 mg, Voxra 300 mg (quit Voxra in late 2015, no issues)

2016: Started tapering Escitalopram 5 mg at a time, every fourth week

July 24th, 2016: Escitalopram 5 mg

April 2nd, 2017: Quit last dosage (WD worsened a lot)

Ca 6 last months of 2017: Taking Diazepam 15-25 mg irregularly, less than once a month

Ca Dec 2017: Out of Diazepam, i.e free from all prescribed drugs

Now: Still drug free

Supplements: Irregular intake of Omega-3, magnesium, vitamin D.

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When I was taking Largactil I slept a lot and my skin was dry, that's all.  With Olanzapine, I had tingling in the ends of my hands and feet and felt my head was too awake. The problem of insomnia started when I stopped largactil. I took Seresta too sleep. It makes me sleep a bit but the problems got worst. I feel like I'm drunk all the time, and I get faint every time I stand for a few minutes.  I have low blood pressure when I stand, not as soon as I get up.  I can't sleep without Seresta but it makes me worse off than Largactil.  Since I stopped largactil I have had plenty of symptoms (tingling, hot / cold, feeling the blood circulating, burning in my neck and chest) and today I only feel restlessness inside. The worst symptoms are insomnia and inner turmoil (all the time). I cannot focus on something, even TV.  

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

For some people reinstatement works and for some it doesn't. If it's to be done it's recommended to start with a very small dose. This topic is good to read before making a decision:


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


I would wait with making a decision though until another mod can give you more specific advice, since each person's situation is different. Until then I would try some of the things mentioned in the topics about sleeping problems. Another thing we sometimes recommend is either magnesium (link in first post), or omega-3.


King of supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)



2011-2015: Escitalopram (Cipralex) 20 mg, Voxra 300 mg (quit Voxra in late 2015, no issues)

2016: Started tapering Escitalopram 5 mg at a time, every fourth week

July 24th, 2016: Escitalopram 5 mg

April 2nd, 2017: Quit last dosage (WD worsened a lot)

Ca 6 last months of 2017: Taking Diazepam 15-25 mg irregularly, less than once a month

Ca Dec 2017: Out of Diazepam, i.e free from all prescribed drugs

Now: Still drug free

Supplements: Irregular intake of Omega-3, magnesium, vitamin D.

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I stopped Largactil too quickly and I started Seresta. I cannot sleep at all without medicine (I tried and I went to hospital). I only sleep 4Hours a night with 35mg of Seresta. I am becoming too weak. I take B vitamins, magnesium, omega 3, herbs. I am pregnant. I don’t want to mix seresta and largacil. I would be desperate if I started Largactil again. All other symptoms disappears and I feel able to think again. I have the impression I will never be able to sleep naturally again. I tried melatonin in the past but it did nothing. If only I could sleep 10min, I would see improvement. Is there a medicine safer than seresta and largactil that we can take for a long time ? 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Bluemoon3, @Bluemoon3


And oh, congratulations on your pregnancy.  Is this your first?


I just moved your most recent post here.  Now that you have got this Introduction topic started, it is best for you to post right here.

We like to keep each member to just one Introduction topic.

That way your information can all stay in one place.


So you've been on the Seresta(Oxazepam) since you had been tapering off Largactil?

I see you note starting it in November.  On the 13th at a dose of 15 mg.  And now you are on the 40 mg dose, and are taking 5 mg in the morning and 35 mg at bedtime.


Intially you had said, that you were getting 5-6 hours of sleep.  And then last night just 4 hours.


Are you on any other drugs right now besides the Oxazepam?


And then could you try and use a list format, to show us, just how a 24 hour period looks now.

We call these Notes or daily drug and symptom logs to track patterns and progress

Take a look at the link ^


And then post them here.  Keep it simple.  Just note the time(s) on the left, and then on the right note your medication(s) by name and note the dosage taken.  Also on the right note your current supplements and herbs by name and dose.  Keep noting times throughout the day and night time, and also on the right note any symptoms as they occur.  Also to the right of the time, note activities and sleep patterns.


I'll post a sample note right here too(taken from that link above):

What we need to see for every single day over several days is what symptoms you get before and after you take your drugs. If you're not taking any drugs and have withdrawal symptoms, we still need to see your symptom pattern throughout the day:


The time of day, dosage, and severity of symptoms are essential information. Include


- Time and dosage for all drugs taken throughout the day, psychiatric and non-psychiatric.

- Following each dose, note any symptoms. If you are having a reaction to the drug, it may take hours for a symptom to show up -- that's why we ask you to keep notes all day long.

- If you're not taking any drugs, your symptoms throughout the day.

- Your sleep pattern. Since so many drugs disturb sleep, if you find you're waking in the middle of the night, it could be from a drug you took earlier in the evening. If you're not taking any drugs, there may be ways you can improve your sleep.

And so forth. A diary, in chronological order, looking something like this:
6 a.m. Woke with anxiety
8 a.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
10 a.m. Stomach is upset
10:30 a.m. Ate breakfast
11:35 a.m. Got a headache, lasted one hour
12:35 p.m. Ate lunch
4 p.m. Feel a bit better
5 p.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
6 p.m. Ate dinner
9:20 p.m. Headache
10:00 p.m. Took 50mg Seroquel
10:20 p.m. Feeling dizzy
10:30 p.m. Fell asleep
2:30 a.m. Woke, took 3mg Ambien (NOT "took 1/2 tablet Ambien")
2:45 a.m. Fell asleep
4:30 a.m. Woke but got back to sleep

6 a.m. Woke with anxiety (but less than yesterday)


Just post a full 24 hour segment right here, in a reply post, once you get one done.  Thank you.

And I can also ask one of our more benzo knowledgeable or experienced moderators to take a look too, and to advise.


And Bluemoon3, so very sorry for what you have been through.  The huge trauma and then the nasty medications.  That is a pretty large dose of the oxazepam, and just that alone may account for some of your current symptoms.  So do your best with some Notes, and stand by and check on back for further input right here on your thread.



L, P, H, and G,


Edited by manymoretodays
added @ symbol so member will find

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Administrator

Hello, bluemoon.


On 12/18/2020 at 12:36 PM, Bluemoon3 said:

In addition, I support Seresta very badly.  Since taking it I feel drunk and cannot concentrate.


Have you discussed these symptoms with your doctors?


These symptoms mean you're probably taking too much oxazepam. @Shep and @Frogie can give you some pointers about lowering the dosage with careful tapering.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Here is a typical day from Friday (new huge source of worries)

- 10.30pm : Seresta 35mg
- 11pm : fell asleep

- 3am : awake, very agitated, very tense, feeling weak, moving in the bed, exhausted, worries

- 3am : stayed in bed till 8pm with no sleep, too tired to stand up, exhausted, agitated in the bed, very tense, worries

- 4.20am : husband alarm clock

- 7am: b vitamins, iron, breakfast, shower

- 8am : went outside for 30min, exhausted, not agitated, feeling depressed, weak and tense. 

- 8.30am - 6pm: stayed home in bed or in the sofa, low blood pressure (9), read my phone all day (research to help with a pb, too upset to do sth else), not physically agitated

- 1pm: lunch

-7pm : more and more exhausted, very tense, started being physically agitated and nervous

- 8pm: diner

- 9pm : homeopathy 

- 10pm : Seresta 35mg

- 3.30pm : awake, negative thoughts, cannot sleep again, moving in the bed, tense, exhausted but feel too awake, weak


I have the impression I need Largactil to survive, but it’s bad for my baby and my brain and I started to have dyskinesia in one leg when I tapered largactil (finished). I am really scared to take it but i need sleep. All my symptoms disappeared except I am tense and more and more exhausted. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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49 minutes ago, Altostrata said:

Hello, bluemoon.



Have you discussed these symptoms with your doctors?


These symptoms mean you're probably taking too much oxazepam. @Shep and @Frogie can give you some pointers about lowering the dosage with careful tapering.


I do not feel drunk or dizzy anymore. 35g is the minimum to sleep a bit. I feel bad because I have new problems and I cannot sleep more.  

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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All weird symptoms disappeared last week but I am getting less and less sleep. I had a very bad news on Friday. My sleep started to decrease. After all my efforts to stop Largactil, I have the impression I won’t be able to sleep again without it. I was not me under it.

Doctors do not want to give me more medicine as I am pregnant. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Bluemoon, in your signature, you have "Beginning of Dec 2020 : 40mg of Seresta to sleep about 5/6 hrs."


But in your notes posted here, you're only taking 35 mg. 


On 12/18/2020 at 3:36 PM, Bluemoon3 said:

Currently I take 35mg in the evening and 5mg in the morning.


Did you forget the 5 mg dose in your notes? 


7 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

9pm : homeopathy 


Please write more about the homeopathy you are taking. 


16 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

I take B vitamins, magnesium, omega 3, herbs. I am pregnant.


What are the herbs you are taking? 


Please continue writing out your daily drug and symptoms notes. They are very helpful. 





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  • Moderator

I agree 100% with Shep. 


Please answer her as complete as you can so she is able to help you.


5-6 hours of sleep a night is awesome!


I will drop in on you to see how you’re doing 😊


Take care, 

Frogie xx


PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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I had 40mg in the night then 35mg at night and 5 mg in the morning. And now only 35mg at night. I used to sleep 5/6hrs. It decreased to 4hrs. It is not because of the 5mg. Doctors told me I can survive with 4hrs...

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Buemoon3,

Have you gotten started with prenatal care yet?

Are some of your supplements for optimal development of the baby?  It looks like folic acid and iron are pretty essential. 

Prenatal vitamins: Why they matter, how to choose? Mayo Clinic

And which B vitamins are you currently on? 


Unfortunately, many of us in WD are more sensitive to many things.  And I do think that your Largactil WD is at play here too.  So do go easy on introduction of anything new, start low, go slow, and try not to change more than one variable at any given time.  That way you will know, what is responsible for what.

*What is withdrawal syndrome


Important topics about tests, supplements, treatments, and diet


Do keep going with the notes daily.  And posting them.  You did great.  And these can be so very helpful, not only for us to see, but also for you to note patterns and progress.  And then this helped me to learn how to better listen to my body, and make choices and decisions accordingly.  Take a look at that link too, when you have a relaxed moment.  I think you will get there too.  It can take a lot of practice and patience with self.


And then some non-drug coping that might help.  If you look at the link that Sunnyday left above, you might be able to find some new non-drug things to try and further help with sleep and relaxation.

Weighted blankets and bed tents for restlessness, akathisia, insomnia, and anxiety


We do see many who wake up too soon and feel quite icky when they do.

Early morning waking-managing the cortisol spike


How are you doing with the language difference?  Are you able to read most of the posts and information without difficulty? 

And do ask, if and when questions arise.


Best, L, P, H, and G,


Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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I take iron, b12 and all B vitamins, C vitamin. I can read everything easily. 
Tomorrow, I am going to my father’s for one day or more to see if I sleep better. I stay alone all day and I think to much. My main worry is sleeping. I did not have strong withdrawal symptoms except sleeping. I used to sleep a lot. It’s so weird not to be able to sleep at all. What is the safest medicine to sleep ? I know it’s not good anyway but sometimes there is no choice. I am asking for after my delivery. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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7 hours ago, Frogie said:

I agree 100% with Shep. 


Please answer her as complete as you can so she is able to help you

I don’t remember all the herbs. It’s a tea made for me. I should drink it more often. 

7 hours ago, Frogie said:


5-6 hours of sleep a night is awesome!

now it’s only for. 6 was perfect. But the weather is bad and I stayed at home all day... The psy told le to walk 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon. 

7 hours ago, Frogie said:


I will drop in on you to see how you’re doing 😊


7 hours ago, Frogie said:

Take care, 

Frogie xx


- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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I see people who took medecine for many years. I ´ ve taken medecine for 6 months and I do not manage to stop. What is really scary is being unable to sleep without medecine. I do not find anybody in my case to see how they cope with it. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator
4 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

I don’t remember all the herbs. It’s a tea made for me. I should drink it more often. 

now it’s only for. 6 was perfect. But the weather is bad and I stayed at home all day... The psy told le to walk 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon. 


I wouldn’t complain about 4 hours sleep either. A lot of people, myself included, would love to sleep that long lol...


Can you find out the ingredients of the tea for Shep? There may be something in it that is contributing to your symptoms. Sometimes herbal remedies aren’t the best. That would be great!


Walking is good for you but don’t make it an obsession that you must do it. Just when the weather allows. You can do light yoga inside to help also.


 I hope your sleep returns for you, but maybe you can take naps in between if your schedule allows it?

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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7 hours ago, Frogie said:

I wouldn’t complain about 4 hours sleep either. A lot of people, myself included, would love to sleep that long lol...


I slept 8 hours last night ! It’s a miracle !

7 hours ago, Frogie said:


Can you find out the ingredients of the tea for Shep? There may be something in it that is contributing to your symptoms. Sometimes herbal remedies aren’t the best. That would be great!

No sorry, I don’t remember what they put in it but I feel calm with it for at least 30min

7 hours ago, Frogie said:


 I hope your sleep returns for you, but maybe you can take naps in between if your schedule allows it?

I do not manage to. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus
3 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

No sorry, I don’t remember what they put in it but I feel calm with it for at least 30min


Who is "they"? Where are you getting this homeopathy and herbs? As Frogie posted, there may be some interaction between the ingredients and your drugs. And that may not show up right away. 


Please keep posting your daily notes as you did in this post




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23 hours ago, Shep said:


Who is "they"? Where are you getting this homeopathy and herbs? As Frogie posted, there may be some interaction between the ingredients and your drugs. 


I bought a blend of herbs from a drugstore.  Can't find what it is.  But it calms me 30min / 1hour.

Edited by Shep
fixed quote box

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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Homeopathy :

- Coffea cruda

- Nux vomica

- Gelsemium

5 granules morning and evening

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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- Sleep : 10pm-6am !!! :)
- Getting up from bed: 6.30am

- Morning: visiting family

- Lunch : 1.30pm

- Shopping : 2 hours in the afternoon

- Snack : 6pm

- Diner : 7pm

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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I started Seresta November 13, 2020, so 6 weeks ago. I do not sleep much but I would try to taper in a few days. I am not sure I need that much to sleep.  I take 35mg at 9pm. Is removing 5mg too much?  After how long can I reduce?

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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Sleep : 10pm - 4.45am. It’s improving :) But i wonder if it would be possible without a benzo. Tomorrow I want to try to remove 5mg

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus
17 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

Homeopathy :

- Coffea cruda

- Nux vomica

- Gelsemium

5 granules morning and evening


Thanks for listing these, Bluemoon. Homeopathy is helpful for some members and harmful for others and that may change according to how your nervous system is handling your withdrawal. Please see:


Surviving Antidepressants - Homeopathy


I'm glad you're seeing good results. 



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  • Moderator Emeritus
17 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

- Sleep : 10pm-6am !!! :)
- Getting up from bed: 6.30am

- Morning: visiting family

- Lunch : 1.30pm

- Shopping : 2 hours in the afternoon

- Snack : 6pm

- Diner : 7pm


Please also include your drugs, supplements, and your symptoms. 


Your previous drug and symptoms journal posted here is what we need to see. 



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  • Moderator Emeritus
18 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

- Sleep : 10pm-6am !!! :)


8 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

Sleep : 10pm - 4.45am. It’s improving :) But i wonder if it would be possible without a benzo. Tomorrow I want to try to remove 5mg


Bluemoon, it looks like your sleep got worse, not better. 


You slept 8 hours the night before and only 6.75 hours last night. 


You just decreased the Seresta 5 days ago, so please don't rush your taper. You haven't been on this drug for very long (about 41 days), but it's long enough to develop a dependency. 


18 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

I started Seresta November 13, 2020, so 6 weeks ago. I do not sleep much but I would try to taper in a few days. I am not sure I need that much to sleep.  I take 35mg at 9pm. Is removing 5mg too much?  After how long can I reduce?


On December 19, you reduced from 40 mg to 35 mg, which was a 12.5% reduction. We recommend reducing no faster than 10% a month, based on the previous month's dose (not the original dose). Please see:


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


However, even though you've been on this drug long enough to be dependent, you're trying to got off it for your pregnancy, so you may be fine with this high a decrease.


The half-life of Seresta is 4 - 15 hours, depending on how fast you metabolize it. So some of your symptoms may be from interdose withdrawal (going into withdrawal in between doses). Please continue with your drug and symptoms journal so we can look for any patterns to your symptoms, such as interdose withdrawal. 


Edited by Shep
fixed typo



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it’s improving because during the 3 nights before, I only slept 4 hours. On Tuesdays, I slept more only because i was exhausted. 
Some people told me to decrease 2,5% each week. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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Could you help me to taper Seresta. I take 35mg at 9pm

and I am pregnant. I sleep from 10/11pm to 4 am. I feel tired all morning but I do not manage to sleep more. Some people tell me to remove 2,5% a week, others 10% a month. I wonder if I can remove 5mg or 2,5mg a week. I removed 5mg 5 days ago and it made no change. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus
14 hours ago, Bluemoon3 said:

Some people tell me to remove 2,5% a week, others 10% a month.


If you remove 2.5% a week, that comes to a total of 10% a month.


The 2.5% weekly reductions can be easier for your nervous system to tolerate than going down 10% at once. 





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1 hour ago, Shep said:


If you remove 2.5% a week, that comes to a total of 10% a month.


The 2.5% weekly reductions can be easier for your nervous system to tolerate than going down 10% at once. 



Thanks. Could you explain how to do it ? Should I crush Seresta and put it into water ?

As I started Seresta not a long time ago, some people told me I could go quicker. Maybe no dependence yet. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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  • Moderator Emeritus

You can develop a dependency in a few days to a few weeks with benzos, so it's hard to say if you are or you aren't dependent. You've been on this drug for about 42 days, so you may have some dependency. 


But if your insomnia from the Largactil is getting better, you may be okay with a faster benzo taper.


Seresta is not very water soluble for a solution, but you could make a suspension by crushing it and adding it to water.  


How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules


Is Seresta available in a liquid concentrate in your country? That's the easiest and most accurate way to taper. 


What dose size are your Seresta pills? If you're going to do a rapid taper, you could get the smallest dose size and then use a pill cutter. If you have the 10 mg size pills, you can cut that into fourths and reduce by 2.5 mg increments. 


How to cut up tablets or pills (using a pill cutter)


Or you could use a scale for more accuracy: 


Using a digital scale to measure doses


So there are several options for tapering. 



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Last night I took 30mg of Seresta at 9.45pm. I fell asleep at 11pm, woke at 3.30am and slept one more hour. I was fine during my sleep but I was agitated and exhausted when I woke up. 

- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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16 hours ago, Shep said:

You can develop a dependency in a few days to a few weeks with benzos, so it's hard to say if you are or you aren't dependent. You've been on this drug for about 42 days, so you may have some dependency. 


But if your insomnia from the Largactil is getting better, you may be okay with a faster benzo taper.


Seresta is not very water soluble for a solution, but you could make a suspension by crushing it and adding it to water.  


How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules


Is Seresta available in a liquid concentrate in your country? That's the easiest and most accurate way to taper. 


What dose size are your Seresta pills? If you're going to do a rapid taper, you could get the smallest dose size and then use a pill cutter. If you have the 10 mg size pills, you can cut that into fourths and reduce by 2.5 mg increments. 


Thanks. I had a bad idea. I removed 5mg yesterday night. My sleep was ok but I feel miserable in the morning. I took 30mg instead of 35mg. Do you think I should take 32,5mg tonight or to go back to 35mg ? I am scared to feel bad with 32,5mg either. I have nothing to make titration at the moment. 

16 hours ago, Shep said:


- July 2020 : Olanzapine and Largactil, - Aug : stopped Olanzapine, - Aug: stopped Largactil/again

- 2 Dec : Stopped Largactil

- 13 Nov : Started Seresta: 15mg, - Beg of Dec : 40mg, - Dec 19 : 35mg

- Dec 26:32,5mg, - Jan 13,2021 :30mg, - Feb 6:27,5mg, - Feb 19 : 25mg, - Feb 26 : 22,5mg, - Feb 28 : 20mg, - March 3 : 17,5mg, - March 12: 15mg, - March 15: 12,5mg, March 17: stop Seresta

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