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Tips for tapering off stomach acid blockers or PPIs (esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole)


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I successfully tapered off of Lansoprazole 30mg after taking it for 9 years a year or so ago because it caused me to have low iron. This is the system that I came up with (with my doctor's support) because I was terrified of rebound acid. Each week, I dropped one daily dose to 15mg and held for 3-4 weeks because I'd read that it takes 3 weeks for your body to realize that it doesn't have to produce as much acid. I tried to keep the days spaced out. Example, first day I dropped was Saturday. After three weeks, I dropped Tuesday as well. Etc. Once I got down to 15mg each day, I started the same thing with just not taking a pill one day a week. Then I started putting more and more days between them. I can't remember how many days between I was doing before I stopped entirely. I found that the rebound acid was worst on the day after the drop. To combat that, I used Gaviscon. 


I still need to use Gaviscon periodically, but it's nothing like when I was maxing out the daily dosage every single day thanks to work stress. 

1994 - Prozac for 3 weeks, then Zoloft until 1997

2000 - Celexa for 3 days, then Luvox until 2002ish?

2001 - Risperdal for 4 months - Started Buspar around here, until 2003 maybe

2004 - Clonazepam

2005 - 2007 Paxil

2011 - Buspar again until 2016 or 2017

2011 - 2014 - Cipralex

2013 - Added Wellbutrin. Stable on 300mg Wellbutrin XL until Nov 2018 when shortages caused me to switch generics

Jan 30, 2019 - Beginning taper by first switching to 150mg SR twice a day. Taking Ativan periodically since November after not taking it for years

supplements: 2016 iron pills, 2017 2000IU Vit D, 250mg Magnesium, 300mg B2, Omegas all twice a day



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Hi, Damianamae. Do you mean you skipped doses of lansoprazole?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I guess that’s what if amounts to, yes. I had read that there was powder inside so I didn’t want to open them up and I had no other idea of how to do it to help my body adjust.


I can delete my post if it’s seen as misleading to the other methods.

1994 - Prozac for 3 weeks, then Zoloft until 1997

2000 - Celexa for 3 days, then Luvox until 2002ish?

2001 - Risperdal for 4 months - Started Buspar around here, until 2003 maybe

2004 - Clonazepam

2005 - 2007 Paxil

2011 - Buspar again until 2016 or 2017

2011 - 2014 - Cipralex

2013 - Added Wellbutrin. Stable on 300mg Wellbutrin XL until Nov 2018 when shortages caused me to switch generics

Jan 30, 2019 - Beginning taper by first switching to 150mg SR twice a day. Taking Ativan periodically since November after not taking it for years

supplements: 2016 iron pills, 2017 2000IU Vit D, 250mg Magnesium, 300mg B2, Omegas all twice a day



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We just need a little more detail. How many capsules were you taking per day, at what dosage?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I started off taking a 30mg capsule once daily. When I was taking 15mg, they were also single capsules once daily.

1994 - Prozac for 3 weeks, then Zoloft until 1997

2000 - Celexa for 3 days, then Luvox until 2002ish?

2001 - Risperdal for 4 months - Started Buspar around here, until 2003 maybe

2004 - Clonazepam

2005 - 2007 Paxil

2011 - Buspar again until 2016 or 2017

2011 - 2014 - Cipralex

2013 - Added Wellbutrin. Stable on 300mg Wellbutrin XL until Nov 2018 when shortages caused me to switch generics

Jan 30, 2019 - Beginning taper by first switching to 150mg SR twice a day. Taking Ativan periodically since November after not taking it for years

supplements: 2016 iron pills, 2017 2000IU Vit D, 250mg Magnesium, 300mg B2, Omegas all twice a day



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this reminds me my supposed taper of Omeprozole is stalled.


I started taking 2 pills a day and still take 1.5 a day months later but now I need 1 Ranitidine a day, almost always. so I've switched half an Ompeprazole for one Ranitidine, am I any better off? 

Currently taking Ramapril (blood pressure) 5 mg twice a day

Omeprazole 10 mg AM and 20 mg PM  (the taper has gone nowhere after the first cut)

Famotidine   once a day (and I still needs tums sometimes)

magnesium 200 mg at night

as of yesterday 2 fish oil capsules "EPA-DHA 1000"


off Lexapro as of 5/2018  - last dose had been 5 mg every other day for a couple years


highest dose had been 20 mg at which point I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, which went away when I cut the lexapro down to 15 mg. 


I spent years on Paxil before Lexapro (can't remember dose), briefly on Effexor and Abilify and others I have forgotten. in fact, when I was diagnoses with BPII I was put on all kinds of things which made me feel so bad I stopped them cold turkey within maybe 3 or 4 weeks, thank goodness. since then I've known these pills were terrible and I weaned down the Lexapro with zero help or support over I'm not sure how many years. 


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  • 1 year later...

Preparing to tapper PPI, but unsuccessful 

I made a mistake by slipping a dose and adding betaine. 

I felt anxious, now I feel as if I was smoking cigarettes!!! Kind of burning... 

- 12.03.2021- doxepin- 50mg

- 6.11.2020- 75mg

- 16.10.2020- 100mg

- 30.09.2020- doxepin- 125mg

- May 2020, omeprazole 40mg switched to esomeprazole 20mg

- 2012 re-started Doxepin 75mg, evening. Increased to 150mg

- 2012, Atenolol 25mg, twice a day

- 2016, Low dose of HRT in evening, Sandrena and Utrogestan 

- Long term of Nasal spray Otrivine

- 2012, PPI Omeprazole 40mg-evening

24.10.2014- Started ESCITALOPRAM-first 5mg and then 10mg; due to the adverse symptoms reduced on 5.01.2015- Escitalopram- 2.5mg 22.07.2016- re-started reduction by 1% at a time. Completed tappering on  19.03.2020 😇

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2 hours ago, ikam said:

Preparing to tapper PPI, but unsuccessful 

I made a mistake by slipping a dose and adding betaine. 

I felt anxious, now I feel as if I was smoking cigarettes!!! Kind of burning... 


Having read this topic from the beginning, what do you think you should do now?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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1 hour ago, Altostrata said:


Having read this topic from the beginning, what do you think you should do now?

I need to tapper slowly, I think I will be opening the pills and count the beads... 

I have been on PPI for years, I want to stop. They caused me iron deficiency, anemia in the past... 


I am sure they have a bad impact on other aspects of my health... 

I was surprised last night with the symptoms I had, it felt like a short term WD... I had problems with severe sweating and generally I was waking up constantly... 

During the day, I had some strange excitation and anxiety... 

All this happened after skipping just one dose and adding betaine... 


I am unsure why I am so sensitive to betaine... I cannot also tolerate cider vinegar... 


I have been following a sensible diet, I have my bed risen, I have supplements, such as probiotics... 

I also noticed that I cannot eat a lot of things as I get severe nausea, I read that this may relate to being unable to digest as there is not enough acid in my stomach... 


I will wait few days now to stabilise and restart tappering really carefully... 



- 12.03.2021- doxepin- 50mg

- 6.11.2020- 75mg

- 16.10.2020- 100mg

- 30.09.2020- doxepin- 125mg

- May 2020, omeprazole 40mg switched to esomeprazole 20mg

- 2012 re-started Doxepin 75mg, evening. Increased to 150mg

- 2012, Atenolol 25mg, twice a day

- 2016, Low dose of HRT in evening, Sandrena and Utrogestan 

- Long term of Nasal spray Otrivine

- 2012, PPI Omeprazole 40mg-evening

24.10.2014- Started ESCITALOPRAM-first 5mg and then 10mg; due to the adverse symptoms reduced on 5.01.2015- Escitalopram- 2.5mg 22.07.2016- re-started reduction by 1% at a time. Completed tappering on  19.03.2020 😇

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Please read the information we give you and use your common sense.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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15 hours ago, Altostrata said:

Please read the information we give you and use your common sense.

Thank you Alto. I will... It seems that I am really sensitive to smallest changes in my protocol... Years of being medicated... 

- 12.03.2021- doxepin- 50mg

- 6.11.2020- 75mg

- 16.10.2020- 100mg

- 30.09.2020- doxepin- 125mg

- May 2020, omeprazole 40mg switched to esomeprazole 20mg

- 2012 re-started Doxepin 75mg, evening. Increased to 150mg

- 2012, Atenolol 25mg, twice a day

- 2016, Low dose of HRT in evening, Sandrena and Utrogestan 

- Long term of Nasal spray Otrivine

- 2012, PPI Omeprazole 40mg-evening

24.10.2014- Started ESCITALOPRAM-first 5mg and then 10mg; due to the adverse symptoms reduced on 5.01.2015- Escitalopram- 2.5mg 22.07.2016- re-started reduction by 1% at a time. Completed tappering on  19.03.2020 😇

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  • Moderator Emeritus
5 hours ago, ikam said:

It seems that I am really sensitive to smallest changes in my protocol


Please remember to only make one change at a time and if trying something new to start with a small test dose to see how you respond.  And it's also a good idea to do some research about it here (I use a search engine and add site: surviving antidepressants.org to my search term) and check for side effects and interactions at drugs.com





Edited by ChessieCat


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 7 months later...

Hi @Altostrata


I've been taking 20 mg of omeprazole for months and increased it 40 mg of omeprazole within the past few months. If I gradually wean off of the omeprazole, since it apparently increases the lexapro in my system, will Iget stronger SSRI withdrawal symptoms because there wont be as much lexapro in my system? I'm on the trying to stabilize phase on 2.5 mg right now and its been helping. I've been having horrible stomach side effects from withdrawals such as diarrhea, stomach cramping and burning, extreme weight loss and malnutrition, limited diet etc. I want to heal my stomach problems and I learned from this thread that omeprazole is working against stomach healing. What do you recommend taking after I wean off omeprazole to stop any reflux or heart burn? 

-2014: Lexapro/escitalopram 10 mg, 2015-2021: Lexapro/escitalopram 20 mg

-10/2020-3/2021: decreased 20 mg to 15 mg, 1 mg a month

-4/2021: decreased to 10 mg, held for 11 days, 4/2021: decreased to 5 mg, held for 8 days

-4/2021: 3-6 days cold turkey lexapro, withdrawal symptoms so reinstated 2.5 mg 

-omeprazole taper: 9/2021 cut 25%, 10/20/21 25% cut, 12/1/21 25%, 12/28/21 25% cut, (9/36 beads of 40 mg)

-11/2020 omeprazole 20 mg, 3/2021: omeprazole 40 mg,

-Nordic Naturals Ultimate omega 3 fish pill: 1280 mg

-montelukast: 10 mg dailyzyrtec: 10 mg daily 

-3/20/2021-7/25: mesalamine 1.2 GM, 3 times a day - dropped

-birth control: Trilinyah 2014- 2/1/2021 quit cold turkey middle of pack 

7/16/2021-8/1/2021 Quicksilver Liposomal multivitamin liquid: biotin, zinc, Vitamins A, C, D E, K, Niacin,, Thiomine, Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, B12, 7/16/2021- 8/25/2021 - boswelia complex (tumeric. ginger, celery) - 2 a day - dropped

7/16/2021 - probiophage probiotic - dropped 

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  • Administrator

I don't know how tapering omeprazole will affect the escitalopram in your system. For your other questions, please read this topic from the beginning.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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What really helped me coming off my PPI was drinking Dandelion root tea, yarrow tea and sometimes liquorice tea. Just be careful with the liquorice tea as that can cause other issues if you drink too much. Also try avoiding tomatoes, sugar, carbonated beverages, alcohol and spicy food for a couple of weeks. I still drink dandelion root tea daily to maintain a healthy stomach. From the research I have done I have learned that omeprazole increases Lexapro levels by 90 to 100%. So if you are taking 2.5mg Lexapro with omeprazole it is like taking 5mg Lexapro. So you might want to raise your Lexapro slightly to avoid more withdrawal symptoms. Please keep that in mind when tapering omeprazole.

Hope that helps.

1999-2001 Clomipramine (can't remember dosage)

2001-2003 Citalopram 10mg

2003-2017 Citalopram 20mg (tried various other SSRI and SNRI during this period but always came back to Citalopram after a month or two)

Late 2017 Citalopram Cold Turkey

June 2018- March 2021 Escitalopram 10mg + 80mg Propranolol

March 2021 Escitalopram Cold turkey 

April 2021 reinstated at 2.5mg and quit again after 3 days.

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15 hours ago, SkydiverSZ said:

From the research I have done I have learned that omeprazole increases Lexapro levels by 90 to 100%.


I never new that...maybe that's why when I stopped lexapro it was so hard. 


but I have YET to get off omeprozole. I went from 40 down to 30 but stopped there as the rebound heartburn was just too bad. 😕


and also I can't keep from drinking coffee. 

Currently taking Ramapril (blood pressure) 5 mg twice a day

Omeprazole 10 mg AM and 20 mg PM  (the taper has gone nowhere after the first cut)

Famotidine   once a day (and I still needs tums sometimes)

magnesium 200 mg at night

as of yesterday 2 fish oil capsules "EPA-DHA 1000"


off Lexapro as of 5/2018  - last dose had been 5 mg every other day for a couple years


highest dose had been 20 mg at which point I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, which went away when I cut the lexapro down to 15 mg. 


I spent years on Paxil before Lexapro (can't remember dose), briefly on Effexor and Abilify and others I have forgotten. in fact, when I was diagnoses with BPII I was put on all kinds of things which made me feel so bad I stopped them cold turkey within maybe 3 or 4 weeks, thank goodness. since then I've known these pills were terrible and I weaned down the Lexapro with zero help or support over I'm not sure how many years. 


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I have found the study I was refering to: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4297217/


During the time I was using escitalopram together with omeprazole my liver enzymes where raised. My GP put it down to my alcohol consumption. As soon as I was off the omeprazole my liver enzymes normalized. I now believe that my raised liver enzymes where caused by the combination of omeprazole and escitalopram. For anyone who is currently on this combination, it might be worth to get your liver checked.


It seems that a switch to lansoprazole would be a good idea as it only raises the escitalopram levels by 20% instead of omeprazoles 94%. 


@JackieDecides The rebound heart burn was difficult to deal with. The teas I have mentioned really helped with that. Also it was extremely important to stay away from any triggers. One piece of chocolate or a meal with tomato sauce would set me back weeks. You have got to know your triggers and completely avoid them for weeks to come. I am still careful with tomatoes and chocolate months after coming off of omeprazole.

1999-2001 Clomipramine (can't remember dosage)

2001-2003 Citalopram 10mg

2003-2017 Citalopram 20mg (tried various other SSRI and SNRI during this period but always came back to Citalopram after a month or two)

Late 2017 Citalopram Cold Turkey

June 2018- March 2021 Escitalopram 10mg + 80mg Propranolol

March 2021 Escitalopram Cold turkey 

April 2021 reinstated at 2.5mg and quit again after 3 days.

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  • 1 month later...



The gastrologist gave stomach omepraxole and ibutine ppi . He said to take for a month  does it need taper the ibutine and ppi ? Read about in This thread had pain in stomach from pmed and stressor. One said gall bladder Anybody have this with shiprexa after long term use

7years use of pmeds prexat shiprexa. 

He concurred that was the culprit 

Hope my stomach dont get ulcer from cortizol.

Hope  gets ok.





2011 protracted withdrawal symptoms from Effexor, managed to come off
2013-2015  risperidone consta 50 mg, started tapering from March 2015 to 1,66mg/day and from 02/2015 started seroxat 10mg/day

01/17 Seroxat 2,0mg,olanzapine 5mg,risperidone consta 25mg/every 15days

05/17 Seroxat 1mg,olanzapine 5mg,risp.consta 25mg/every 15days

06/17 Seroxat 2drops,olanzapine 5mg,liquid risperidone2mg

07/17 Seroxat 1 drop,olanzapine 5mg,Risperidone 0mg, 10/17 Seroxat 0mg,olanzapine,5mg,Risperidone 0mg, 12/17 Seroxat 1/2 drop, olanzapine 5mg,  04/18 Olanzapine 1,25mg, 04/18 xanax 0,5mg

24/06/2019 doc said to take 10mg olanzapine for 13days and down to 5mg
 been taking 10mg for 14 days, 5mg for 8 days  and  tapered to  3/4quart. 5mg  for 14 days, 1/2 for 14 days,

01/08/19 2,5mg

08/2021 5mg olanzapine

Supplements Omega 3, Turmeric, Bacopa monneri, Mucuna Pruriens

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  • 1 month later...

hello i ended up with pancreatitis due to too much alcohol and when i came out of hospital 4 days later they gave me Esomeprazole 20mg, i didnt take it and ended up back in hospital a week later with chest pain and stomach pain, they told me to take it, i took it for about 4 weeks and ate mostly raw veggies with pasta and fruit and porridge, no meat or dairy. since than..it took a good year for my stomach pain to disappear...now days when i get chest pain, stomach pain i have usually eaten too much fatty foods such chocolate, butter, avocado's, creamy pasta dishes.. if the pain is too unbearable and i am finding it hard to sleep and breath i take a 20mg tablet usually that is enough to fix it,  until it happens again...probably need to take 1 or 2 tablets every couple of months or so... i also notice when i make changes in my taper off zyprexa which sometimes  causes me to have chest pains i find it helps with that too....just looked at pkt i got the prescription 0n 2nd Jan 2020 and i have taken 21 tablets from the pkt, so i dont use them very often..and i just looked at the use by date and its out of date....since june 2021...!....

dont know if what i have written has been any use to anyone but just thought i might add it...just in case it does

Cipramil  40mg  1996 to Oct 2017 stopped cold turkey

Only on Zyprexa from now on :   10mg solid form 1998 to Oct 2017

7.5mg solid form  Oct 2017 to Oct 2019 5mg solid form  Oct 2019 to Apr 2020

3.75mg solid form Apr 2020 to May 2020 2.5mg solid form  May 2020 to Feb 2021 2.5mg solid 3/4 and 1/4 liquid w/ 5mls water 6th Feb 2021 to 2nd Apr 2021 2.5mg 1/2 solid and 1/2 liquid w/10mls water 3rd Apr to 26th Jun 2021

 2.5mg dissolved in 25mls of water from 27th Jun 2021 to 22nd Oct 2021 2.5mg 1/2 solid, 1/2 dissolved in 10mls of water from 23rd Oct 21 to 7th Feb 2022 water titrating from 7th Feb 2022 to 13 Aug 2022:  2.2425mg



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/22/2021 at 8:39 AM, SkydiverSZ said:



What really helped me coming off my PPI was drinking Dandelion root tea, yarrow tea and sometimes liquorice tea. Just be careful with the liquorice tea as that can cause other issues if you drink too much. Also try avoiding tomatoes, sugar, carbonated beverages, alcohol and spicy food for a couple of weeks. I still drink dandelion root tea daily to maintain a healthy stomach. From the research I have done I have learned that omeprazole increases Lexapro levels by 90 to 100%. So if you are taking 2.5mg Lexapro with omeprazole it is like taking 5mg Lexapro. So you might want to raise your Lexapro slightly to avoid more withdrawal symptoms. Please keep that in mind when tapering omeprazole.

Hope that helps.

 @SkydiverSZ Thank you so much for this helpful information! Have you seen anyone on this site with the experience of tapering off omeprazole while tapering off lexapro I could tag to ask for their experience? Also, how would I figure out how much to raise my lexapro by and how much to decrease my omeprazole? Thanks!

-2014: Lexapro/escitalopram 10 mg, 2015-2021: Lexapro/escitalopram 20 mg

-10/2020-3/2021: decreased 20 mg to 15 mg, 1 mg a month

-4/2021: decreased to 10 mg, held for 11 days, 4/2021: decreased to 5 mg, held for 8 days

-4/2021: 3-6 days cold turkey lexapro, withdrawal symptoms so reinstated 2.5 mg 

-omeprazole taper: 9/2021 cut 25%, 10/20/21 25% cut, 12/1/21 25%, 12/28/21 25% cut, (9/36 beads of 40 mg)

-11/2020 omeprazole 20 mg, 3/2021: omeprazole 40 mg,

-Nordic Naturals Ultimate omega 3 fish pill: 1280 mg

-montelukast: 10 mg dailyzyrtec: 10 mg daily 

-3/20/2021-7/25: mesalamine 1.2 GM, 3 times a day - dropped

-birth control: Trilinyah 2014- 2/1/2021 quit cold turkey middle of pack 

7/16/2021-8/1/2021 Quicksilver Liposomal multivitamin liquid: biotin, zinc, Vitamins A, C, D E, K, Niacin,, Thiomine, Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, B12, 7/16/2021- 8/25/2021 - boswelia complex (tumeric. ginger, celery) - 2 a day - dropped

7/16/2021 - probiophage probiotic - dropped 

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On 5/15/2021 at 6:40 PM, Altostrata said:

I don't know how tapering omeprazole will affect the escitalopram in your system. For your other questions, please read this topic from the beginning.

@AltostrataAccording to this journal article, (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4297217/), Escitalopram  (lexapro) concentrations were significantly higher in patients treated with omeprazole by 93 percent. For some reason these two specific drugs interact and so I'm afraid of how to lower it in a timely manner without it putting me back into deep withdrawals


"most pronounced effect was seen when omeprazole or esomeprazole was combined with escitalopram, causing an almost 2-fold increase in the escitalopram levels. Thus, when omeprazole or esomeprazole is combined with escitalopram, it should be considered to reduce the dose of escitalopram. In contrast, the effects of the other PPIs on escitalopram and of all PPIs on citalopram and sertraline were so small that they could be considered clinically insignificant."

-2014: Lexapro/escitalopram 10 mg, 2015-2021: Lexapro/escitalopram 20 mg

-10/2020-3/2021: decreased 20 mg to 15 mg, 1 mg a month

-4/2021: decreased to 10 mg, held for 11 days, 4/2021: decreased to 5 mg, held for 8 days

-4/2021: 3-6 days cold turkey lexapro, withdrawal symptoms so reinstated 2.5 mg 

-omeprazole taper: 9/2021 cut 25%, 10/20/21 25% cut, 12/1/21 25%, 12/28/21 25% cut, (9/36 beads of 40 mg)

-11/2020 omeprazole 20 mg, 3/2021: omeprazole 40 mg,

-Nordic Naturals Ultimate omega 3 fish pill: 1280 mg

-montelukast: 10 mg dailyzyrtec: 10 mg daily 

-3/20/2021-7/25: mesalamine 1.2 GM, 3 times a day - dropped

-birth control: Trilinyah 2014- 2/1/2021 quit cold turkey middle of pack 

7/16/2021-8/1/2021 Quicksilver Liposomal multivitamin liquid: biotin, zinc, Vitamins A, C, D E, K, Niacin,, Thiomine, Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, B12, 7/16/2021- 8/25/2021 - boswelia complex (tumeric. ginger, celery) - 2 a day - dropped

7/16/2021 - probiophage probiotic - dropped 

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  • Administrator

If you want to go off omeprazole, you will have to do it gradually and monitor the effects. If you feel you are getting withdrawal symptoms, it may make sense to increase escitalopram.


Please note you are taking only 2.5mg escitalopram. The liver enzymes involved in metabolized this tiny amount of escitalopram and whatever amount of omeprazole you're taking may be having no problems at all processing both drugs simultaneously. There may be no difference in escitalopram levels or effect when you go off omeprazole.


I doubt if any of the subjects in those studies were taking as low as 2.5mg escitalopram. They probably were taking 10mg, 20mg, or more.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Please keep this thread on-topic: Tapering off PPIs.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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On 5/22/2021 at 8:39 AM, SkydiverSZ said:



What really helped me coming off my PPI was drinking Dandelion root tea, yarrow tea and sometimes liquorice tea. Just be careful with the liquorice tea as that can cause other issues if you drink too much. Also try avoiding tomatoes, sugar, carbonated beverages, alcohol and spicy food for a couple of weeks. I still drink dandelion root tea daily to maintain a healthy stomach. From the research I have done I have learned that omeprazole increases Lexapro levels by 90 to 100%. So if you are taking 2.5mg Lexapro with omeprazole it is like taking 5mg Lexapro. So you might want to raise your Lexapro slightly to avoid more withdrawal symptoms. Please keep that in mind when tapering omeprazole.

Hope that helps.

Hi again @SkydiverSZ


I've been tapering off of omeprazole and trying to decipher if stress or the taper are causing my WD symptoms, like unfocused vision. Did you taper omeprazole specifically while on lexapro and did you have WD increase? Thanks!

-2014: Lexapro/escitalopram 10 mg, 2015-2021: Lexapro/escitalopram 20 mg

-10/2020-3/2021: decreased 20 mg to 15 mg, 1 mg a month

-4/2021: decreased to 10 mg, held for 11 days, 4/2021: decreased to 5 mg, held for 8 days

-4/2021: 3-6 days cold turkey lexapro, withdrawal symptoms so reinstated 2.5 mg 

-omeprazole taper: 9/2021 cut 25%, 10/20/21 25% cut, 12/1/21 25%, 12/28/21 25% cut, (9/36 beads of 40 mg)

-11/2020 omeprazole 20 mg, 3/2021: omeprazole 40 mg,

-Nordic Naturals Ultimate omega 3 fish pill: 1280 mg

-montelukast: 10 mg dailyzyrtec: 10 mg daily 

-3/20/2021-7/25: mesalamine 1.2 GM, 3 times a day - dropped

-birth control: Trilinyah 2014- 2/1/2021 quit cold turkey middle of pack 

7/16/2021-8/1/2021 Quicksilver Liposomal multivitamin liquid: biotin, zinc, Vitamins A, C, D E, K, Niacin,, Thiomine, Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, B12, 7/16/2021- 8/25/2021 - boswelia complex (tumeric. ginger, celery) - 2 a day - dropped

7/16/2021 - probiophage probiotic - dropped 

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has anyone had experience tapering off of specifically the PPI omeprazole while on the SSRI lexapro? I'm on 2.5 mg. I read lexapro can double in your system according to this journal article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4297217/


However, if I'm interpreting it right, I think people of older age have the issue of doubled levels of lexapro in their system from omeprazole and not so much younger ages. My brain is slow right now so if anyone can interpret the article more clearly that would be much appreciated! Has anyone had had personal experiences with increased lexapro WD symptoms as they wean off of omeprazole?I'm trying to decipher if my symptoms could be related to that or if its my stress. 


info from article: 

-Age was associated with a significant increase in the C/D ratios for all the 3 SSRIs. the age effect was shown to be relatively low in the age range 20–60 years, whereas it increased considerably in the higher age groups

-For citalopram and escitalopram, the C/D ratios were roughly doubled in patients aged 80 year, 

-patients elder than and younger than 65 years were compared, the mean concentration of citalopram was 2.0-fold higher in those elder than 65 years. The corresponding ratios were 1.8 for escitalopram and 1.3 for sertraline

-age affected the C/D ratios significantly for all the 3 SSRIs.

-2014: Lexapro/escitalopram 10 mg, 2015-2021: Lexapro/escitalopram 20 mg

-10/2020-3/2021: decreased 20 mg to 15 mg, 1 mg a month

-4/2021: decreased to 10 mg, held for 11 days, 4/2021: decreased to 5 mg, held for 8 days

-4/2021: 3-6 days cold turkey lexapro, withdrawal symptoms so reinstated 2.5 mg 

-omeprazole taper: 9/2021 cut 25%, 10/20/21 25% cut, 12/1/21 25%, 12/28/21 25% cut, (9/36 beads of 40 mg)

-11/2020 omeprazole 20 mg, 3/2021: omeprazole 40 mg,

-Nordic Naturals Ultimate omega 3 fish pill: 1280 mg

-montelukast: 10 mg dailyzyrtec: 10 mg daily 

-3/20/2021-7/25: mesalamine 1.2 GM, 3 times a day - dropped

-birth control: Trilinyah 2014- 2/1/2021 quit cold turkey middle of pack 

7/16/2021-8/1/2021 Quicksilver Liposomal multivitamin liquid: biotin, zinc, Vitamins A, C, D E, K, Niacin,, Thiomine, Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, B12, 7/16/2021- 8/25/2021 - boswelia complex (tumeric. ginger, celery) - 2 a day - dropped

7/16/2021 - probiophage probiotic - dropped 

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  • 5 months later...

I took omeprazole for 2 days in a row, if i stop does it need to taper,??  i started for precaution though i feel much better now but i guess the two days in arow changed my stomach chemistry   and im getting my stomach upset  does it need to taper,?

2011 protracted withdrawal symptoms from Effexor, managed to come off
2013-2015  risperidone consta 50 mg, started tapering from March 2015 to 1,66mg/day and from 02/2015 started seroxat 10mg/day

01/17 Seroxat 2,0mg,olanzapine 5mg,risperidone consta 25mg/every 15days

05/17 Seroxat 1mg,olanzapine 5mg,risp.consta 25mg/every 15days

06/17 Seroxat 2drops,olanzapine 5mg,liquid risperidone2mg

07/17 Seroxat 1 drop,olanzapine 5mg,Risperidone 0mg, 10/17 Seroxat 0mg,olanzapine,5mg,Risperidone 0mg, 12/17 Seroxat 1/2 drop, olanzapine 5mg,  04/18 Olanzapine 1,25mg, 04/18 xanax 0,5mg

24/06/2019 doc said to take 10mg olanzapine for 13days and down to 5mg
 been taking 10mg for 14 days, 5mg for 8 days  and  tapered to  3/4quart. 5mg  for 14 days, 1/2 for 14 days,

01/08/19 2,5mg

08/2021 5mg olanzapine

Supplements Omega 3, Turmeric, Bacopa monneri, Mucuna Pruriens

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  • 2 months later...
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I’ve been on and off 10-40mg of omeprazole since around March 2016. I didn’t know it at the time but anxiety and stress at school were giving me IBS symptoms. Every time I went off it the symptoms came back with a vengeance, nobody explained the rebound acidity these drugs cause.


I cold turkeyed around 20mg in July 2019 because I was sick of taking a pill every day. Cue intense stomach pains due to the rebound acid. I went back on it because I thought I would need it for life.


In April this year (2022) I successfully reduced from 40mg to 20mg by a gradual slide. I counted beads in around 5 capsules and took an average. I wanted to spread the 20mg drop over a month so divided the number of beads by 30. It worked out at a reduction of about 0.71mg/day. I didn’t notice any rebound this time. This is how I’m going to taper down to 10mg.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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On 7/15/2022 at 9:48 AM, Erimus said:

In April this year (2022) I successfully reduced from 40mg to 20mg by a gradual slide. I counted beads in around 5 capsules and took an average. I wanted to spread the 20mg drop over a month so divided the number of beads by 30. It worked out at a reduction of about 0.71mg/day. I didn’t notice any rebound this time.

thank you for posting this, it's very good info. 


I haven't tried to reduce my long time omeprozole use lately (years!) but I'd like to again. 


one problem is the most affordable omeprazole I've found is a tablet, not a capsule. but if it works it might be worth the money to be able to taper. 

Currently taking Ramapril (blood pressure) 5 mg twice a day

Omeprazole 10 mg AM and 20 mg PM  (the taper has gone nowhere after the first cut)

Famotidine   once a day (and I still needs tums sometimes)

magnesium 200 mg at night

as of yesterday 2 fish oil capsules "EPA-DHA 1000"


off Lexapro as of 5/2018  - last dose had been 5 mg every other day for a couple years


highest dose had been 20 mg at which point I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, which went away when I cut the lexapro down to 15 mg. 


I spent years on Paxil before Lexapro (can't remember dose), briefly on Effexor and Abilify and others I have forgotten. in fact, when I was diagnoses with BPII I was put on all kinds of things which made me feel so bad I stopped them cold turkey within maybe 3 or 4 weeks, thank goodness. since then I've known these pills were terrible and I weaned down the Lexapro with zero help or support over I'm not sure how many years. 


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2 hours ago, JackieDecides said:

thank you for posting this, it's very good info. 


I haven't tried to reduce my long time omeprozole use lately (years!) but I'd like to again. 


one problem is the most affordable omeprazole I've found is a tablet, not a capsule. but if it works it might be worth the money to be able to taper. 


To help reduce the cost you might be able to do a combination of a smaller sized tablet and capsule.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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5 hours ago, JackieDecides said:

I haven't tried to reduce my long time omeprozole use lately (years!) but I'd like to again. 


one problem is the most affordable omeprazole I've found is a tablet, not a capsule. but if it works it might be worth the money to be able to taper.

Hello @JackieDecides


Do you buy your omeprazole over the counter or is it a regular refill you get? In the UK you can get it OTC or on a repeat prescription. The 10 and 20mg capsules are relatively cheap here, both via prescription and online.


Its worth pointing out that in order to be successful in coming off you need to deal with the original reason for your reflux etc. If it’s caused by nervous system instability (due to withdrawal) it will be difficult to come off without problems until this regulates. A lot of people have reflux due to food sensitivities they are unaware of (gluten, lactose etc.), or low stomach acid. It can take a while to work out what the problem is.


Theres some good videos on YouTube by a man called Dr Berg about all this.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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These drugs (PPI’s) are only intended to be used for 6-8 weeks. They are very effective for short treatments to deal with acute symptoms. Sadly many people like you and I end up on them for years because medical doctors are uneducated on the underlying causes of gastric distress. They are meant as a temporary fix whilst you deal with the cause of your problem (poor diet, stress). Over time they actually make the initial problem much worse as they lower the acid levels in your stomach, creating a more alkaline environment. You end up with vitamin/mineral deficiencies and poor digestion, as well as worse problems.


Theres actually a test you can do to see if you have low stomach acid. It’s a baking soda test:


1. First thing on a morning on an empty stomach.

2. Mix about a teaspoon of baking soda glass of water and drink it. Start a stopwatch as soon as you do.


3. Time how long it is until you burp/belch. If you haven’t burped in 5 minutes you have likely have low acid levels.

This test isn’t the be all and end all. But if you’ve been on a PPI 10+ years it’s pretty likely you have low stomach acid regardless.


As I reduce my omeprazole I’ve been adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water into my diet.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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  • 1 month later...
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To follow up. I tapered my omeprazole dose from 20mg to 10mg in July using the same slide, as seen in my above post. It all went incredibly smoothly, except for a setback when I caught covid. I’m now on 10mg which is a hard tablet. When I want to come off it after the sertraline I’ll ask to be prescribed the 20mg capsules so I can precisely create the required doses with much more ease. 


None of this would have been possible without the sort of nervous system stability I currently have, which I haven’t had in around 16-18 months. The last 2 years have been a hell of a learning journey regarding prescribed medication, digestion, diet and gut health. It’s been horrible but I would never have found out that I needed to stop PPI’s without this injunction from psychiatric medication.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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  • 9 months later...

I have gastritis which was diagnosed in endoscopy, since many years. I am on and off PPI but my gastric pain had become unbearable last few months, I was put on esomeprazole 20 mg twice daily dosage which was further cut down to 20mg daily after 2 weeks, So I am now on 20mg daily I don't feel great but considering the side effects I now want to wean off these so my question is

If you have gastritis do you need to be on PPI for life? 

How much slippery elm should you take daily and how long does it take to show effect?

Thank You

From 2018 and current

escitalopram 10 mg twice daily, lamotrigine 25mg twice daily, effexor 75 mg twice daily, risperidone 0.75 mg at night and 0.5 mg in morning and clonazepam 0.25 night and 0.125 morning daily


November 2022

Tapered off 0.125 mg clonazepam morning dose


As of january 16 2023

escitalopram 10 mg twice daily, lamotrigine 25mg twice daily, effexor 75 mg twice daily, risperidone 0.75 mg at night and 0.5 mg ( currently tapering)in morning and clonazepam 0.25 night 


As of September 2023
escitalopram 10 mg twice daily, lamotrigine 25mg twice daily, effexor 75 mg twice daily, risperidone 0.75 mg at night and 0.25 mg in morning(cutrently tapering ) and clonazepam 0.25 night

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  • 1 month later...

For many years my father has had an awful cough after eating. 10 years ago he was diagnosed with esophageal erosion and was put on Omeprazole. The damage healed but he is still on the medication 10 years later. His cough has gotten much worse and it has been making him gag and choke. He's been to multiple specialists who haven't been able to figure out the issue and the prescribed a steroid inhaler and told him to increase the Omeprazole. He didn't want the inhaler and he decided to try getting off the Omeprazole. I told him how to taper it and he has been taking a few more beads out every few days. Just over a week later and the cough is gone and he can eat just fine. Turns out that the cough is a common side effect of Omeprazole. He also has insomnia which is also a common side effect of Omeprazole. None of the doctors he saw ever once suggested that the drug could be the problem. There just had to be something else wrong with his body. NOPE!!! It was the drug and he is feeling a lot better after 10 years of suffering with that awful cough. Needless to say he is pissed. So am I 😡 Here is the list of side effects of Omeprazole.




Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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  • Mentor
5 hours ago, FeralCatman said:

It was the drug


Most of the time it is unfortunately.  Sorry he went through all that, but I'm glad he's feeling better now.  

Disclaimer:  This is not professional medical advice but is based on personal experience only.

1994 - 2017:  Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Seroquel, Buspar, Lorazepam, Xanax, Ambien

2005-present:  Trazodone 50 mg 

2017:  Effexor XR 37.5 >> 75 mg 

2020 (March):  Began 10% monthly taper of Effexor XR (got down to 12 mg)

2021 (September):  Completely crashed.  Went back up to 37.5 mg but I kindled myself

2024 (Avg. bead count per capsule is 111):  1/1:  -6  |  2/1:  -11  |  3/1:  -16  |   4/1:  -18  |   5/1:  -21   |   6/1  -25 |   7/1  HOLD |   8/1  -29  |   9/7  -33

Reasons for starting psych meds:  PMDD/Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Other medications:  Levothyroxine 75 mcg

Supplements:  Dr. Berg's Electrolyte Powder on occasion   


Never give up  Holding On with Patience & Endurance

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I sent that information out to a few people and I have now heard back from two other people for whom the exact same thing happened to them and that is they had a bunch of problems while on the stomach Med that were getting worse. One of them is already off the medication and doing much better and the other one is going to start reducing their medication and I fully expect that they will get better as well. It's so crazy how we're being told that's how much of this stuff is so benign and it's not a lot of what we think is safe and useful is quite the opposite and any doctor that says the words safe and effective to me is the doctor I'm going to walk away from.

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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